Tag: Lack of Ethics

“Summit of the Horse” a Misnomer

As it turns out, the attendance at the “Summit of the Horse” now going on at a Las Vegas casino, is, as one commentator described, “sparse” with merely dozens of people present instead of the hundreds expected by organizer Wy. State Rep. Sue Wallis.

Wallis had hoped to use the “Summit” as a platform to call for the return of commercial horse slaughter to the U.S. which would, in turn, aid her in her personal plans to operate a horse slaughter facility in Wyoming.

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Wallis’ Wyoming Horse Slaughter Plant Plans Turn Flaky

Chicago (EWA) – In an interview on January 1st with the Wyoming Tribune Eagle, horse slaughter promoter Sue Wallis announced yet another change in plans for her proposed Wyoming horse slaughter plant. The plant will not use facilities in Cheyenne. It also won’t sell horsemeat for human consumption, it won’t be designed by Temple Grandin and won’t open this year as previously announced.

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Sue Wallis and Dave Duquette Show Their Butts at the Rose Bowl Parade

“Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis and Dave “Doink” Duquette pull out all stops in an effort to prove that they truly are the most uninformed, uneducated and unethical individuals that live within the borders of this great land. With Wallis under investigation for fraud and ethics violations she and Duquette have launched an 11th hour attack upon, of all things, a Rose Bowl Parade Float. It just doesn’t get any better than this.

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