Horse News

New Mexico Wild Horses Need Public Support

(The News As We See It) ~ by  R.T. Fitch, Director of HfH Advisory Council

Letters of Support Needed ASAP

James Kleinert ~ Director of "Disappointment Valley" ~ Photo by Terry Fitch

While the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) sends mixed signals over the state of New Mexico’s attempt to establish a state run Wild Horse sanctuary Governor Bill Richardson stands firm in his conviction that the wild horses need proper protection.

“I love horses and I always have, any westerner does; it’s such a part of our culture.” States Governor Richardson during an interview with film director James Kleinert.  “The wild horse is synonymous with Hispanic history, with Native American History, with our Cowboy Culture.  They are free and roaming and I just want them to be protected, I just want them to get a little help, a little safety and help.”

James Kleinert, Director and Producer of the film “Disappointment Valley – A Modern Day Western”, and Ginger Kathrens, Emmy award winner of the “Cloud” Nature series, have teamed up to support the Governor by hand delivering, on wild horse back, 1,000 letters of appreciation to the Governor in November.

You can help, today, by sending Governor Bill Richardson a letter of appreciation/support either via email at or by snail mail to:

The New Mexico Board of Finance, 12 Black Canyon Road, Santa Fe, NM 87508

The Board of Finance and the Governor need to hear from your letters of support, immediately, if this break away from the BLM for the wild horses is ever to occur.

Please send your letters, today.

22 replies »

  1. The Governor should be commended for his actions, it seems that he is going to fight the status quo. I will be sending a letter to show my support. Thank you all who are fighting for the lives of these animals.


  2. Everybody here commends Governor Mr. Bill Richardson for what he is doing, I feel this man has not only the conviction, but also the strength to carry out his plan , for the Wild Mustangs , he is committed to them , already he has withstood the opposition, hes a fighter like us ……………………….He will not give it up !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone who understands what HORRORS are that Plaguing the Wild Mustang needlessly , there is only one thing you can do and that is fight for them, with all ammunition you have, he has power and will do what he says !!!!


    • Arlene, your comment was so well written. With your permission I would like to print it to add to the Gov’s stack of letters. I know you’ve already sent one.

      And you are exactly right, he does have chutzpah!


  3. What an opportunity. A different level of government takes on management of wild horses and they can put into effect truly humane guidelines for how the horses are to be handled. I certainly hope the Governor gets some legislation in his state saying that they intend never to have the BLM participate in management or policies for their wild horses and that they intend to be a pilot program to demonstrate that wild horses can be managed with truly humane practices. It may take more man power to handle wild horses humanely when they need to be handled, but I think we know where to find volunteers to to help with this. Bravo. I am sending my letter and email.


  4. So glad that we have Gov. Richardson on our side. :- ) We horse lovers are a hearty bunch and will persevere; Thanks to people like You Mr. Richardson. God bless you !!!


  5. I’m so amazed by Gov. Richarson I am seriously thinking of moving to New Mexico (except I’m torn about how far away from the ocean it is!).

    I will send my letter today.

    However, he makes one error “I love horses and I always have, any westerner does;”

    Any westerner does? He is being much too genereous as the BLM wild horse and burro department is made up of westerners and those cattle ranchers and wild horse roundup people too. Oh, they ‘say’ they love horses and are doing what is best for them – they need to read M. Scott Peck what evil people do (not what they say) – its on Wikipedia.

    As Mar said – Keep BLM out of it!


    • Billie Sue, thank you for your post.

      Please go to this link and send your ‘thank you’ by e-mail (or write it and mail it to the postal address).

      Your ‘thank you’ will then be delivered on horseback to Governor Richardson. Tell all your friends and family to do the same if they like:

      OR mail:

      The New Mexico Board of Finance, 12 Black Canyon Road, Santa Fe, NM 87508


  6. Dear Elizabeth, sure you can use what i said !!!! Yes i have already written to him also……………………… But we cannot tell him enough Thank Yous !!!!!!!I feel that Governor Richardson, will do everything he can to implement his plan, he is a gutsy fighter, glad hes on the team for the Wild Mustang………………. He is setting the Pace for the Mustangs God Bless Him………………..


  7. Dear Governor Richardson,

    Thank you for caring. Thank you for making a stand. Don’t let corrupt BLM get a hold of you or your plans. Fight for OUR horses to be free. Under the guise of careing the BLM is destroying all they can and taking the freedom away of the horses we love so much.
    Lisa Korell


  8. I can see what its going to take to save our Mustangs , sheer guts , and lots of determination,we all have it here !!!!! And we are not afraid to use it……… As far as the courts , we need to keep it simple look for the obvious , I just know there is a powerful loophole here !!!! And I have no doubt one of us will find it soon………………….LOOK OUT ITS RIGHT IN PLAIN SITE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>..


  9. I sent Richardson a note yesterday asking him to please stand strong against BLM. I thanked him again for what he’s done & is still trying to do & told him that we the people will back him. Pray hard people. We will win this fight standing togather.


  10. I am very proud of NM’s Gov. Richardson for standing up for what’s right for the wild horses. He has a lot of pressure against him, and so far he hasn’t backed down. As a native of NM now living in NYC, I will write him a letter of support, and I will encourage all of my fellow advocates to do the same. The lack of progress in regard to this matter over several years of effort is astounding. The NM project is something that CAN happen. It’s hard to keep the momentum going, but we must. We just must! If I, a staunch conservative can write a devoted liberal governer a love letter, so can you! 🙂


  11. With as much land that is available in this country, you would think that we as a country (and as a so-called “advanced society”) would be able to find a way for the wild horses and burros in this country to live free and impeded from man’s profit and land desires. You would think that our lawmakers could figure out a more humane way to help these creatures rather than to continue to destroy them. I am appalled at the BLM for such unconscionable treatment of these magnificent creatures. I read each and everyday of injuries to the horses because of the inhumane round up practices. Each and every day I read that a mare was killed for protecting her foal, another was choked to death, why, why, why?

    These animals should not be treated so inhumanely. They are responding (quite naturally) to the cruelty that is being inflicted upon them by humans and it should not be so. The culture and attitude of the BLM is to run them into the ground, corral them, and cause horrible injuries to these poor creatures? Again I say, why, why, why! Simply because private interests who want to profit from using the land, or find them to be a nuisance, or are allowed to be sold only to be held for months at a time, not as a family unit, but as prisoners in small pens, only to be shipped off to a horrible death either to Canada or Mexico. or as a PMU mare to create drugs to prevent menopause? This cruelty is heinous at the most highest level.

    I have long admired people and officials who go outside of their “comfort zone” to fight for what is right and just. From all I have read from the folks on the front line of this battle, I believe that you, Gov. Richardson, will be the one that will teach all other officials that this is animal cruelty, not animal management. I believe with your level of celebrity and connections, you will be the “voice of the horse” and put a stop this cruelty. Please help stop this horrible practice of round-ups, holding horses in small pens for indefinite time frames, and especially allowing our national treasures to be sold and butchered for meat.

    They are born free and should live free, forever and always! They are part of the natural resources of America, just as the National Parks belong to all of us, so do these animals. Please help put a stop ot his horrendous practices and place some type of protection on these magnificent creatures!

    I am new to this, but there are some remarkable people that have fought tirelessly for many, many years and you should reach out to them and find out what their opinions, suggestions, and just general great advice would be gladly given from each them, if only they were asked what they thought. Each day that I awake, I read another story of sadness, tragedy and heartbreak that these folks face on a daily basis dealing with our own governments cruelty. They are going to be your best resource on learning just how much damage is being done to these animals. Create a taskforce to investigate what they are telling you, allow them access to the BLM’s land where they are holding all of these animals, let them teach you the ways of protecting the horses.

    Please help find a way to honor and respect these animals, these are part of our national heritage, just as the White House belongs to all the people, so do these animals. The mismanagement of these animals is so wrong and outrageous and I believe that you are the person to make this right as rain.


  12. Thank you Governor Richardson for what you are attempting to do. We need you to represent all of us in all the states. I wish you were the President and could completely dismantle the BLM, the agriculture department and the mining agency. THeir is corruption in these departments (agencies) and any employees getting monies under the table by the BP gas company, the cattle industries, the El Paso Gas company needs to spend the rest of their life in jail, or I can think of a better sentence, roundup and take to their demise like they have subjected our horses to. I have never believed in an “eye for an eye” before, but this is just not acceptable, and it has to stop. Please help us to uncover this corruption and cure it before it goes any further. Please help us save our beautiful wild horses, for all the future generations to see, love, admire, and cherish, as we do. We must do this Now, not tomorrow, next week, or next month. This all has to stop NOW. Thank you. I wish you were my governor. I’m tempted to move to New Mexico. And help us to ensure that Wallis from Wyoming will never see the light of day to resuming the slaughter industry in this county for any reason, human meat or otherwise. We need to find homes for all the horses where people cannot continue to care for them, and all former race horses need to find homes who love them, and our wild and feral horses need to live their lives with their families on our ranges.


  13. On June 9, 2011, Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) reintroduced S. 1176, the “American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act of 2011” that will end the slaughter of American horses here and, most urgently, will stop these horses from being exported abroad for slaughter. The sponsors, who have long championed the cause, have the bipartisan support of 14 colleagues who are co-sponsoring the bill. You can take action by going to the Animal Welfare Institute website, and click on take action:


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