Tag: The Cloud Foundation

Video: Celebrating with Cloud on his 16th Birthday

May 29th was a blustery day on the Pryor Mountains as we bounced up Tillett Ridge Road in a gale force wind blowing out of the north. Icy rain fell in intermittent sheets—the polar opposite of the weather on the day of Cloud’s birth.

Sixteen years ago the sun was shining. It was warm. Light clouds floated overhead. I set up my camera and was filming a brash, young stallion who was flirting with his father’s newly acquired filly when I spotted a flash of white moving through the trees and panned the camera. A pale colt tottered out of the forest beside his palomino mother. The rest of his family followed—Smokey and Mahogany, his sisters; Diamond, his yearling brother; and the other mares, Isabella the pale buckskin, and Grumpy Grulla. Pulling up the rear was Cloud’s stunning father, the unforgettable Raven. The foal struggled to keep up with his mother on their trek uphill to snow drifts under the canopy of Douglas firs.

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Congressman Honors Cloud

WASHINGTON (May 30, 2011) – Congressman Raul Grijalva, D-AZ, submitted a Resolution in the U. S. House of Representatives recognizing the birthday of the Pryor Mountain wild stallion, Cloud—for his role in enhancing the appreciation of all wild horses and burros in the American West.

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Happy Birthday Cloud, For What It’s Worth

On behalf of all self-actualized and compassionate human beings I would like to extend to you a most heartfelt congratulations, this day, on the advent of your sixteenth year of accompanying us on this voyage across time and space upon the spaceship we call Earth.

Sixteen years ago a wonderful cinematographer and her friend witnessed you entering this world. At that time you probably had no idea of the mantle of responsibility and notoriety that you would bear upon your withers and soul. As a young palomino, born wild amongst some of the most wondrous grandeur known on earth, you didn’t have a clue as to your destiny or the part you would play in the trivial game of human ego, greed and cruelty. And if I had my way, you still would not know.

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Ambassador of American Wild Horses Honored In Congress

Mr. GRIJALVA: “Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the wild horse stallion known as Cloud, born May 29, 1995 in the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range of Montana.
This majestic stallion has become the most famous wild horse in the world, and serves as the ambassador and emblem of wild horses and burros living free and protected on public lands.
No other wild horse in United States history has had his life story known and shared throughout the world.

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Video Report Shows Obama’s BLM Abuse Wild Horses in Short Term Holding

WASHINGTON (April 8, 2011)—The Cloud Foundation received a written report and video documentation from Lisa Friday after her tour last month of BLM’s Butterfield Short Term Wild Horse and Burro Holding Facility, outside Salt Lake City. Friday was shocked to find wild horses living in unhealthy conditions that would that raise concerns and charges of abuse if they were observed in private facilities.

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Stop Obama’s Wild Horse Harvesting Machine: aka the BLM

Many wild horse advocates made their opinions perfectly clear, in person, to the Bureau of Land Management’s Advisory Board, during their mid-March meeting, on the issue of the BLM’s “new direction” in how the agency will mismanage the remaining few wild horses and burros that remain on their federally protected public land. Now, for those of you who could not attend, you have the opportunity to speak your mind.

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Wild Horse Groups Win Another Round and Vow to Preserve Targeted West Douglas Herd

HOUSTON (HfHAC) – The Bureau of Land Management has officially withdrawn its 2011 plans to decimate the West Douglas Wild Horse herd, a small, isolated herd of wild horses in northwestern Colorado. Plaintiffs in two lawsuits challenging the BLM’s long-held efforts are claiming a victory, but are concerned BLM will issue another decision to eliminate the herd in the future. Therefore, plaintiffs have vowed to continue their work in the courts and through public campaigns to prevent BLM’s long-held plans to destroy this herd.

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Humane Groups Urge Feds to Save Tax Dollars and Postpone Massive Wild Horse Roundup

Washington, DC (January 11, 2011) . . . As Congress grapples with federal budget shortages, a group of prominent environmental, horse advocacy and humane organizations has joined forces to urge the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to postpone a large-scale wild horse roundup scheduled to begin next week in the Antelope Complex, a 1.3 million acre public lands area in northeastern Nevada.

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