Tag: The Cloud Foundation

The Cloud Foundation Takes Action with Herd-Watch: Public Eyes for Public Horses

Colorado Springs, CO (April 30, 2010)—Today the Cloud Foundation launches Herd-Watch, an innovative volunteer program to monitor wild horse and burro herds as well as roundups across the West. The iconic horses and burros are currently being managed to virtual extinction, contrary to the. From this day on, Herd-Watch will: watchdog America’s wild horses and burros, provide increased public visibility, monitor the range conditions and the mustang, burro and livestock numbers as well as keep tabs on the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) plans for “management” of each treasured American Herd.

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Public Alarm Grows as BLM Castrates Captured Mustangs Behind Closed Doors

Reno, NV (April 23, 2010)—Unexpected castrating of captured male mustangs, four years old and younger, by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) started behind closed doors on Friday, April 16th in the Fallon holding pens of Nevada. Many depressed horses with swollen scrotums have been observed. The public understood that the castration of the Calico wild horses would not occur until the In Defense of Animals court case was heard in May as there is a possibility of returning the wild horses to their protected public rangelands.

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Wild Horses, Young Adults and Fresh Hope for the Future

During “March for Mustangs” in D.C., March 25th there were many, many things that awed and inspired me. From the sheer number of people who attended to the diverse cross section of American society represented during the rally. But perhaps the most subtle and most unexpected surprise was the participation and enthusiasm of the young people. They were there and they were very outspoken and obvious; years before their time.

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Government Contractor Paid Almost $700 K – 113 Wild Horses Dead and No Investigation of Calico Capture

HOUSTON, (Horseback) – A Nephi, Utah, government contractor was paid $697,359 for a Nevada roundup of wild horses in the Calico Mountains. The roundup was held against the advice of federal judge Paul Friedman of Washington D.C. who wrote that holding wild horses in large privately owned facilities is likely against federal law.

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Star-Studded Wild Horse Documentary Screens in DC

Washington, DC (March 10, 2010)—International award-winning filmmaker, James Kleinert, screens his latest star-studded film, Disappointment Valley … A Modern Day Western, featuring Sheryl Crow, Viggo Mortensen and Darryl Hannah, on Wednesday, March 24 in Washington DC. Kleinert’s documentary examines the politics behind the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) controversial policies on public lands while questioning the fate of America’s wild horses and burros.

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Cloud while captured by the BLM - Photo by Terry Fitch

March for Mustangs

The Bureau of Land Management’s cruel and costly mismanagement is destroying a vital piece of the American west. The American public is sanding up for our horses and burros- please join us in a March for Mustangs, rally and protest.

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