Month: September 2011

Desperate Wyoming Horse Eater Shows Her Burro In Illogical and Inhumane Rant

We have done our level best, as of late, in avoiding the urge to out and further expose the depravity of Wyoming State Representative “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis and her mindless lapdog Dave “Doink” Duquette. I sincerely do not want to be the agent that gives these despicable excuses for human beings any more press or notoriety than they deserve, which in reality should be none. But news is news and after spending the bulk of the past week listening to professional, educated (how far did you make it up the scholastic ladder Sue, baby?) and noted equine experts decry the inhumane, bloody and predatory act of horse slaughter at the IEC I just cannot let this crap slip by without either comment or publication. It is without a doubt, fuel for the fire of truth, integrity and higher morale standards.

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New BLM Wild Horse and Burro Honcho Sends Advocates Into Twilight Zone

Please excuse me while I slip off my sport coat, dress jeans and Sunday boots. We’ve been busy, the last several days, at the first annual International Equine Conference in D.C. and proper protocol required that I look, and act presentable. Which, I might add, was quite a chore when it came time to introducing the new director of the BLM’s broken Wild Horse and Burro program, Joan Guilfoyle; you know, the federal employee who appeared in an article in the New York Times, last week, spouting misnomer, incorrect facts and high school girlie sort of spew about how much she loves the pretty little horsies; that’s the one. It’s time for me to put my muck boots, crumpled straw hat and holey jeans back on because we got a few stalls to muck out.

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International Equine Conference Blasts Off in DC

WASHINGTON D.C. (WHFF)- Day one of the first annual International Equine Conference started with a stunning schedule of noted equine professionals from across the United States and beyond. Speaking to a packed house, such notables as scientists Dr. Ann Marini and Dr. Marlene Haffner spoke on issue of food safety and dangers of foreign consumers eating drug tainted, slaughtered American horses while a score of international experts presented to the audience programs on equine health, welfare and ways forward to ensure a solid foundation for a sustainable and humane future for America’s revered companion animals, the horse.

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First Major DC Conference on Equine Welfare Launches

HOUSTON, (Horseback) – The acknowledged leaders of the animal welfare movement will gather Monday for the first time in a hotel in the Washington suburb or Alexandria, Virginia to confront some of the thorniest issues to ever face horses – and some of the deadliest.

Organized by the Chicago based Equine Welfare Alliance and the Animal Law Coalition, the meeting was spearheaded by Dr. Ann Marini, principal author of a landmark scientific paper linking the common horse anti inflammatory drug phenalbutazone and death in humans eating horsemeat. The moderators are author R.T. Fitch and EWA Vice President Vicki Tobin.

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D.C. Rally for Horses Fires Up Capitol City

From across the United States and beyond, equine advocates converged on Washington D.C., Sunday Sept. 25th, to proclaim their support for equine protection at the “Unified Stand for Horses”. Representatives from both sides of the Pro-Horse movement were present as Wild Horse and Anti-Slaughter advocates combined their efforts to tell not only the politicians who reside in D.C. but visitors from around the world the need to preserve our national heritage in the last remaining wild horses and the cruelty and danger of slaughtering American horses for human consumption.

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EWA VP Sinks Wyoming Horse Eater’s Rant

CHICAGO, (EWA) – Thank you for not being embarrassed to publish the rantings of Sue Wallis. With your large readership, the horse world can see in print just how desperate and off the deep end Wallis has gone.

Why not go all out: Op Ed: Slaughter Bans Would Increase Horse Suffering, Kill Jobs, Destroy What’s Left of Equine Businesses and Families, Bring on the Apocalypse, Bring Wall Street to Its Knees, Increase Global Warming, Start World War III, Bring on the Bubonic Plague, A Tsunami and the Doppelgangers, will rise.

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