Tag: The Cloud Foundation

Wild Horses in the Pryor Mountains, MT - (Photo by Terry Fitch)

Wild Horse Debate Gallops On

By William M. Welch, USA TODAY LOS ANGELES — The Obama administration’s first try at resolving the debate over the wild horses of the West has not gone over well with some. Animal rights groups say that Interior Secretary Ken Salazar‘s proposal to relocate thousands of mustangs to […]

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What is the BLM Hiding?

by Steven Long, editor of Horseback Magazine Contractor Denies Horseback Request for Access to BLM Gather HOUSTON, (HORSEBACK) – Horseback Magazine requested access an upcoming Wyoming BLM roundup, even offering a signed release by our observer and photographer if they were permitted to watch the operation up close […]

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Cloud: Challenge of the Stallions- Wild Horses on PBS last Night

Cloud: Challenge of the Stallions is the next chapter in the exciting life of the charismatic stallion, Cloud, and the wild horses of the spectacular Arrowhead Mountains of Montana. This new adventure captures the twists and turns of a complex family drama; a tale of two stallions, Cloud and Shaman, who raise each other’s sons: Flint and Bolder. When the loveable colts mature into adult challengers, they battle the very stallions who raised them. Five years in the making, this unpredictable tale is both epic and intimate, tragic and joyful. Cloud fights to win new mares, surprising foals are born, lethal predators prowl, and a government bait trapping operation endangers Cloud’s family. Ginger Kathrens again captures the dynamic, complex, and beautiful world of wild horses.

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