Tag: Wolf

Demand an End to the War on Wolves

Source: The Center of Biological Diversity “Here at SFTHH our main concerns lie with the future safety and welfare of Equines be they domestic or wild but with that said, our love for all creatures great and small is not diminished by our hooved focus.  So many times […]

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Emergency: Take Action to Save Our Wolves

Source: Center for Biological Diversity Wolves and other wildlife are crucial to America’s natural heritage This is it. Trump has declared a nationwide war on wolves. His administration has rolled out plans to strip Endangered Species Act protection from nearly every wolf in the lower 48. We know […]

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Assault Rifle Slaughter of Alaskan Denali Wolves

By Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility “Alaska’s predator control program is clearly out of control,” Washington, DC, April 3, 2018 — The State of Alaska is scrambling to shut down hunting and trapping adjacent to Denali National Park over concerns that excessive kills may destabilize this iconic wolf […]

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Wildlife Disservice

Story by the Humane Society “The USDA Wildlife Services’ inefficient and inhumane wildlife damage management program…” Wildlife Services, a program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, has waged war on our nation’s wildlife for more than a century. From 2004 to 2013 (the most recent year for which […]

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Sen. Cardin Introduces Bill to Strip Wolf Protections, Undermine Endangered Species Act

“We at Wild Horse Freedom Federation and at Straight from the Horses Heart cherish all that is wild, free and living life as God intended WITHOUT the destructive influences instituted by egotistical human beings. Be it wild horses & burros or natural predators, Mother Nature has always been and could continue to be the best steward of wildlife without the interjection of man’s wants and whims. Everything worked just fine until humans became involved in attempting to control and twist the environment to suit his/her narrow needs.

With that said, we will share, discuss and disseminate information on other wild species, besides our equines, that come under the threat of man’s eternal quest for physical gain while ignoring the roots of our spiritual tie to nature. Predators are essential to the natural balance of nature and health of the environment so to remove them skews prey animal numbers and even affects botanical diversity and topographical structure.

In essence, if it ain’t broke, don’t attempt to fix it. Nature is best left alone to nature and our mission should be to preserve, observe and enjoy…an easy fix. Perhaps, too easy” ~ R.T.

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