Tag: The Cloud Foundation

Wild Horse War Call Heard in NYC Today

As in times a century and a half ago the people defending their land, their families, their way of life planned for months; knew they were outnumbered yet also knew that they were right. The land that they defended belonged to all people along with the wild animals on it, but a huge and out of control government claimed it for its own and nothing could stand in its way as it swept to the west consuming all and killing many as it’s illogical and inhumane policies destroyed not only the land but the animals and people who lived in harmony upon it. Our Native Americans never properly recovered and now the very same government that destroyed a nation of people is ensuring that even the last vestige of their wild American horse shall be no more.

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Mare Shot at Contested BLM Wild Horse Stampede

New York, NY (October 15, 2010)—A New York Federal District Court Judge will consider a request on October 20 to stop the federal government’s roundup and removal of Colorado’s North Piceance wild horse herd. Second-string contractors, hired by the BLM, already have killed one mare who attempted to escape with her baby. They roped her, choked her down, kicked her and then dragged her into the trailer. Yesterday the mare was shot. An application for a Temporary Restraining Order/Preliminary Injunction was filed yesterday by the plaintiffs, Habitat for Horses, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), The Cloud Foundation, Toni and Don Moore, DVM in order to stop the roundup. This legal action is co-funded by Habitat for Horses Advisory Council and the ASPCA.

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BLM Loses Bid to Stampede Wild Horse Law Suit Out of New York

HOUSTON (SFTHH) – The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) attempt to strong arm a Federal judge into moving a wild horse related law suit out of the New York Court system, prior to a hearing, has failed. In a detailed letter submitted to the Honorable Judge William Pauley on October 12th, the BLM struggled to support a case for “change of venue” to move a suit filed by Habitat for Horses (HfH), the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) and The Cloud Foundation (TCF) to a more BLM friendly court in either Colorado or Washington D.C.. Today, a Temporary Restraining Order was filed by the case’s plaintiffs against the BLM in the United States District Court, Southern District of New York and a hearing has been ordered in the same venue for October 20th. The BLM will be forced to defend it’s illegal wild horse roundups in New York City.

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ASPCA Files Suit Against Illegal Wild Horse Roundup

NEW YORK—The ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) has filed suit in United States District Court, Southern District of New York, against U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar to challenge the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) illegal roundup of the Piceance-North Douglas Herd, one of America’s federally protected wild horse herds. Along with equine protection groups, Habitat for Horses and the Cloud Foundation, the ASPCA and co-funding Habitat for Horses Advisory Council is seeking an immediate injunction against the planned removal of the entire wild horse herd in Colo. on October 11.

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Group Lawsuit Filed to Stop Destruction of Colorado Mustang Herd

New York City, NY (October 7, 2010)— A case filed today against Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar in federal court aims to stop the elimination of wild horses from Colorado’s North Piceance herd area. Plaintiffs Habitat for Horses (HfH), the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), The Cloud Foundation (TCF), Toni Moore and Dr. Don Moore challenge the BLM’s ongoing illegal treatment of wild horses residing on public lands and it’s intention to completely remove all wild horses from this area beginning October 11, 2010.

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Part II: For the Love of Wild Horses

We had been waiting for quite some time. The BLM guards told us that the helicopter was bringing in another family band of Pryor Mt. wild horses but the clock continued to click. High up atop the observation bluff we equine advocates sat down and crouched behind a feeble jute fence, as ordered, in an alleged effort to “hide” ourselves from any approaching wild horses that would be some 200 yards away.

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Don’t Fence Cloud’s Herd In!

The Custer National Forest awarded a contract on August 6, 2010. It calls for the building of new, bigger, stronger, longer fence to prevent the Pryor Wild Horse Herd from grazing on their mid-summer through fall pastures atop their mountain home. The first question I am always asked is “Why?” To answer honestly, I am not sure what is pushing this kind of expensive and unwanted project. But, to even try to answer the question requires a bit of a history lesson.

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