Siezed horses making strides in recovery

By Lynette George BONHAM, TX — The future looks much brighter for horses rescued earlier this month from a Fannin County pasture. Now, their rescuers are asking for the public’s help in healing and adopting the animals. After receiving a call about the welfare of the horses, investigators […]

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Last Day to Save Cloud’s Herd

New BLM Toll Free Hotline (866) 468-7826 Please act now to stop this unnecessary and cruel round up— the BLM still plans to move forward on September 1st The Bureau of Land Management is rounding up and eliminating 12 herds (650 horses) off 1.4 million acres in Nevada […]

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The One Dollar Horse

by Jerry Finch (August 25, 2009)  I’ve spent the last few days going over some very old articles that I wrote long ago. It’s simply sad to realize that nothing has changed, that all the words, the arguments, the bills submitted in Congress and the massive letter writing […]

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Doomed to be pregnant

by Christine Church Mary Anna is a Standardbred race horse. She won her owner a lot of money, so when she broke her leg, it was fixed and her life was saved. Now, she gets to spend the rest of her life pregnant! But Mary Anna is one […]

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Wild Horses as Native North American Wildlife

By Jay F. Kirkpatrick, Ph.D. and Patricia M. Fazio, Ph.D. Are wild horses truly “wild,” as an indigenous species in North America, or are they “feral” weeds – barnyard escapees, far removed genetically from their prehistoric ancestors? The question at hand is, therefore, whether or not modern horses, […]

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