Day: September 14, 2011

Senator Baucus Dons his Horse Slaughter Suicide Vest

Newspapers from coast to coast are carrying stories about doomed Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) pleading for the Congress to bring horse slaughter back to America. Baucus is calling for an end to a ban on the funding of USDA horse slaughter inspections that has kept the industry out of America since 2007. In doing so Baucus is taking part in a growing tradition of political penance for disgraced members of the secretive horse slaughter caucus, one of the few remaining bipartisan institutions of Congress.

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The False Bottom at the Bottom of the Barrel in Wallis World

hese comments really hit home as both my wife, Terry, and our good friend and Director of Wild Burro affairs at Wild Horse Freedom Federation, Marjorie Farabee, have had their lives turned upside down due to the wild fires in the Magnolia, Texas area the last 10 days. The fire has come just scant miles from both of our ranches. Terry still has an evacuated equine guest or two with our rig located and loaded to roll with the herd while Marjorie has many of her 107 charges off in alternate areas. There is nothing either funny or at all related to eating horses regarding REAL responsible horse people attempting to save the lives of their valued equine charges. But the sick and twisted Wyoming State Rep. “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis and her impotent lap dog Dave “Doink” Duquette can see an opportunity to slurp up horse blood at every turn, even in a tragedy. Their perversion is despicable. Thanks Vicki for continuing to expose then for what they are, the very dredges of human society.

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