Horse News

Mariana Tosca, Viggo Mortensen and Kevin Nealon join the unified call for an immediate moratorium on wild horse and burro round-ups

Without a single dissenting vote, the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act was passed by Congress guaranteeing these animals protection from “capture, branding, harassment and death.” – Mariana Tosca

Viggo Mortensen - famous for roles in Lord of the Rings, Hidalgo and Appaloosa

CHICAGO, (EWA) – Acclaimed Actors Mariana Tosca, Christmas in the Clouds, Viggo Mortensen, Lord of the Rings, Appaloosa and Hidalgo and Kevin Nealon, Weeds have added their voice to a growing 150 organizations and dignitaries from America, Canada, the United Kingdom and South Africa asking President Obama and Secretary Salazar to halt the round-ups of America’s wild horses and burros.

The assault on America’s wild horses and burros must be halted until range studies can be performed and a solid plan is established for the management of these magnificent animals that represent our American heritage.

Actor and Social Activist, Mariana Tosca, joined the unified call with the following statement issued to John Holland, President of the Equine Welfare Alliance.

“With virtually no oversight, the BLM’s maneuvers are methodically cleansing the land of these animals who have become an inconvenience and impediment to the goals of the ranching, gas and oil industries.

Mariana Tosca - Actress and equine welfare advocate

It is the action of arrogance and the lowest instincts of man to place greed above the rights of others and to shape policy to fit private agendas. Millions of head of cattle are grazing on public ranges – public ranges that were designated for these wild horses and burros on land that belongs to American taxpayers, not to private entities.

These horses are connected to this land; their ancestors roamed unfettered on it over a million years ago. They represent the basic principal that our nation was founded on: FREEDOM. These animals are the physical embodiment of all that we as people and as a nation aspire to… liberty and self-determination. And at some level that resonates with each and every one of us. With every BLM round up that is allowed to happen, our heritage is under siege.”

Viggo Mortensen adds, “Thanks to all who have contacted their government representatives on behalf of mustangs, those unique animals that are living symbols of the nation’s heritage and character. Your efforts have paid off, prompting Congress to strengthen the protections afforded to wild horses and burros in the United States of America [with the passage of HR 1018].

Mariana Tosca continues, “We have to stop eroding the law that ensures their protection, simply to cater to and placate private entities. America faces a very real risk that the wild horse will go the way of the buffalo, wiped out by a zealous hunt to make room for commercial interests.

Kevin Nealon - Star of Weeds

Since the BLM is a government agency, with perceived mismanagement and conflict of interest issues, the public has a right to call for an independent audit of the horses in BLM managed short and long term holding facilities, as well as an independent count of the horses remaining on the ranges. The management of our remaining wild horses should be moved to another agency.”

A lawsuit was filed by IDA (In Defense of Animals) on November 23 aimed at halting the removal of over 2,700 horses in the Nevada Calico Complex which is scheduled to start on December 1.

Additional information on the unified call for a moratorium is available on the Equine Welfare Alliance and The Cloud Foundation websites.

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9 replies »

  1. Thanks for this. We have to establish our legal stance as the citizens of this country and have that reflected in a strong influence upon our government. We have have seen such lawlessness from BLM for so long as we continued to explain, uncover and show what was/is happening to our wild horses and burros. Now is the horses turn to win and their burro cousins, too. mar


  2. HERE! HERE! Thank you Marianna, Viggo and Kevin! I am SO incredibly happy that people like you are stepping up and adding your voices to ours! We pray President Obama will finally hear us. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! -Kathy


  3. What Kathleen S said! THANK YOU Marianna, Viggo and Kevin, thank you so much for speaking up.

    These innocents must be spoken for. If no one speaks for them, what species will be next? Or worse, what category of humans will be next to be exterminated?

    To our great disgrace, America allowed the extermination of the buffalo, the wolves. We also perpetrated many of the same horrifically evil deeds that are being done today to the wild horses in that disgusting era when we were trying to “contain” the Native Americans – rounding them up and driving them to “reservations” – sick!

    It’s horrific to think that this country continues to let this travesty of the annihilation of our wild horses continue on. It must stop now. And it’s going to with the spreading of the message of the ugly truth – thank you again, M, V and K! Bless you and hope you will please bring your friends to this cause as well.


  4. “capture, branding, harassment and death.” That’s exactly what’s happening to them. Run to injury or death with helicopters, branding on the neck, scared, jailed, abused, and ultimately sold to an uncertain future for pennies on the pound. The BLM should stand for MANAGEMENT not genocide. They are robbing us of our heritage and a treasure beyond telling. Even Cloud and his band wasn’t safe from their grasp. The BLM proving once again that money talks and BS walks in the halls of today’s government.


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