Month: August 2011

BLM Wild Horse Slaughter Case Moves to U.S. Attorney

HOUSTON, (Horseback) – The case against individuals involved in the transport of Oklahoma based wild horses in the custody of the federal Bureau of Land Management has taken another turn, this time to the office of the United States Attorney in Salt Lake City. The 64 horses were seized from a Utah slaughter kill buyer and impounded August 5 and 6.

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International Equine Conference Announces Strategy Sessions

The three-day symposium held at the Marriott Residence Inn in Alexandria, VA from September 26-28, will address issues related to equine cruelty, slaughter, and America’s wild horses and burros.

Described as the first event of its kind, the International Equine Conference will bring together members of the equine welfare movement to discuss the political, scientific and legal implications of current international equine issues.

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BLM Plans Annihilation of Cloud’s Herd

The BLM Billings Field Office mailed a Scoping Letter to interested parties on July 28th, stating their intent to reach an “Appropriate” Management Level (AML) of 90-120 adult wild horses, one year of age and older in the Pryor Mountains. If they carry out this plan 45 to as many as 75 horses would be removed in 2012. We cannot allow this to happen.

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Equine Advocacy Blog Hits 1 Million Viewer Milestone

HOUSTON (SFTHH) – The Equine Welfare blog, Straight from the Horses Heart hit the milestone of 1 million unique views this day, August 16th, 2011. Originally intended to be a promotional platform for the heart rending book by the same name the blog soon became an internet megaphone for wild horse and horse slaughter related issues. Book author and publisher of the site R.T. Fitch says that he wouldn’t have it any other way:

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For the Horses there is no Sunday

On our blog we attempt to either post or write a positive and, hopefully, uplifting article for publication on Sunday. It is our hope that everyone has the opportunity to rest, relax and recharge their emotional and spiritual batteries before heading into another week of survival in a world turned upside down. The past two Sundays nothing, absolutely not one word has been published at “Straight from the Horse’s Heart”.

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The Quiet War Against Wyoming’s Wild Horses

The Wyoming Tourism Board wants you and your family to come see the wild horses in Sweetwater County, but you better go quick. Beginning next month, federal officials and local contractors will roundup and remove approximately 700 of those horses (about 70 percent of the herd) to satisfy the complaints of the cattle and sheep ranchers in the area who don’t want to share land with federally-protected horses. The “cherished,” “living examples” of Wyoming’s western heritage will be penned in and then given up for adoption or sold at auction. Many will soon die. Some may even be slaughtered for meat. All will likely be gone from view in Sweetwater County. You and your family, having traveled to southwestern Wyoming, may be plum out of luck.

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Nominations Allegedly Open for BLM Special Interest Board

Apparently the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has indicated that it is requesting public nominations to fill three national Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board positions, which are set to expire on Jan. 8, 2012. Nominations are for a three-year term and are allegedly needed to represent three categories of interest: wild horse and burro advocacy, veterinary medicine (equine science), and general public interest (with special knowledge of wild horses and burros, wildlife, animal husbandry, or natural resource management). To date, only dedicated special interest personnel have been selected all of which, obviously, do NOT have the best interest of the wild horses and burros in mind.

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