Tag: Pennsylvania

Blind Horse Found Riddled With Paintballs

Source:  Sky News The horse was struck over 100 times, authorities say. Pic: Lancaster SPCA The horse was struck about 130 times and is in a “substantial amount of pain when touched”, animal welfare officials say. By Sky News US Team Authorities in Pennsylvania have asked for the […]

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No Jail for Pennsylvania Woman Accused of Selling Rescue Horses to Slaughter

HARRISBURG – A Chester County woman accused of selling thoroughbreds for slaughter after promising to put them up for adoption will avoid prison by agreeing to enter a first-offender program.

Kelsey Lefever, 24, of Honeybrook, abruptly waived her preliminary hearing on four counts of theft by deception Tuesday in a Dauphin County district court. Prosecutors withdrew a fifth charge, that she had engaged in deceptive business practices.

“We agreed under certain conditions that she enter the first-time offenders program,” said Francis Chardo, Dauphin C

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Congress Considering Ending Horse Slaughter Once And For All

U.S. Rep. Patrick Meehan (R., Pa.) on Thursday urged his colleagues in the House and Senate to pass legislation to halt horse slaughter after reading a report in The Inquirer that Kelsey Lefever of Honeybrook was allegedly selling animals for slaughter in Canada under false pretenses.

“This is a tragic example of why we need federal law to prohibit the transportation and sale of horses for slaughter in the first place,” said Meehan, one of 150 cosponsors of anti-slaughter legislation in the House. “Horses are not raised for human consumption, and their slaughter for sale overseas is a cruel and inhumane practice that is not consistent with our values here in Pennsylvania.

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