Horse News

Federal Horse Rustlers & the Agenda 21 Hustle

by Debbie Coffey as it appears in the PPJ Gazette

All Ain’t What it Appears to Be

Grown men wearing hats in the house, AGAIN!

To begin with, the National Association of Conservation Districts (the “mother” of all Conservation Districts) is partnering in a way that promotes IUCN and ICLEI USA, thus pushing Agenda 21, the UN’s action plan that will do away with your private property rights and Constitutional rights.

The Bureau of Land Management’s Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board meeting (April 2012), was the first meeting including Sec. of Interior Ken Salazar’s new appointee, Callie Hendrickson. Hendrickson has served as an Executive Board member of the National Association of Conservation Districts, and works for the White River and Douglas Creek Conservation District in Colorado.

Several other representatives from state Associations of Conservation Districts were also at this meeting.

They looked like real Americans in their cowboy hats, but the influence they peddled was Agenda 21. Agenda 21 was disguised behind their words about rangeland health and pushing for the removal of, and for the unlimited sale (slaughter) of wild horses.

They were in Reno gambling with your Constitutional rights

The National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD)
Mr. Chris Freeman was at this meeting representing the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD). NACD is actively partnering with the Forest Service, which is a member of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). On the IUCN website, it states: “IUCN links its Mission to the paramount goals of the international community on environment and sustainable development, in particular Agenda 21…
The objective of Agenda 21 is “communally and collectively owned and managed land.”

Neil Brennan and Gary Moyer, who work with Callie Hendrickson, were at the meeting representing the White River Conservation District in Colorado and pushing for the removal of wild horses. Gary Moyer is also listed as the Colorado Association of Conservation Districts’ representative to the NACD.

NACD publishes a newsletter “Forestry Notes,” funded by the Forest Service that contains stories supporting things like the Sustainable Urban Forestry Coalition, whose membership includes The Nature Conservancy and the International City/County Management Association.  I’m all for more trees in cities, but let’s take a closer look at this.

The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy (TNC), is also a member of IUCN and participates in and promotes many UN programs, which ALL promote Agenda 21. TNC is a “non-profit” that pulled in over $925 million in just one year (2010 tax form). Their contractors include Tetra Tech, the huge environmental company that prepares Resource Management Plans and Environmental Assessments for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The public is led to believe that The Nature Conservancy buys land with private money and sets up nature reserves to help the environment.

But Tom DeWeese describes the reality: “The Nature Conservancy buys private land from owners (usually at drastically reduced, land-grab prices) who think it will remain in private hands and then sells it to the government! In fact, TNC has sold more than 9 million acres to the government at a nice profit.
The Nature Conservancy frequently uses phony front companies to get land” and it purchased “most of the islands off the coast of Virginia, containing 40,000 acres and sixty miles of coastline. In doing so, The Nature Conservancy was able to stop all private development and control the use of the land, damaging the tax base, killing thousands of jobs, and severely curbing the locals from hunting, fishing, camping and joy riding on the islands.
Don’t think the purpose was to preserve these beautiful, pristine islands for nature. The Nature Conservancy did bar others from developing the land, but not itself. Far from it, at a huge profit, the Conservancy developed upscale homes for the rich.”
Lee Pitts wrote in Agri-News: “TNC is involved in oil production and receives oil royalties.” “It hides behind phony corporations; serves as a shill for government agencies; and works behind the scenes with more visible environmental groups to intimidate property owners into selling. Its power, wealth, and control is almost beyond comprehension.”
Range Magazine published an article about The Nature Conservancy in 2003, and pointed out that TNC was “capable of manipulating governments, including that of the United States, endowed with assets amounting to nearly $3 billon…It would be directly in control of some 90 million acres worldwide, with more than 12 million acres…in the United States.”

The International City/County Management Association

The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) partners with and works “in concert” with ICLEI. It is also called Local Governments for Sustainability and was established at the U.N.  It’s an international association of local governments pushing U.N.’s Agenda 21 (also called Local 21) into many U.S. local governments.  ICLEI will put more power and control in the hands of regional, non-elected boards. (Not city, county or state government, where you have a voice and a vote.) This is based on Regionalism.

ICMA is partnering with ICLEI and the Dept. of Energy to promote solar technologies. (You’d think that if the BLM were concerned with rangeland health, that they’d be concerned with the billions of gallons of water solar energy will use.)

The Dept. of Energy, along with the EPA and State Department, actually FUND ICLEI USA with your tax dollars.

The Forest Service also seems to be marching in lockstep to support ICLEI USA.

Was the deck stacked in Reno?

At the Reno meeting, Hugh Sanburg of the Colorado Farm Bureau commended Sec. Salazar for his appointment of Callie Hendrickson, and stated that Colorado Farm Bureau supported her. Is the Colorado Farm Bureau going to support IUCN, ICLEI and Agenda 21?

John Falen of the Public Lands Council was also at the Reno meeting. This Council claims to “promote the great American tradition of freedom,” but yet John Falen (along with Callie Hendrickson) participates in pro horse slaughter Summit of the Horse events, organized by United Horsemen and International Equine Business Association, which are “partnering” with RFID companies that are “partnering” with international RFID companies that comply with international law.

Everell Hayes, a longtime BLM employee, was representing the Public Lands Foundation at the Reno meeting. The Public Land Foundation’s members include past and present employees of the Bureau of Land Management, and its President is Henri Bisson, who was the BLM’s Deputy Director of Operations.

NACD (National Association of Conservation Districts) encourages their state associations to sign Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with the BLM, and even has a sample on their website. They agree to promote mutual interests. It seemed like a stacked deck at this meeting for not only an agenda to remove and slaughter wild horses, but to deal in Agenda 21.

At NACD’s national meeting in Las Vegas a couple of months ago, members of state Conservation Districts took a wild horse tour with Southern Nevada Conservation District. (Clark County, along with the cities of Las Vegas and Henderson, are members of ICLEI.)

Cow Hugging/Horse Hating Callie Hendrickson

Callie Hendrickson gave a presentation on wild horses before the tour, using BLM’s “fuzzy math” estimates (“guess-timates”) about the number of wild horses on the range.

Hendrickson’s presentation also included a photo marked    (the website for Cattoor Livestock Roundup, Inc.), a photo with S. Cattoor on it, as well as old photos from 1996, 1997, and 2002. It doesn’t seem like Hendrickson’s presentation informed people about other “uses” in the areas of the photos (either on those old dates or presently) that use a lot of water from aquifers and drop the water table. Her presentation didn’t seem to include the water drawdown maps from any projects (other “uses”) near the places where those photos were taken. The other uses of water effect water (and forage) not only for wild horses, but for livestock and wildlife.

Prior to her BLM Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board appointment, Hendrickson pushed for “sale without limitation” of older wild horses and wild horses not adopted after 3 attempts (most go to slaughter).

At the Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board meeting, there was talk of the merging of plans between the BLM & USDA’s Forest Service with “paired decision records and implementation” and cooperating agency agreements. There was the irony that while the BLM claims concern about rangeland health and drought, it would suddenly change procedure, “extending the shelf life” of Environmental Assessments (EAs), to only prepare one every 10 years instead of the usual 1-4 years. This not only gives the BLM a blank check to roundup as many wild horses as they want in that 10 year period, it also gives the BLM even less accountability to the public.

Some things at the Reno meeting almost went unnoticed. Like a brief mention of Vortex. The Vortex Population Viability Analysis Package is software that BLM plans to use for the wild horses in our country. Vortex is only distributed by the IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group or the Chicago Zoological Society, and has “participation at several IUCN components… Dr. Bob Lacy is a world-renown researcher who leads numerous international conservation initiatives, including the chairmanship of the CBSG (Conservation Breeding Specialists’ Group) of IUCN.”

The wild horses are the canary in the coal mine.

As the wild horses are being removed from your sight, it is also the end of the trail for your private property rights, Constitutional rights, your voice in government, and real cowboys – what you are seeing in their stead is the implementation of Agenda 21 and international law.

About ICLEI:
Is your city a member of ICLEI?

What a horse slaughter plant could do to your town:
What is behind the push for horse slaughter?
More about the Forest Service and Agenda 21:
The Quiet Coup: The Implementation of Agenda 21″

“Agenda 21 on Steroids”

“The USDA’s Incestuous Relationship with the Rural Council and the United Nations”

“Is the United Nations Stealing Control of our Water (and Republic) Right Out From Under Us?
“The USDA Closing Roads to Public Lands While Opening Doors to the United Nations”

“UN, Monsanto, Mining, Oil & Gas Companies Directing BLM Plans for our Public Lands”

The Nature Conservancy:


14 replies »

  1. This is a lot to digest. I am appalled at the general information that I got from a fast read. I must go back and read again to really understand all of what is happening.

    Thank you for publishing this article, I had no idea of some of the things that go on.


  2. WOW ! This sounds like communism to me. I knew TNC turned over land to the government but I didn’t know how powerful it is. All of these other organizations are just a front too to destroy democracy(or has that been just a myth?).


  3. It was so easy to see their agenda, what their words were actually saying, they want to solve what they now so outwardly speak of as a problem, all those Mustangs in LTH & STH, slaughter them.
    Why is it they ignored the man (with the baseball cap) that said the range is fine, he is physically there and it is fine and yet they claim because of their hidden agenda, the range, the range it is suffering and the Mustangs , more need to be removed……….A dark cloud over all of them because none of us will stand by and let them do what out of one side of their mouth they claim and then the vapor of what they actually want out of the other side of their mouth. God Help the Mustangs.


  4. Bless them father for they know not what they do. I have to pray for them because I can’t get my hands around their necks. Are these people really human or a life form from some other galaxy? Is there that much greed and corruption that our federal government can’t or won’t deal with it? Or do they look the other way or worse…embrace it?

    God bless the Mustangs and God HELP us!


    • Dear Steve Stapp, I could not have said it any better then you did.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was the assembly of EVIL !!!!!!!!!!


  5. What are we going to do? We are losing our way of life and our freedoms. The government is doing nothing but making us drones. Is there no one to help us? Is there nothing we can do? It is so sad to see our American way life be swept under the carpet so fast. My daughter will never know the freedoms we knew in the past. Shameful!!


  6. It is a masterplan to renew the earth and sustain the resources left for the global selected elite to enjoy. It is literally a culling of all life that is not native to the areas, hence, the wild horses being brought by spain are considered feral so they are removing them . Trust and believe the ranchers in all their pompous blow hard arrogance are only being used to blame the horse issues on because they will be removing their cattle next and the rights to growing our own food is already in place they will be seizing crops as well in fact they already are doing that in some parts of the country. This is a massive attack on all of humanity and animals who have been deemed undesirable by the globalists justified by the fact that the planet is in decline, and resources must be rejuvinated in order to save humanity from extinction. Those selected will live, others selected will serve, while others will slave. But most will be eliminated through induced natural disaster DEC 2012 . The stragglers will be rounded up and imprisoned just like horses. We had our chances to listen to the freedom fighters who were trying to warn us for years but we have been so dumbed down we have called these people crazy and conspiracy idiots. I hate to say or believe it but it is what it is. I always say nah, this stuff wont happen in my time or my kids time. But here it is up front and very frightening. May God be with us.


    • Edie, I am afraid you may be right. All of us old folks will be done away with first along with others in poor health. It will be genocide like Hitler tried but sooner or later the elite will die too since their greedy ways have destroyed the Earth. I fear for my tiny granddaughters and all the innocent children and animals. God bless the Beast and children.


  7. The best weapon is and has always been the TRUTH, so keeping putting it out there…over, and over and over. It ain’t over ’til “you know who sings”.


  8. This is our government doing this and we pay their salaries. We do not want the Wild Horses to leave their wild places on earth they must remain strong and free. Agenda 21 is wrong and riddled with corruption. All of us have to stand strong against this wrongdoing. They are a bunch of pompous heartless creatures not even human.


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