Horse News

House Committee Votes to Hand BLM $102,000,000 to Steal Freedom and Families from 20,000 Federally Protected Wild Horses, Annually

Well, they did it.

photo by Terry Fitch of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

The U.S. House Appropriations Committee approved the Fiscal Year 2021 Interior appropriations legislation doling out to  the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) $102 million for its wild horse and burro program; which the agency said that it intended to use the funding to cruelly round up as many as 20,000 protected, native, wild horses a year from their rightful range on public lands.  Gotta love it.

By passing the bill unamended, the committee ignored valid requests from key members, including U.S. House Natural Resources Chair Rep. Raul Grijalva, Public Lands Subcommittee Chair Deborah Haaland, and Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) of the Appropriations Committee, to require the BLM to implement humane fertility control as an alternative to the deadly and unsustainable helicopter roundups and to prohibit surgical sterilization of wild horses and burros.

The bill carries over the 27% budget increase Congress awarded the BLM wild horse and burro program last year after the sell-out of the Humane Society of the United States, the ASPCA, and Return to Freedom who jumped into bed and joined the cattle industry in lobbying for a mass, bloody wild horse roundup plan. Although the groups sold the plan as a humane fertility control program that did not include brutal surgical sterilization methods, they failed to support efforts by Congressman Grijalva and others to require the BLM to fund humane, reversible fertility control programs or prohibit surgical sterilization.

The bill allegedly continues to ban the BLM and Forest Service from sending America’s wild horses and burros directly to slaughter but shipping records from border crossings to both Mexico and Canada indicate that neither of the two agency’s hands are clean when it comes to who, how and when our icons go to slaughter for human consumption abroad.

The bill now heads to the full House for a vote.

The Senate version of the bill is still pending while career politicians continue to whittle away at the freedom and families of our last, few, remaining wild horses and burros.

15 replies »

  1. A pox on any legislator that would permit this. The House estimates itself to have so little power that it will abide by this travesty. I am deeply ashamed of this country.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. These horses, burros have been roaming free in our American Continent for more than 400 years, even before cattle was also roaming free. We cannot allow this to happen.

    Liked by 2 people

    • More than 40,000 years, truthfully. I just wrote my Senator (again) to try to stop this pointless carnage. These horses belong to “we, the people” not the BLM or any private for-profit interests. They are part and parcel of OUR public lands, and our national heritage. I can’t think of a better emblem of our country self-destructing than targeting innocent wild horses and burros.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Devastatingly traumatic for all of us who signed and begged to try and curb or stop this from ever happening. My heart is bleeding for this beautiful horses who have no idea what trauma and heinous treatment awaits them all for bloody cattlemen and their stock as for those who eat their flesh shame on you too. You cause this ever increasing market. Cut your meat consumption to a couple times per week to slow this down or go vegetarian meals to learn how to be more healthy.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. This country was built on these animals backs! Its disgraceful how theyre being treated. These are our icons ! Why does the Govt. feel it necessary to wipe out our wildlife?its all about money! Stop wiping out our wildlife and trees or our planet will be gone too! Wild horse Annie is def. rolling in her grave!😡

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This is so disgusting. What a corrupt bunch of betrayers of the naturally living horses and burros and the noble intent of the WFHBA!

    Liked by 2 people

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