Horse News

Urgent Call to Action – Call Senators Today to Save Our Wild Horses

on Wild Hoofbeats

The lives and freedom of America’s wild horses and burros are at stake this week on Capitol Hill. The Senate will consider the Fiscal Year 2020 Interior Appropriations Bill at a subcommittee hearing tomorrow, Tuesday September 24th and at a full committee hearing on Thursday, September 26th.

This is the last day for you to call these key Senators to oppose funding for the dangerous Cattlemen’s plan that will destroy America’s wild free-roaming herds.  If you do nothing else today, please pick up the phone now to contact the key Senators below. Tell them:

I am calling to ask the Senator to oppose funding in Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriations for the Cattlemen’s plan for America’s wild horses and burros. I do not want my tax dollars spent on cruel roundups that will result in the slaughter of our wild horses or on dangerous sterilization surgeries. Please do not give the BLM more money for their destruction of our wild horses. Thank you.

Senator Lisa Murkowski, (202) 224-6665 or (907) 271-3735
Senator Tom Udall, (202) 224-6621 or (505) 346-6791
Senator Susan Collins, (202) 224-2523 or (207) 780-3575
Senator Lindsay Graham, (202) 224-5972 or (803) 933-0112
Senator Marco Rubio, (202) 224-304, (305) 596-4224
Senator Patrick Leahy, (202) 224-4242 or (802) 863-2525
Senator Dianne Feinstein, (202) 224-3841 or (415) 393-0707
Senator Jeff Merkley, (202) 224-3753 or (503) 326-3386
Senator Chris VanHollen, (202) 224-4654 or (667) 212-4610
Senator Jack Reed, (202) 224-4642 or (401) 528-5200

6 replies »

  1. We need to hit the “pause” button hard, with all the chaos in DC this is no time to hurry through such lethal legislation, with so little justification and such high downsides. I’ve contacted those who represent me so they cannot claim ignorance nor earn my vote again should they fail us all here.

    Liked by 2 people

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