Month: August 2011

East Coast Wild Horses Survive Hurricane Irene

Sources close to SFTHH have indicated that the world famous Chincoteague wild horses survived the storms onslaught unscathed.

The horses, made famous by the novel “Misty of Chincoteague”, were allowed to reach higher ground in advance of the storm and members of the local pony committee put out additional hay to sustain the horses during the storm’s fury.

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Food Network’s Pioneer Woman Show Smells Like…???

I specifically went in to the premiere episode of Pioneer Woman knowing nothing about Ree Drummond or her family or her sprawling ranch. I didn’t want to be influenced by the alleged throngs of blog-readers who have her placed atop some high pedestal. I wanted to form my own unbiased opinion of her and the show, which I most certainly did. And my opinion is this: WOW. IT SUCKED.

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Wild Burro Advocate Speaks Out to Trigger Happy Texas Commission

Earlier this year, I made a trip to Big Bend Ranch State Park and Big Bend National Park to investigate the ecosystems of these parks with Craig Downer a well known wildlife ecologist. Our purpose was to investigate stories from locals who insisted that the the shooting of burros had not been halted after “burrogate”. After 71 burros were inhumanely gunned down in 2007, it was widely believed that the shootings had stopped. Unfortunately, we discovered since that at least 46 more of these remarkable animals have also been wasted.

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Is the BLM Perpetrating Wild Horse Fraud?

The BLM uses the fly-over in its Herd Management Areas( HMAs ) to tell us the numbers of horses in an HMA and to tell us of a need to gather and the quantity of horses to be captured and removed. The fly-over is done by those who would do the gather and profit from it . No instruments are used to verify their numbers and location though instruments are available such as photos and GPS tracking and have been repeatedly suggested to be installed.

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BLM Slings Wild Horse BS at CBS Reporter

by Andrew Cohen as published in the Atlantic Contradictions Run Deep within the BLM Here is Wyoming’s pitch-pure tourism advertisement now playing on television. It’s called “Don’t Fence Me In” and it features beautiful natural scenes, including a herd of horses running upon the open prairie. Before I dive briefly back into […]

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Wild Burro Shooting Texas Parks and Wildlife to hold Annual Public Hearing

Wild Horse Freedom Federation’s (WHFF) Director of Wild Burro Affairs, Marjorie Farabee has brought to our attention that this week the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) will be holding an annual hearing. It is interesting to note that with all of the controversy swirling around the TPWD’s policy of shooting wild burros on sight there is no mention of them or their policy on the proposed agenda, Marjorie intends to change that with your help.

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Arizona Rag Promotes Death to Wild Burros

We try our best not to promote stupid, hence we have not written about “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis as of late, but every now and then a written piece of trash blows by that just screams out for attention and this morning one blew in with a gust of smelly air from Lake Havasu City, AZ. An editorial was printed, without even giving away the author’s name for good reason, that placed the blame for a burro’s death in an auto collision squarely upon the ‘invasive’ burro…it shouldn’t have been there so now there is a need to get rid of all those potential impediments to traffic, forth with.

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