Horse News

Judge Rules Against BLM in FOIA Case

from Advocates for the West

Tide is Turning Against BLM Corruption

BLM removing native wild horses in favor of private cows ~ Photo by Terry Fitch

On September 13, 2010, the District Court of Idaho granted Advocates for the West a victory in an important case under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and ordered the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to disclose to the public basic information on its grazing program – including the names of livestock permittees authorized to grazing the public lands.

For the past 10 years or so, BLM has repeatedly refused to disclose the names of ranchers it allows to graze private livestock on your public lands across the west.  BLM claimed that disclosing this basic information would cause an unwarranted invasion of privacy – even though these ranchers are operating on your public lands.  And without this information, the public was unable to determine who grazed public lands, on which allotments, and with how many livestock.

In 2009, Advocates sued the BLM, claiming that it was violating FOIA by withholding this information, and Advocates argued that the public interest in BLM’s grazing program outweighed any normal privacy interests.  On September 13, 2010, the District Court of Idaho agreed, and held that there was “substantial public interest in understanding the scope of the grazing and rangeland program, particularly in light of the environmental impacts associated with grazing and the amount of tax dollars spent on the grazing program itself.” This case is an important victory limiting BLM’s ability to hide information from the public.

Advocates‘ Senior Staff Attorney Todd C. Tucci handled this case representing WildEarth Guardians and Western Watersheds Project.  We would like to thank everyone involved in this case and Mark Salvo of WildEarth Guardians in particular for all his tireless work on this case.

Read the Judge’s Order Here.

18 replies »

  1. Seems to me the ranchers are the pawns of Ronald Mcdonald so even if their names are available it’s the big corporation that is sucking up all the beef. Our mountain tops are being served by big coal, but it’s the utility companies insidious appetite for it that forces government to look the other way with their wealth and power. The Gulf oil spill, and every other environmental calamity is caused by corporate greed. We need to get big business out of our government, before nothing is left of this place.


  2. This is very important progress. I know WWP has joined wild equine advocates on issues, but not sure of the other two plaintiffs. Anyone know?


    • WildEarth Guardians has in the past made press releases supporting advocates who were trying to stop roundups – specifically I think this was the Cloud/Pryor Mt roundup of 9/09. Their point is that it is NOT the horses destroying the range, it is the CATTLE.


      • Thanks….I know there are some earth and wildlife “friendly” organizations out there that despise wild equines (which I thought, Center for Biological Diversity is one). Thought Adovates for the West was CBD’s legal branch.

        But hey, who cares when any organization wins a battle against the wild equine killers!


      • WEG is a strong opponent of public lands ranching. I have it on good authority that they sent their comments to BLM for the Strategy document recommending retiring grazing permits to benefit wild horses, burros AND all wildlife that are being marginalized by the voracious cattle appetite for our public lands. WEG has done some FABULOUS research on the health of the range and everything on it. Just like WWatersheds.

        It is DEFINITELY the Sierra Club that HATES wild horses and has taken vociferous positions against them many times. Also those trophy hunters Safari Club International. I would love to see Center for Biological Diversity’s formal position on wild horses, have not seen that one and always thought they were more or less focused on opposing livestock grazing instead of the wild horses. Please share a link if you have one to their position.

        I wish I could remember the other incident where WEG publicly supported removing cattle for the purpose of stopping action against wild horses. I’m pretty sure it had to do with Pryor Mt HMA….


  3. Many thanks to WildEarth Guardians, Western Watersheds Project, Mr. Tucci, and Mr. Salvo. This shows a major flaw in the FOIA, in that obtaining specific information on individuals is pretty much forbidden because of privacy issues. Hopefully this ruling will end that practice, at least as it pertains to grazing allotments on public lands supposedly held “in trust” for the American people. Now if we could only get complete and accurate info on WH&B issues through the FOIA. There has to be a way.


  4. One small step forward. Public lands–public information. Public horses–public concern for their habitat and safety.
    The Cause2 site is running a number of petitions concerning BLM/horses to slaughter/etc. There are 3 parts to it–vote/sign petition/leave a comment. IDA had 8 petitions concerning BLM ! I don’t know what really happens to these petitions– but I sign them all and leave a comment. Some say “Your message will be sent to Pres. Obama.” Maybe ……… but he hasn’t done anything yet. I hope his children enjoyed reading “The Red Pony” this summer.


  5. WoW!!! Thank you!!! A victory, how much this means to me!

    There is still hope, REAL hope!!!

    Thanks to everyone for all your hard work and dedication!


  6. Good … one small step but a good one.
    In reading other recent posts, I am “hearing” frustration and couldn’t agree with you more … but we can’t face ourselves in the mirror in the morning if we just give up. Many people have been fighting this battle for many years … “wild horse Annie” for one, dedicated a lot of her life for these animals and I look to her for strength regarding her great personal battle [read about her] … and her battle with what became personal for her … the wild horses/burros … and she is an inspiration for me. Her dedication to what was “right” far outweighs my little contribution … but in her honor, I must continue to fight in any way I can for what I know is right. Thank you ALL who do the same.


  7. Grandma Gregg, did you get the most recent book on Wild Horse Annie–the one written by David Cruise and Allison Griffiths? She sure did overcome the greatest of odds and challenges. You can’t help but feel her spirit here–WHAT COURAGE!
    I think one of her greatest strengths was her outstanding secretarial skills. She was a crackerjack secretary in the days when they held up the paper to see if an error had been erased–cause for at least a reprimand. She had the ability to keep records and keep them organized. The suffering she endured as a child she turned into compassion and tenacity. When she died, she was still trying to find a way to bring together a complete and cohesive organization to protect and advocate for our American Mustangs and our Wild Burros. She was the first president of the
    International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros.


  8. thank god finally something is going in favor of our national heritage and western icon,the wild mustangs and burros.enough is chapter.until all american horses are safe from slaughter,neglect and abuse.


  9. please add debbie smith from CA to your photographers list she is an awesome equine photographer and deserves alot of credit.she will be in nevada representing our rescue group to try and save the captive palomino valley wild mustangs.lets give credit where credit is due. lets be more openminded in regards to real equine rescuers that are 501c3 federal non profit rescues that are actually doing something to save these captive nevada mustangs. i loathe favoritism.debbie smith is wonderful.


  10. Grandma Gregg, did you read the most recent book about Wild Horse Annie–the one written by David Cruise and Allison Griffiths? She had such COURAGE! One of her skills that made her so successful was her ability as a secretary. She was a top notch secretary in the days when paper was held up to the light to look for any mistakes that had been erased–cause for at least a reprimand. She knew how to keep records and she knew how to organize . She had turned her childhood suffering into compassion and tenacity. When she died, she was still trying to forge all of the factions into one cohesive, united front. Does it seem that you can feel her spirit here?


    • I cannot put into words the courage that I feel from my knowledge of Wild Horse Annie and others who knew/know the difference between right and wrong and are willing to say/do whatever they can for the wild ones and for Annie’s memory. I just bought the book you refer to but lent it to a friend before even reading it … but will read it soon and then will be sharing it with others who “give a damn” … or need to. Today we feel strongly about our wild ones and rightfullly so … but can you imagine the gigantic wall that Annie was fighting against? Annie’s COURAGE is what life is all about. As I have expressed to my grandchildren … Life revolves around YOU but it is not ALL ABOUT YOU. Do whatever you can to make the world beter. As always, pass the word to those who NEED to know.


  11. to Grandma G Just go to today’s installment– the fight is alive and well! I think we are all exhausted from writing/calling/posting/locating/getting thru the labyrinth of sites that don’t want to hear from us ! and the frustration of never hearing back from the President . Mixed with a great deal of worry and sadness and horror as we watch herds decimated, and babies injured, and hired help sweeping it under the rug. And hoping for a positive story, something to cheer about– a step in the Right direction.Just needing a little space, a time to reenergize — (I went out and hugged my 35 year old horse– and he slobbered on my shirt.) Life is good. Now back to the cause………..


  12. To Kathleen: thanks for documenting the PVC abuse; did you say your rescue will be represented by a Ms. debbie Smith? if so; could you please post any pictures or videos to this forum or to me personally; I know you have my email; thanks to u and Debbie; ps the lil HoneyBandit foal is better


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