Horse News

NM Citizen Speaks Out: ‘Horse Slaughter is Slap in the Face to Human Spirituality’

Letter to the editor of The Taos News by Albuquerque resident Karen Borch

“Here at SFTHH we are not condoning nor are we speaking to any individual faith or religion but instead we stand in total alignment with the author of this “letter to the editor” regarding the brutality, cruelty and disgrace that horse slaughter brings forward to the human race.  We should be good stewards to all that live on this planet, including ourselves; instead we have allowed a perverted, sadistic, sub-human cult to perpetuate and make progress in butchering those living beings who cannot protect themselves from such dark madness.  It is truly time to shine the light on the poisoned slime and drive it back into the dark and dank crevices from whence it crawled.  The “Pro-Slaughter” deviants are an embarrassment to our species and an insult to humanity…so much so that if I were a higher life form swinging by in my spaceship to visit this planet I would be so disgusted with humans I would either leave in disbelief at light speed or nuke the murdering, two legged vermin.  Personally, I am often embarrassed to be a homo-sapien.” ~ R.T.

“It is an awesome failure of good people to stay silent on this issue!”

Regarding the controversy over a horse slaughter plant opening in New Mexico, people are missing the point. There is no such thing as humane horse slaughter. Pro horse slaughter people are dead wrong. Their disgraceful misinformation and absurd falsehoods are effective and designed to mislead.

According to veterinarian, Dr. Lester Friedlander, former USDA slaughter inspector, it is an indisputable fact, there is no such thing as humane horse slaughter. The public has been duped into believing this outrageous lie, because it promotes acceptance.

Seventy-five percent of New Mexicans claim they belong to a religious community, over half of them identify with being Catholic. It’s not contrary for people of faith to reconcile and accept extreme brutality and unspeakable violence against one of God’s most magnificent creatures, instead of looking upon the horse with awe and wonder?

People of faith need to speak up, because silence is consent. God never said, I give you dominion over my animals and you can do whatever you want to them with impunity, including the most excruciatingly painful and terror filled end to their lives.

It is not written in any faith doctrines that we have the God given right to inflict such pain and suffering on any living creature, let alone, the horse. This dishonors us as human beings and it dishonors God.

There is a spark of the Divine in every living creature on this earth and there is no justification whatsoever for this most deliberate and hideous cruelty. Compassion and mercy for God’s creatures has not gone out of style. It still defines us as human beings.

I challenge anyone to go on the Internet and watch horses being slaughtered on youtube videos. It is so shocking and obscene that the human spirit can be emotionally damaged by even watching the videos. Indeed, many people recoil in horror and cannot even bear to watch such deliberate and despicable butchery take place.

For the record, captive bolt stunning was never meant to kill the horse, only render it unconscious, because they want them alive so when they are hung up and their throats are slit, their own hearts pumps out their blood unto the kill floor. They are often conscious and aware of not only bleeding out, but being disemboweled, and skinned alive.

Captive bolts are horrendously and agonizingly painful and ineffective for horses. It takes a long time for a horse to die. (They have twice the amount of blood as a cow). Any veterinarian who states otherwise has been bought and paid for by the horse slaughter industry villains.

We were not put on this earth to exploit living beings in such a sadistic way just to make a buck. There is no honor in that. This is just another example of greedy and depraved individuals who think they have the right to inflict such horrific pain on a noble creature just because they can.

It is an awesome failure of good people to stay silent on this issue. The most effective thing New Mexicans can do to stop this appalling industry, is to call the governor’s office and politely ask her to stop it by executive order. Horse slaughter in our state will tarnish our reputation and be another black eye for New Mexico. Instead of the land of enchantment, we will be known as the killing fields of New Mexico.

Powerful and highly effective ways to deal with horse overpopulation from horses dumped here by other states, must be established. Many are already in place; stiff fines for dumping and over-breeding, responsible horse ownership by ID chips like dogs and cats have, on all horses, fees required for every horse in every race for an end-of-life care fund for horses, gelding programs, aggressive use of the inexpensive contraceptive PZP, (which is not allowed in New Mexico for some reason), euthanasia and rendering funding programs, food and veterinary funding programs, really effective adoption programs, wild horse therapy horse training programs by prison inmates like they have in Canon City, Colo., to name a few, instead of continuing to blame the Indians and poor people for overpopulation.

If we still believe there is something sacred and holy regarding stewardship of God’s animals then we must speak out with our fierce conviction against a reprehensible industry that maligns, disparages, and ridicules that belief. If not, we have lost all common decency.

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27 replies »

  1. The person is SO Right..”Instead of the land of enchantment, we will be known as the killing fields of New Mexico.” The Horse Slaughtering and the Preamble ( Wild Horse “Round ups” PAID for by the Dept. of the INTERIOR & YOUR TAX $ ) are unbelievably INHUMANE, Cruel, Barbaric and Totally NOT Needed! Darn RIGHT I will call the Governor!! Gah!


  2. Bravo !!!!! These are all things every advocate has known since the onset !!!!!!!!!!!!It is without a doubt the most horrible death any animal can experience , when I watch the videos I was completely horrified i even got sick and spent much of the day in the bathroom heaving, my absolutely innocent beauties are subjected to this !!!!???? It defied any commonsense , i believe anyone that could ever do that was a total mutant of any emotion, I sat there and watched in sheer disappointment in anyone that would be a participant in such a horror !!!!!, when over I could barely stand and make it to the bathroom , the horses I have always loved and respected were terrorized unnecessary horror inflicted on the beauties I love I thought I will do everything I can to stop this disgusting piece of garbage ………..It changed my life forever !!! The images are in my mind and I will never be rid of that sight !!!! These awesome innocent beauties are to be Honored and respected by all, My God we must stop this horror !!!!!!!


  3. As I was born an unwanted cast away child with no religious influence, I do however have a “spirit” which is another name for soul.
    My spirit connects and is a part of every other living being-entity that breathes the same air we exchange including those spirits reading this.

    As such the magnificent horse brothers any or re a part of my spirit and when they perish in any agony and pain, a piece of my spirit dies with them. When a new horse brother is born, my spirit is renewed in love.

    To kill to survive and consume is allowed if only done with honor and out of life saving need.

    Horse Slaughter is a sin (spirit death) as it is neither done to save a life nor with the Great Spirit’s blessing.

    To sit and die slowly watching and feeling my horse brothers murders will kill me if I do not fight and paint war stripes across my face.


  4. Point blanke, horse slaughter is abuse. and the operation of a horse slaughter plant? that’s abusive to the community’s financial and environmental well being.. but also those who are pushing it are being politically abusive.. it’s not just the horses.. though they are who we are fighting for in the long run.. I read up about Dallas Crown in Kaufman, Texas and my god… My life was changed for ever when i came into interaction with them 13 years ago.. and it hurts my heart that the very same animals that changed my life for the better are being treated in such a manner.. even the mustangs on the range.. I did a little vlog for a college assignment It was a little of a chance for an educated rant.. whether i spewed off information that no one knows though, is unknown.. the professor wanted us to make our stance, educate and well.. no topic was banned so it allowed me to go a little into politics.. whether I went deep enough I dunno..


  5. “Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it.”
    ― Mark Twain
    Wouldn’t it be great if an article as insightful as this one could be picked up by the wire services? The education of the masses is extremely important. Here in Florida we have laws that prohibit the slaughtering of horses. The general population is aware of the issue simply because every so many weeks there’s a news report of a horse’s remains being found. But in general across the country I doubt a large percentage are even aware of horse slaughter because it’s not against the law in most states.
    We as activist need to get video footage from organizations like Animal Angels who investigate the cruelties and get a Lisa Myers (NBC investigative reporter) or others to air reports of the abuses. If we could just get a picture in front of their faces the national outrage would be deafening.
    Well done Karen


    • Agree’d Steve..those video’s from Animals Angels is horrifying!!…….
      I can’t watch… it’s just too much…My heart and Mind cannot deal with the” inhumane” slaughter of our” horses” in this country…..


  6. I completely agree with your statement about watching horses being slaughtered on You Tube. If everyone saw what really happens, they would change their view on horse slaughter. Ive seen horrifying videos that will haunt me forever. I dont understand why man is so cruel and evil. I always thought that adrenaline made any meat tough. Horses are no exception. From the moment they are dumped at auction till the moment they are brutally killed. Their body is coursing with adrenaline. This horrible act needs to end!!


  7. Horse slaughter needs to be banned. Anyone with any sense of logic, compassion, ethics, and morality can see that. The fact that it takes so much effort to state the obvious is what has become over-whelmingly frustrating. This is definitely a power struggle of the wills and ways and not so much about right from wrong. It is well known that Americans do not embrace the horsemeat culture and instead choose to hold horses in a higher regard than as simply food. We do, however, need to bring more attention to the masses because as we post here, we are simply preaching to the choir. We must get some support to release and display our message on a grand scale and then the rest will take care of itself.


  8. We are kindred spirits, all of us. Most humans participate in predatory activities as consumers because of the secrecy necessary to conduct this sadism. Exposure to the God awful truth of slaughter will liberate us to make better choices and eliminate the demand that drives this “industry” of which horse slaughter is a continuation.


  9. No to horse slaughter now or ever I will not be going to Oklahoma or New Mexico ever again and I used to love going there!


  10. After seeing bits of the documentary, Earthlings, I just can’t watch anything such as horse slaughter. But we will not give up on NM, or any other state that has applied for a horse slaughter license.

    In addition, a major letter writing campaign is needed to the BLM by June 10, in order to object to their rounding up our Wyoming wild horses

    Also continued efforts have to be made for the Sheldon Wildlife Refuge wild horses in NW Nevada. All advocates have their work cut out and many thanks to RT!


  11. Beautifully written from the heart. Thank you, Karen.

    From my spiritual study this week, here are some ideas applicable to our battle, written by Mary Baker Eddy:

    “Whatever holds human thought in line with unselfed love, receives directly the divine power.”

    “Evil thoughts and aims reach no farther and do no more harm than one’s belief permits. Evil thoughts, lusts, and malicious purposes cannot go forth, like wandering pollen, from one human mind to another, finding unsuspected lodgment, if virtue and truth build a strong defence.”

    “At all times and under all circumstances, overcome evil with good.”

    “The devotion of thought to an honest achievement makes the achievement possible.”

    “[J]ustice waits, and is used to waiting; and right wins the everlasting victory.”


  12. Keep proving that BLM is slaughtering our wild horses. Keep digging for the evidence. Horse slaughter is about killing healthy animals and our wild captives are in the cross hairs now big time.
    Get out and help us or support the investigations. Help. Do more.


  13. “Powerful and highly effective ways to deal with horse overpopulation from horses dumped here by other states, must be established. Many are already in place; stiff fines for dumping and over-breeding, responsible horse ownership by ID chips like dogs and cats have, on all horses, fees required for every horse in every race for an end-of-life care fund for horses, gelding programs, aggressive use of the inexpensive contraceptive PZP, (which is not allowed in New Mexico for some reason), euthanasia and rendering funding programs, food and veterinary funding programs, really effective adoption programs, wild horse therapy horse training programs by prison inmates like they have in Canon City, Colo., to name a few, instead of continuing to blame the Indians and poor people for overpopulation.”

    Keep working and making organized projects that work and show people there is another way to go! Thanks for your words, Karen Borch.


  14. Thank you for sharing Karen Borchs letter and I will share it with everyone I know. Education is the key to change, it may take awhile but just don’t give up. ” The greatness of a nation and it’s moral progress can be judged by the way it’s animals are treated.” Thank you, ~ Barbara


  15. I have always thought this as well. How can people who claim to be religious take part in or turn a blind eye to such disgusting practices? Hell is right here on earth; so many terrible things have been perpetrated against living things on this plantet by humans, including each other, it’s hard to believe hell could be worse.


  16. Reblogged this on ephemeral spirit and commented:
    Why do we not care anymore? Why does anyone let this happen? Do we all not see that this is not the making of our own hand? By our very negligence this is happening! We have become a drugged society, too tired to do anything but stare at a television to numb the pain! Unite against evil!


  17. Dear R.T.,
    PLEASE, can you send this letter/post, straight to President Obama, &, to any/all, other high up government officials?? An act of kindness, or an act of horror, have no language or religious barriers. Everyone understands & responds, regardless of culture, religious affiliation, or not, color, economic standing. Horror is horror, same as kindness is kindness. Anyone with any bit of heart, emotion, feelings, self worth, morals, or conscience, knows without a doubt this is just wrong, & needs to STOP! What are we teaching our children? Those who really don’t care, those who are devoid of life & humanity, those who apparently have no brains & no love in their life, just shouldn’t be, & THEY need to gone from this planet! Everyone needs to, & must, speak out, & up, as loud as humanly possible!


  18. I think this is amazing. I don’t consider myself to be a spiritual person, but I don’t think that really matters in instances like this. I certainly do feel that anyone who can do this is NOT an example of whatever religion they claim to follow. How can a person without a moral compass claim to be a person of faith? Well, they can CLAIM it, but they do not feel it.


  19. Dear R.T., (and Karen), profound and heartbreaking. Thank you for your voices. I’m angry and frustrated that many, including Dr. Friedlander, John Holland, yourself and others (who have been in the trenches) are speaking out against this atrocity yet they are being ignored. What do we have to do to get the politicians, Vilsack, Obama…. to listen since they are the one who can immediately stop Roswell and the other plants? I’m a very spiritual person and this issue is certainly testing my faith.


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