Tag: Cattle

Targeted Grazing Scam

By George Wuerthner as published on The Wildlife News The Idaho BLM is implementing what is sometimes called “targeted grazing” with livestock in an effort to reduce large wildfires. The theory is that if livestock graze enough of the “fuel”, then large wildfires like the 600,000 Murphy Complex […]

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Public Records Sought on EPA, Beef Lobby Collusion to Weaken Water Protections

Press Release from: Biological Diversity.org Livestock operations have polluted 35,000 miles of U.S. rivers and contaminated groundwater in 17 states. Each year American beef production creates 489 billion pounds of manure. WASHINGTON— The Center for Biological Diversity submitted a Freedom of Information Act request today seeking communications between […]

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BLM backs down to cattle activists

While the BLM cites the drought in the West to remove wild horses and burros from public lands PERMANENTLY, the BLM doesn’t enforce drought-related grazing restrictions in northern Nevada when cattle ranchers flagrantly defy the grazing restrictions.  – Debbie SOURCE:  Elko Daily Free Press BLM Allows Grazing on […]

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