Horse News

BLM Officially Confirms Attack on Cloud’s Herd is Imminent

Unedited direct post of BLM Press Release

BLM Releases Environmental Assessment and Decision on Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range Non-Helicopter Gather

Release Date: 04/04/12
Kristen Lenhardt: 406-896-5228

Cloud behind BLM bars in 2009 ~ photo by Terry Fitch

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Billings Field Office today released the Environmental Assessment (EA) and Decision Record for a 2012 non-helicopter gather of wild horses within the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range (PMWHR). A 30-day appeal period will begin today and end on May 3, 2012. The EA analyzed the effects of the decision to conduct a non-helicopter gather to remove excess wild horses within the PMWHR. The field office received about 1,000 individual comment letters and 63 unique comments on the preliminary EA, and considered those in making the final decision.

The EA identifies a range of alternatives, including the Proposed Action, Alternative A and a No Action alternative. The final decision after conducting the EA states the BLM will move forward with the Proposed Action that recommends a combination of bait trapping, water trapping, and some herding. The gather will be conducted by BLM personnel and is not associated with recent news regarding a BLM solicitation for bait trapping contracts. Since bait trapping can occur year-round, the gather is anticipated to take place at any point during the 2012 calendar year, after June 4.

The gather is designed to manage for the appropriate number of wild horses so that rangelands and horses can be healthy and productive for years to come. The current population is approximately 170 wild horses, exceeding the established Appropriate Management Level (AML) of 90-120 horses, excluding the current year foals.

The Decision may be appealed to the Interior Board of Land Appeals (IBLA), Office of Hearings and Appeals, U.S. Department of the Interior, 801 North Quincy Street, Suite 300, Arlington, Virginia, 22203.  The appeal must also be filed with the Authorized Officer, BLM, Billings Field Office, 5001 Southgate Drive, Billings, MT 59101. If you wish to file a petition for stay of the EA during the pendency of your appeal before the IBLA, the petition for stay must accompany your notice of appeal. If a petition for stay is submitted with the notice of appeal, a copy of the notice of appeal and petition for stay must be served on the IBLA at the same time it is filed with the State Director.

The PMWHR is located in the Pryor Mountains south of Billings, along the Montana-Wyoming border and encompasses approximately 38,000 acres of BLM, U.S. Forest Service and National Park Service managed land.

To view the Decision Record, FONSI and EA, please visit:

124 replies »



    • They can’t do this….. we have to stop them fast…… i had an a dream that me and a team of horse lovers interrupted a wild horse round up by riding in on horseback and circling the mustangs and burros guiding them away…… how about that for a idea

      Liked by 1 person

      • actually i know a small group of gals in california that are willing to do just that! a few months ago we got so mad, we decided to march on washington d.c. on our horses! well, we couldn’t ride/camp that far so we decided to do it on our local captiol and that even fizzled out. gosh, if i had access to a truck and horsetrailer i’d do it in a heartbeat. if you know anyone Willing please let me know. maybe we could all chip in on gas to the site, that is if it’s legal.


      • Dear Christine , I am from Ohio, wish i was there with you , I agree with you 100% , but a word of caution , the element of surprise is very important do not talk here , the BLM monitors everything said here !!!!!!!


      • i love it! yes, let’s do it! something has to be done to stop them. what are these baitings they use? anything would be preferable to those damned helicopters!


      • As alive as you can be when many your offspring have been removed from your herd never to be seen again, I reckon.


    • Ellen, just so you know, Cloud is still alive and very active in the Pryor Mtns. even though the BLM continualy harasses him and his many members of the herd.


  2. I think this calls for civil disobedience! We need a rally out there to stop the BLM this time. I have so much dislike for the BLM and we need to make them stop!

    Liked by 1 person

      • I’m certainly all for it, enough is enough~~~~~~they don’t seem to want to understand anything else.

        our rallying cry should be:

        Enjoy whats left of our inheritance as soon the powers to be will have removed the biggest part of it. THE WAY OF THE HORSE
        ((( found that on an Austrailian site where they are fighting the same as we are and the same equivalant to the BLM as we are fighting to save the Brumby )))


    • I am also sick of the BLM. I want to know what happens to the wild horses they capture and say they find homes for. Is the home in a feed lot and after that the Mexican Slaugther houses or the Canadian Slaughter houses. I don’t trust the BLM.


  3. So with money so tight they are going to have this round up to reduce this herd by what 50 horses or so. I think Congress needs to see this waste. I just wish the BLM would tell us the real reason they keep attacking the Cloud herd and all wild horses. Job security maybe???? The BLM needs to work on getting us more helium rather then wiping out our wild horses. We need our balloons!


    • Lynette; its a land grab! They don’t care how many people send letters or what WE THE PEOPLE want….they are going to do what they want to do for the sake of dollars. 1,000 comments for a small gather is quite a bit, yet they ignore it?

      The DOI is more corrupt, and unethical than wall street! Until Salzar is removed from his post and
      the whole damned dept is swept out and replaced, this is going to continue. They have pac money, tax money, and rolex cowboy money (corporate). The horse will ALWAYS loose. By hook or crook they will continue to round up our horses as long as they are accepting those dollars… excuse me, but there is a listing on the government jobs for a wild horse and burros specalist… do you want to know what the pay starts out at… $106,000 per year… who makes that kind of money?

      Food for thought…yes it sounds like a conspiracy, however, have any of you given any thought to what is going to happen to our planet and land masses after 12 21 2012? With the planets aligning its going to create a huge gravitational pull which is going to affect water tides and flood most of our country. It’s going to put communications down due to satellite interference, and basically alter our world dramatically. Now if there isn’t transportation, what will the ‘elite’ do? The only thing left is horses, and all of those are being shipped to the middle of our country where the flooding will not occur. You can call me crazy but there is no other reason than this to remove our wild horses at such an alarming rate, against the will of the people, and to ship them to the middle of the country.

      see these predicted maps in the URL below.


      • $106,000? Really? And not one course is equine welfare, wild horse behavior, wild horse needs, or equine physiology, psychology, or sociology required. They have probably already decided who they are going to hire, but they have to advertise it for 30 days and interview a few diverse candidates.

        Attorneys have to trained in the law. Doctors have to have training in medicine. Teachers have to be trained and constantly retrained in their subject matter. Plummers take courses in how to plum and irrigators have to have special state endorsements to be able to install irrigation systems, but Wild Horse and Burro specialists are not required to know the mane from the tail. This is absolutely outrageous? $106,000 is just the beginning. There is health insurance, paid vacation, and a lifetime pension—all paid for by you and me.

        Why no training or prerequisite skills related to equines? Because there is only about about a 3% chance that even a totally incompetent employee can be fired. The public has a right to expect that people who work for us answer to us. It is time and past time for Congress to perform the oversight they are elected to perform.


    • Coal, oil, and natural gas and pipelines. That is why they want this land. it just so happens they can appease the cattlemen at the same time.


  4. These disgusting people with Bureau of Land Management apparently have to continue to brutalize and cause the deaths of our wild horses in order to make it appear that they are “doing something to earn their paychecks”. We, as taxpayers, pay their salaries. Nothing is achieved by the criminally cruel behavior of this government agency other than deaths of helpless foals, mares and stallions. How do these people live with themselves? Kenneth Salazar has supported these atrocities against the horses. This is the worse administration ever existing in this country, and the treatment of the horses that are known as our American tradition is not only a blight on this country, but is no better than the way anmals are treated in some third-world countries. This is what we have now, uncivilized and barbaric treatment of horses by BLM, and those abominable, sick persons who want to kill and eat them.


  5. DOI/USDA must think they are managing rabbits.

    The other reason they KEEP rounding up herds (over and over again), much like a snake eating it’s tail is because they are stuck in the mode of removal to justify budget and expenditures.

    Morons. Removal with these numbers and frequency isn’t management; it is extermination.


      • Well, approximately 2 mil about the end of the 1800’s ( double that if you go back to before the white man), 70k at the time of the 1971 Act and less than 15k roaming today, with 30k+ in holding (which I also think is a lie because of no auditing, slaughter, etc)….Seriously????

        WHAT THE H*LL!!!



      • They fool nobody !!!! I believe if the truth were known i would bet that the figures would be staggeringly low of how many are really in holding Denise………………….. I believe that they have been slaughtering them since day one !!!!!! I think that someone needs to do a count !!!! Here is where the lies are !!!!!!The real lies they have been dancing around !!!!Has anyone been allowed to go there and do this, if they have nothing to hide prove it !!!! I am sick of the innocent mustang murders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      • Arlene you are correct about the slaughtering. How many times have we heard through the grapevine of those that monitor packing houses, what goes over the boarders, and even the truckers that turn these greedy S.O.B’s in! I goes on constantly and the worse offenses are those by other depts, like Dept of AG or Fish and Wild life that have no horse protocol at ALL! They chase WILD horses on to checkerboard land (areas that have private and public land) then they auction them off for slaughter. Here in NV this occurs with regularity around Christmas time, as well as other times of the year, but these sleezeballs have been doing this for years so they have a Merry Christmas. I can’t tell you how many times people like Bobby Royal, Shirley Puga, and Betty Kelly have marched over to the auction in Fallon and bought up the wild ones so they wouldn’t go to slaughter!

        Last year we had some STATE legislation that was going to potentially put a hold or at least extend the wait period for these horses, and our ‘good buddy’ Willis Lamm told our congressional sponsor to shelf it, it was a bad bill….after 3 years in the working trying to get something done about the ‘estray’s or in another words legal slaughter for our wild ones… I was ready to spit nails!


      • Dear NVKATIE, I am sorry to hear that Politicians are so busy trying to figure out what vicious ways to line there pockets with anything and everything they can exploit to do so, they ought to be trying to figure out how to preserve the Horses ………..They forget we voted them in , we will, vote them out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  6. Can someone please tell me what damage 170 horses are doing to an area that looks pretty remote and out of the way of human interaction? I think it is time to get the AML raised. It seems very arbitrary and exists to just keep BLM/WH&B employees with something to do to justify their jobs.


    • random AML numbers pulled out of their asses to ensure extinction…..Salazar said “wild horses don’t belong on PUBLIC lands” – he is getting away with genocide. Off with his head!


      • What the Secretary actually said was worse. He said wild horses did not belong in the West. He has it backwards. It is cattle that belong on nutrient dense forage such as found in the East and the MidWest. It is horses that do best on low nutrient forage that is found in the West.


      • R.T., your right about that starting point. He has to do something to justify his job as was mentioned above. I find it very difficult to believe in the numbers he has come up with. Considering they removed enough, 50+ just two year ago to put the number near 110, how does the recent count now say there are over 170 head. I have spent several days in the past two years visiting the Pryors at various times of the year, and haven’t seen that many colts being born to get that number at that level.


      • The process is defined in the article: The Decision may be appealed to the Interior Board of Land Appeals (IBLA), Office of Hearings and Appeals, U.S. Department of the Interior, 801 North Quincy Street, Suite 300, Arlington, Virginia, 22203. The appeal must also be filed with the Authorized Officer, BLM, Billings Field Office, 5001 Southgate Drive, Billings, MT 59101. If you wish to file a petition for stay of the EA during the pendency of your appeal before the IBLA, the petition for stay must accompany your notice of appeal. If a petition for stay is submitted with the notice of appeal, a copy of the notice of appeal and petition for stay must be served on the IBLA at the same time it is filed with the State Director.

        They certainly don’t make it easy to appeal this – do they?


  7. I find it interesting as so many government jobs gets slashed, including really important ones like teachers, firefighters and cops, that the WH&B Agency never seems to have a budget crunch or have to lay off people. One would think that as they continue to decrease wild horse populations at an alarming rate, they wouldn’t need quite as many employees. But they just seem to increase the frequency of round up to places they just were a year or so ago or return to places where the AML is already ridiculously low. I don’t think the population of horses is driving this program, I think it is the overpopulation of WH&B/BLM staff with nothing to do to justify their paychecks.


    • Yet, the Interior Appropriations Committee excuses the BLM’s failure to perform EA’s before reissuing grazing permits or issuing additional grazing permits due to a lack of man-power and resources to perform them.

      How in the San Juan do you manage land (remember they said they were the Bureau of LAND MANAGEMENT not the Bureau of Wild Horse Management. However, the Secretary and the Director have dedicated an enormous amount of resources to off the range management.

      How is it that the BLM can do (or produce) an EA for Wild Horse and Burro round-ups, but not do a single one for cattle grazing permits. Are we so easily fooled? I have only seen one Environment Assessment that examined the various elements available in a herd management area, and it wasn’t done by the BLM. It was the one that Andrew Cohen included in his series of articles about the wild horses of Wyoming.

      So the BLM has the resources to get EA’s done for wild horse removals, but not for cattle grazing permits. Is there anyone other than me that thinks this is a colossal crock?


  8. ELLEN GROSSMAN – Cloud is not dead and is still running free – for the time being – as a wild mustang.


  9. And why is Leon Panetta (Secretary of Defence) so afraid of the American soldier, that on a recent trip to Afganistan he had them all disarmed?
    Is there more going on than we know?
    Could our government be that afraid of the American people?
    Just asking.


    • Well, first off…don’t discuss anything here about DOING something.

      Find a way to get a nonpublic forum somewhere and always beware of moles.


    • There is a Bill in the House of Representatives known as the Rural Economic Vitalization Act whereby public lands ranchers can sell their grazing permits for a fair market value to a private entity, and thus, the permits will be retired. So call your Representatives and Senators to let them know you support REVA, and ask them to support it or co-sponsor it.

      Public lands ranching is a losing proposition for everyone but the fortunate few ranchers who hold the majority of the permits. At a $1.35 for a cow and a calf, their grazing fees do not begin to support the millions of tax dollars spent the BLM whose primary reason to exist is to make sure that cows get every square acre of public land there is.

      What has the BLM done for native Americans that caring and committed leadership and a little vision and some talent could not do better? Native American culture should be celebrated throughout our country, but instead the first Americans live impoverished lives in isolation with high rates of alcoholism and under-achievement.


    • besides our petitions we can email our state’s resresentatives in congress, our state senators, and the president obama also. we can also go to the blm offices or even the trap sites. i believe recent court cases about ‘transparency to humane observers’ will allow us to go to the trap sites, but not sure though. i have a horse and am willing to go if anyone has a truck and horse-trailer we could share gas. it seems if a large group of riders showed up that would make a great big statement of public opinion about this. no , i’m not crazy, just want to protect our wild ones.


      • Dear Christine, everything else has failed , Your Idea is a good one , making a Mass statement is a good thing !!!!!


  10. I just wonder what it will take until the anti slaughter bill is signed, sealed and delivered and the BLM is stopped from desecrating the wild horse herds! Honestly, i cant for the life of me, figure out why the people in this country just dont stand up for whats right and just! Obviously, its doing no good for us to keep writing our congressmen and reps, weve all been doing that for years on end now, plus taking up thousands of petitions against slaughter and wild horse cruelties. The government is hell bent on destroying whatever they dont want, no matter what the people want. It seems to me that there should be plenty of land on those cattle ranches alone to support the cattle they have without having to hog all the grass on the public lands! Some of those huge ranches are thousands of acres! Every single wild horse advocate and anti slaugher person in this country should just stop eating any kind of beef! When the sales slack off, maybe they would then be willing to share some of the public lands with the wild horse! We need to put an end to this greed somehow! The wild horses are just as much a wild animal as any other wild animal and should have the same protections under the law as a wolve or coyote or mountain lion!


    • Since the millions of cattle on PUBLIC lands amount to 1.5-3% of nation’s beef supply, boycotting beef would not be noticed unless it was the entire meat eating American population. What wolf protections? It’s open hunting season on wolves (only animal ever removed from endangered species list).
      The fact that there are no excess horses (they should be put on endangered species list!) makes the roundups illegal and BLM and their contractors are criminals. These horses are being STOLEN FROM PUBLIC LANDS and justice is dead.


  11. ” The field office received about 1,000 individual comment letters and 63 unique comments on the preliminary EA, and considered those in making the final decision.” If these letters/comments were considered or even looked at, then the right decision would have been “no action”. Since genetic viability suggested by scientists is 2500 animals, then AML is NOT “APPROPRIATE” and is a recipe for extinction.


    • You can over load the BLM field office and Mr. Sparks with letters and comments, but from the little things that I have witnessed and heard from this individual, he is just going to bow his shoulders and show the public he can defy them anyway he wants. He is not concerned about what we have to add to the overall welfare of these animals, (and probably doesn’t even look over any of the comments sent in).


      • Jerry, I agree with you. However, there is a process in place that we probably need to follow at least for the sake of having gone through the motions, so that attempts to sue DOI/BLM cannot be denied because we didn’t appeal to the agency first.

        I know you know this, but I would not want people to not go through the process because we all think it is a why bother proposition.


  12. The BLM and cattle ranchers should leave the Wild Horses alone. The BLM and cattle ranchers say the Wild Horses eat the grass for the cattle. Who in the hell said the government land was intended just for cattle. The Wild Horses move around and they do not destory the environment. It is their land, Cloud and all The Wild Horses need to be protected to stay wild and free.


    • Public lands ranchers presume ownership. If we could end public lands grazing, we could eliminate the BLM. The OSM, the agency that the Secretary wanted to combine with the BLM, could handle the energy permits. In fact, since energy permits are primarily what they do, that shouldn’t be a problem.

      Eliminating the BLM and public lands grazing would save our government billions. Perhaps a smaller, independent agency could be designed to oversee funding for programs designed for Native Americans and Wild Horses and burros. The National Park system is the agency whose mission is to preserve America’s cultural history, and its goals are more aligned with the intent of the Wild and Free Roaming Horse and Burro Act of 1971 than the BLM’s. It is ironic that the BLM was created because of this law.


  13. I say we fly our disobedient behinds out there when they start the roundup and throw it all out there.Im willing to go jail, who’s in?


    • Don’t discuss that here…find the resources and contacts to make it happen OFF a public forum.

      I have ideas, but will not make them here. If you are smart and committed, call the Cloud Foundation or other notable equine welfare groups and see what can be done OFF-line.


    • That’s just it. We will never be sure when this sort of thing is in progress if it is baiting and such.
      What is a “unique comment” Wonder if I sent one. I did sent two letters.


    • i don’t know about flying out there. i was thinking get as many riders together as we can and trailer ourselves out there and make a big show of support . the news would love it and get the message to the masses! how are they gonna arrest a herd of riders? it is public land isn’t it? those wild horses belong to the american people. i think we have the right to protect our country and our animals .


  14. Keep them in the Courts so they won’t have so much time to round up America’s Wild Horses and Burros and REMOVE them from America’s Public Lands…”Idle Hands Do the Devil’s Work”.


    • I agree with the courts (however, they are frequently slow, government protectionists and often…not really that educated on the subjects they ejudicate), but something has to been done concurrently to stop killing equines.

      Sometimes I think we should have a “stand your ground” law for citizens that believe the governments are making mistakes, not doing their jobs and special interest driven….especially when it comes to our equines.


  15. The Horses have been on this earth for 160,000 years! ALL of the Wild Horses have a right to live on these lands! It is there home! The horses know where to find Food , Water , & Shelter ! They been do that for 160,000 Years ! The wild horses are SACRED to the Native American people ! The horses are NOT hurting anybody ! They are NOT starving out there! The horses are fat & happy to live out there on their own lands! The Native American PPL Want the horses FREE on their lands! The lands BELONG to the Native American PPL ! We want the horses FREE & Wild on public lands ! The cows eat the grass all the way down to the roots . But the horses do not do that ! STOP the BLM from rounding up our BEAUTIFUL Wild Horses! Stop them from killing the wild Horses!


  16. I am so disgusted with the BLM and our Government! First of all 170 horses on 38,000 acres is not an overload on the grasses or feed! Secondly, someone said…cattle ranchers put their cattle on OUR public lands! It is not their land! And since the cattle are privately owned, let them pay for their own feed/grain! Lets keep on petitioning and being pro active! Donate if you can. And protest when you can also!

    How about J T for heading the BLM??


  17. I think PBS needs to do another documentary on what is happening to Cloud & other wild mustangs in the USA & Canada before it is too late. There are so many people out there that have no idea about what is happening on a daily basis to these heritage horses. I hate to think of a world with no horses like CLOUD!


    • Louie before Mary’s death my sister got me tickets to their concert here where I live. It was fabulous! I LOVE PETER PAUL AND MARY!

      I see so much similarity to the fight we have for the horses and civil rights.

      What the BLM is doing to Cloud’s herd and the others at the Pryors is SO WRONG. I hate this. I absolutely hate this.


  18. Mrs.Pickens has money and power. Can Anyone intervene on behalf of the horses, Public figure, like Willie Nelson, That Actress that spoke up and out about no slaughter, Bo Derek , Patric Swayze’s Wife, William Shatner, is into Horses, we Little people they just toss aside like Ants and do What they Please. It is time the Govenment started fearing we the people , Otherise it is just plain Tyranny. I think Thomas Jefferson said something to that effect. Nothing would make me happier than in the DOI and the BLM. Had a face lift and, all their dirty secrets and Deals came into the light.,So big sweeps and changes can be made, it’s time to take out the trash.


    • tried to contact Jesse Ventura to clue him in and have him do an expose’ on this… I hit a brick wall. If anyone else knows how to contact him…it’s a good source… at least you know the fact will be brought forward!


  19. First of all, there are NOT excessive wild horses in the Pryor Mountains! Just ask Ginger. I also thought our wonderfully STUPID government wanted to keep & preserve the rare colors, such as Cloud & his relatives, & the genetic bloodlines of his bands. Keeping Cloud & all of his families safe, &, in the WILD, in THEIR home, where they BELONG, would also be a wonderful way to keep our American people in touch with the wild horses, which we have the right to. I can not think of a country & it’s government, & it’s branches, like the BLM, that are as backword, ignorant, hateful, &, yes, STUPID, as ours!! And yet, if we can’t stop them, we’re just as stupid as they are! Everyone must be afraid to really take a stand against this abuse, other than going about it in a polite, civil manner, like going to court & such. Wake up folks, all good intentions acknowledged, being polite, nice & civil does NOT, & will NOT work! Just sayin’


  20. I want to know where the bleep all those new horses came from. Last year there were 150 horses on the range and for every foal born another adult died. The winter of 2011/2012 was brutal on the horses. There was NO herd growth rate.

    Now all of a sudden 20 horses have suddenly appeared?

    This EA thing doesn’t take into account the guzzlers that were in place 2 years ago. It doesn’t take into account this years foal crop. Which shouldn’t matter anyway because the current years foal crop isn’t counted.

    Where the heck did these horses come from?


    • That’s a good question. Last year after the hurricane hit the outer banks of North Carolina nearly 100 additional horses showed up in or near the area where the Corolla Wild Horses Live. The Corolla Wild Horses are closely managed on the land. The manager is a well-respected NC horseman, and he knows every horse in the herd as does Karen McAlpin, the President of the group that funds the care of these horses.

      The horses were spotted during a fly-over. Perhaps Ginger or one of the other regular visitors to the Pryors could identify any horses that are not part of the herd.

      I believe that there is sufficient evidence based on the mathematically impossible numbers that the BLM has provided for herd counts to conclude that someone, most likely a rancher, is running herds with or near the wild horses when herd counts are being taken. It could well be that an area rancher who had removed horses from the herd to breed with his own, could supply horses that had enough similar traits with the wild ones, that a casual observer would not notice.


  21. Yes ~~~~where are the Native American peoples in all of this, first the government rounded them up, sent them to reservations, killed many along the way, separated families, and retrained their young. Then killed the buffalo, now the horse and the wolf, and even are allowing the hunting of golden eagles. I thought all of these animals were sacred to the Native Americans—where is the outrage from the elders, the grandmothers, the shamans, and the wisdomkeepers? Are these animals not part of the sacred circle? and what is all this about walking the red road of the ancestors–to get back to the old ways–seems to me there won’t be any old ways left–sacred buffalo going-sacred horses going- sacred wolf going and now eagle next. Don’t they consider themselve the guardians of the lands, the animals, and the waters?
    I ask the Native Americans where is the outrage over the killing and the slaughter of the ~~ sacred war ponies~~the sacred buffalo ponies~~and the sacred medicine paint ponies~~where do they stand in all of this?
    This is an American fight to save our world as we know it, not a white-red-or black fight but an American fight.
    Where is the OUTRAGE in this country? Can’t we stand together as one people? UNITED


      • arlene, and so will I–I was just on the msn home page and an elementary school in Massachusetts has instructed the kids to not sing the words God bless the USA, but instead sing we love
        the USA, and in some schools you can’t even chant USA, you can get expelled~~~~~~OUR SCHOOLS HAVE BECOME A DISCRACE.

        so from me<<<>>> and as the song goes<<<>>>


      • Dear Geri, I as a American Citizen have always associated Freedom with the Wild Mustang if we allow the dissemination of these Beautiful fulfilling absolutely thoroughly American Icons, we will be losing ourselves, they STAND for everything American, they have taught all of us what courage , pride trust ,power, compassion of dedication to each other and the very essence of what Freedom is……….. i always wondered why they are not on our flag , they represent everything Freedom……… I have visited them for years on the Nevada desert and ion the mountains they are so very self sufficient given the tools by Nature to survive, they do not need us we need them… They are in every History book, , wild and free , it sends chills of pride up my spine……………..and fills my soul with hope…………… i have noticed just recently that a lot of TV commercials are featuring them , is this a coincidence ????? I think not !!!! I am sure it is a subliminal message !!!!!


  22. If only they could be free and wild and breed till they displace the real pox on this planet, for they are truly the social beings deserving of gods gift.


    • amen, amen, amen….let’s start a protest in washington dc and not go away till they do something!! i was too young to protest the vietnam war but not the war on horses!! let’s do it people…there are A LOT of us and then the media will be in on it BIG TIME and everyone will rise up and fight for the wild mustangs!!!! let’s pick a date…labor day…independence day???


  23. The saddest part of all of this is, with each roundup, EVERY stallion is gelded, thus KILLING THE FUTURE CHANCES for there to ever be any more mustangs!!! How many diverse genetics have been killed off with this mass gelding that has been done by the BLM??? There may (HOPEFULLY) be some foals adopted that are still intact because they were still on their mamas or not yet born, but what are the chances??? HOW do we band together to shut down this runaway train that the BLM is driving??? We have to derail it NOW!!!! Time for a viable gene pool for our mustangs is getting really short, and some of the different family lines are gone now forever…let’s not see them become like so many other extinct creatures, there is NO EXCUSE FOR THIS TO HAPPEN!!!!!


  24. WHEN will this end??? With each roundup, EVERY stallion is gelded, thus killing off any chance of ever having further offspring from that gene pool. The only possible hope is the chance of any unborn foal being adopted via mom prior to birth, or after, being still on as a nursing baby and NOT in danger of being gelded, to possibly keep some of the genes alive. There is NO EXCUSE for this DELIBERATE and constant harrassment of any of the bands still living free….Cloud’s band is not “OVER POPULATED” by ANY MEANS…just proving ONCE AGAIN that the immoral bastards of the Butchers of Lands and Mustangs not only have no morals, but also can’t count!!!! With Ken SLAUGHTER-CZAR in office and that pretend president LYING and ALLOWING CATTLEMAN KEN FREE REIN on this “war against the mustangs”, it will be up to US the citizens of the United States to get together and shut this joke of an organization down FOREVER!!!! These are OUR LANDS that are being RAPED of her resources and DESTROYED by the allowing of “slow elk” to wantanly hang around the water hole until all the land around it are stripped bare of forage before they wander off looking for more food and another water hole to pollute by shitting and pissing in, and eating up all the remaining grasses around it….yet cattlemen blame the horses for what their lazy ass cattle do…. Once upon a time they went after sheep the same way…..funny how those same “ranchers” now raise those smelly creatures their ancestors shot and left for the coyotes to eat.

    There is proof by photos that the BLM is marring brands and horses thus scarred have been found in slaughter yards…. is THIS how they are managing to deplete the herds already in holding without anyone knowing???? It’s impossible to get information from the many places for accurate counts let alone find out how the horses are doing…………This atrocity must be stopped!!!!!


  25. They all need to be FIRED at the BLM. Round ups are needless and unnecessary and WASTE taxpayer money, money we don’t have but yet everyone talks about the Federal deficit WITHOUT talking about the money saved from moving the wild horse and burro program OUT OF THE BLM. Where is Congress? Why aren’t those we vote into office doing what the majority of Americans want them to do? If they can’t or won’t do the business of the people, then vote them out of office. I am tired of the bickering and the refusal of powerful members to work together. We need a big sweeper to get them out of office and bring in a new bunch who are willing to stand up the BLM and stop these cruel attacks on our wild horses and burros.


    • We are not alone in our disgust and our disillusionment. There is a reason “The Hunger Games” has caught fire. Americans are starved for a heroine (or a hero) who knows where her moral compass belongs.

      People in their 30’s. 40’s, and 50’s have found that this story strikes a cord that is just as true for them as it is for young adult readers and viewers. I have never witnessed such a phenomena. We, wild horse and burro advocates, are part of a large cross section of American citizens questioning if our nation isn’t becoming a place that we no longer recognize.


  26. I am of the considered opinion that in addition to contacting the BLM, you copy your Senators and House Rep on this. The BLM and Bob Abbey, together with his boss, Ken Salazar cares ABSOLUTELY NOTHING what our wishes and concerns are. We can’t vote for Salazar and Abbey, but we can vote for our members of Congress. If members of Congress received thousands of calls, emails and faxes, trust me they would pay attention. We need to contact the BLM, but please copy EVERYTHING you communicate to the BLM to your member of Congress!!


  27. We need to find Cloud a good lawyer to defend him and his herd from government over-reach, government not following the law, abuse of power and incompetence. Let’s see the Corolla Wild Horse Herd is manage on a fraction of the land available for Cloud’s herd, and yet, the BLM wants to limit the numbers of this herd to the same small numbers—even though the weather conditions this herd faces are more severe, the nature and the number of predators more dangerous, and the unenlightened thinkers at the Forest Service constructed a fence that led to the deaths of an entire band in Cloud’s herd. Not only this, but Cloud’s herd is being and has been managed using fertility control by Dr. Kirkpatrick and the folks at Zoo Montana.

    Let Sparks fly!


  28. Wait, so we’re going to cut the herd down in size, and bottle neck it? So now the 90-120 horses that are left are going to end up so severely inbred that they won’t survive anyway? Great master plan BLM. F*ck you. If the horse population is so high the land can’t sustain them, then natural selection will take hold. But out!


  29. Assuming this roundup goes forward (can I say barf here????) can the freedom fund horses sustain any more horses in their group??? I mean if one or two of us were to buy (adopt) a Pryor mustang can we turn them out with the Freedom Fund band??

    I know that this wouldn’t work for any other HMA horse (like say a horse from NV).

    If this horrid roundup goes forward how can we ensure that adoption takes place right there at Britton Springs so that the horses are less stressed than they would be if they were transported and handled by more icky BLM employees…


    Caps are meant for emphasis not shouting at fellow advocates.


  30. So, fellow friends , Americans, & horse lovers & advocates, what ARE we going to do about this?? I too agree, this time it’s not about color, race, religion, political party, etc., etc., it IS an American issue that ALL Americans MUST get fired up about!! By the government taking away & destroying OUR wildlife, be it OUR native wild horses, buffalo, wolves, eagles, & others, they are taking away a part of us, our freedoms, our souls!! Are we really going to just sit here & do nothing physically to STOP them!!?? This is WAR! Oh, “Happy Easter” to all my friends, I only wish our wild horses could also know the love & peace of this special holiday.


    • Dear Valerie, I agree, i said I would stand for the wild mustangs anyplace anywhere any time and i meant it a viable plan is in order ??????/


  31. Just let me know when it is time to post my phone number so we can get together and see what we can do? I agree anyone have a viable plan?
    We have done so much with law suits, writing our reps, calling , e-mailing and still we are not being heard~~I am beginning to think that this administration is someones puppet and our country is being taken over and sold out by outside enities and after they have used up all our resources and destroyed our land, they will pack up and go back to their respective own countries and leave us to clean up the mess they leave behind. That is why they do not listen to the American people,THEY ARE NOT AMERICAN, I can think of no other reason why 80% of Americans are not being heard and listened too.


    • This administration has made major mistakes not only regarding our wild ones. But the alternative is just unacceptable and would lead most of us to ruin. I will support a lawsuit to try to keep BLM out of the Pryors. I’ve already e-mailed the BLM and mailed a letter to Mr. Sparks using my own words. No doubt he will file the letter in the round file. 😦


  32. Margaret, that generation is still on the Earth. They are older and wiser and they still have that same “All for One and One for All” mindset. That is something that they did…they stood (or sat) together. In the beginning, when authorites tried to push them around…they all SAT DOWN.,,,,PASSIVE RESISTANCE


  33. ….and they now have Children and Grandchildren, who more than likely, have grown up with the stories about Grandma and Grandpa when they were young.


  34. They need to leave this herd alone! Stay away and let them live peacefully! They are not hurting anything and deserve to be free! We need to preserve our wild horses not destroy them and what they stand for! FREEDOM FOR CLOUD’S HERD!!!!!! BLM STAY AWAY!!!!


  35. Why can’t this herd of wild horses be allowed to live free on such a vast amount of acreage? It is just absurd that small herd can’t be allowed to live on the earth as nature meant them to live.


  36. As well as our own representative and senators, we should also contact members of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees. There are subcommittees within each of these committees that are supposed to be providing oversight of the BLM. The people who control the budgetary purse strings should be providing guidance, but they do not have the answers. They are giving the BLM too much credit. We can also send reports to the DOI IG and perhaps the GAO.

    Congressman Darryl Issa is in charge of the Congressional oversight committee. His committee is currently investigating the Justice Department.

    Whatever other strategies that we may come up we must keep in mind that we do not want to do anything that will endanger the horses or the physical safety of any humans. We cannot afford to do anything stupid near the horses that would justify the BLM’s denial of access to the horses. It is ironic that the reason the BLM exists is because there was a need for a group to protect the wild horses from the mustangers. It turns out that the public needs to protect the wild horses and burros from the BLM.


    • It is ironic that the horses must be protected from BLM, since the agency has perpetrated cruelties on wild horses, such as the spaying of mares at Sheldon Wildlife Refuge in Nevada. Thirty mares or 10% of the mares died as a result but probably more died horrific deaths.

      For that reason, Congressman Grijalva, AZ urged his fellow members to sign his letter to Secretary Salazar to stop the repeat of permanent neutering of stallions and certainly not mares of the White Mountain and Little Colorado herds in southern Wyoming last year, July 28, 2011. Another 64 members of Congress signed Congressman Grijalva’s letter.

      Perhaps the removal of our young Pryor horses might be stopped by Congressman Grijalva and others this year. It takes time to contact them because a letter needs to be faxed to the individual congresspersons who signed Congressman Grijalva’s letter unless one is a constituent where an e-mail may go through.

      Congressman Grijalva’s letter is uploaded on his site,

      The D.C. Office fax is: 202 225 1541


  37. As an addition to my post, Congressman Grijalva is a ranking member of the Sub committee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands.

    He might be able to help regarding our Pryor horses. DC Fax: 202 225 1541


    • Good idea. Congressman Rahall sponsored the last ROAM Act. He might also be willing to help. Congressman Moran is the chairman of the animal caucus as well as a member of the House Appropriations Committee.


      • Tks for the name of Congressman Rahall, WV. His ROAM Act of 2009 HRES 653 is co-sponsored by 7 congresspeople: M. Bordallo, S. Farr, R. Grijalva, D. Kucinich, C. Maloney, G. Miller, H. Waxman. Unfortunately, the bill is still sitting in the Committee for Energy and Natl Resources. But perhaps writing them could help the Pryor youngsters.


      • Actually, this bill passed in the House in 2009 and was entered into committee in the Senate. It was sponsored by WV Senator Robert Byrd who would have had as good a chance as anyone of getting it through the Senate, but Senator Byrd became ill and passed away in November. It had had two readings in committee. No other sponsor was listed on the bill. I called one of my senators and asked that he sponsor it only to learn that there was a sponsor, the freshman senator from New York. I wrote her, but got no response.

        It is possible that our horse related bills are going slowly because members of Congress are aware that Senator Reid is likely to sit on any legislation related to equine welfare. Based on past history it is unlikely that Senator Reid would risk angering his constituents in the ranching community, and His position as President of the Senate is one of our biggest problems. The Democrats could vote to replace him, and I understand there is mounting bipartisan frustration that so little is getting
        done in the senate. The other way to replace him would be to have Republicans gain a few more seats in the Senate. I don’t know which to wish for. Our Congress is set up around the two party system, and right now it seems that our elected officials are avoiding their responsibility to legislate.

        I just know Senator Reid has not been a friend to horses, and because he wields so much power in Washington it is hard to get past that. I suppose if the non-public lands ranching interests and other Nevadans put enough pressure on him to see that legislation to protect wild horses and prevent slaughter was important to them, they might get his attention. Nevada has George Knapp, so they at least get the facts and the news. However, they have also been hit as hard as anyone by this economy.

        Our horses do not have four more years.


      • ” if the non-public lands ranching interests and other Nevadans put enough pressure on him…..”

        You mean people of Nevada who are not at all involved with ranching put enough pressure on Reid? Is that possible? Otherwise, what you say about Reid and horses is disappointing. There are very powerful forces at work so much as to not have Oprah broach the subject.

        From what I’ve read, Elko County apparently does not want the Pickens’ Plan either and has passed laws not to have it there even though it would increase tourism.

        At any rate, I don’t think that Sharron would have helped anyone but her backers had she won. I’ve listened to George Knapp interview Craig Downer which was good and am reading Craig’s book since then.

        Thanks for the info on the House Bill which passed. I need to correct the number to: HR1018.


      • I think perhaps the answer might have been Danny Tarkanian, but Sharon Angle defeated him. But might have been won’t help us right now. You are right about the powerful forces in play. I have spent some time researching this part of the discussion, and it has been as you say, disappointing. I just hope that the corporate money involved isn’t turning Congress into a group of elected officials who are afraid to legislate. This is definitely a situation where the more you store, the worse it gets.

        What I do not understand is how a small group of people who ranch in part on public lands can wield that much power. Public lands ranching is not a right, and it is dependent on public dollars to continue. After being put through the fire by the beef industry, I understand why Oprah would be gun shy about doing anything that would put her in their sights again. I didn’t understand that for a long time, but since my circle of knowledge has expanded, I can see it.

        I need to get a copy of Craig’s book. He may have written about some of the things I still have questions about.

        I would like to be wrong about Senator Reid, but based on his role in the Burns Amendment and not reassigning the ROAM Act to a more senior senator, he essentially buried the bill. Senator Kristen Gildenbrand is the senator I was told was the sponsor of the ROAM Act.


      • “like to be wrong about Senator Reid, but based on his role in the Burns Amendment and not reassigning the ROAM Act to a more senior senator, he essentially buried the bill. Senator Kristen Gildenbrand is the senator I was told was the sponsor of the ROAM Act.”
        The Burns Amendment is horrible and is still in effect. This is why our wild horses are trucked across our borders. Senator Gillibrand served in the House two terms before she was appointed senator from NY, so she wasn’t that green. The result does point to Reid.

        There’s much work to be done. The Pryors seems to be the most immediate. Congress is on recess until 4-16. Then getting HR 2966 and S 1776 passed which seem to be stuck in committee like all other bills. Letter writing to those members who sponsored these bills seems the way to do it. You’ve already suggested names. What else?


      • I think you could add Secretary Salazar. After all, the President, the Secretary, and the Senate President were all serving in the Senate prior to the 2008 election. Surely, one knew the nature of the other.

        As to what else can be done, there is current pending legislation to be addressed perhaps while we are all distracted with horse slaughter and what would have been the Summit of the Horse Killers II because we would be too distracted to notice.

        Support H. R. 3432, Rural Economic Investment Act, REVA sponsored by Washington Representative Adam Smith. This bill offers cash incentives to public lands ranchers who want to retire their grazing permits.

        Oppose S. 1129 (IS) The Grazing Improvement Act of 2011 sponsored by Wyoming Senator John Barrosso. This would extend grazing permits from their current 10 year limit to 20 years among other things. It has been heard in committee, but I have not yet reviewed the testimony.

        The companion bill for S. 1129 in the House is H. R. 4324, The Grazing Improvement Act of 2011 introduced by Idaho Representative Raul R. Labrador. This bill has been heard in the Committee for Natural Resources and is now headed for the Agriculture Committee.

        S. 1129 has been in committee since last summer, but did not start moving until right around the time H. R. 4234 was introduced in March.

        The timing is interested considering that advocates were focusing on the Horse Slaughter issues.


    • What? Evil. Does pettiness know no bounds? They want to round up baby horses using a helicopter? May God have mercy on their ruthless, vindictive souls. If they are bound and determined to do this, they should just hire a few female equine advocates to catch the horses in the wild. Why are they doing this? The more evil and hard headed they become, the more hardened we become to fight them through any moral, ethical, and legal means possible.

      Maybe they are hoping that some hotheaded people will threaten them and they can close down the roundup for safety purposes.


      • Thanks Christie for all the info on the current bills and the names and addresses of house members. This is going to keep me busy for a while. Writing or doing something helps mitigate the gnawing concern even if just a little bit.


      • Thanks again for listing active bills in Congress. I’ve looked them up a bit and find my Congresswoman has co-sponsored HR 3432 REVA (this has about 1% chance though). I’ve started writing. I noticed you’re on FB and have a horse of your own? In the meantime, I’ll be sending out the PSA to radio stations, since I’ve gotten the file. At this point, things seem a bit discouraging. Perhaps I’ve seen too many pictures of our wild ones in distress today along with narratives of all those who work for our horses.


    • Congressman Jim Moran
      Washington, DC Office
      2239 Rayburn HOB
      Washington, DC 20515
      Phone: (202) 225-4376
      Fax: (202) 225-0017

      Congressman Nick Rahall
      Washington, DC Office
      2307 Rayburn HOB
      Washington, DC 20515
      Phone: (202) 225-3452

      Congressman Dan Burton

      2308 Rayburn House Office Building

      Washington, D.C. 20515-0001

      Telephone: (202) 225-2276

      Fax: (202) 225-0016

      Congressman Mike Simpson
      Chairman, House Subcommittee
      Interior, Energy, and Related Agencies
      2312 Rayburn House Office Building,
      Washington, D.C. 20515
      T: 202-225-5531
      F: 202-225-8216

      Congressman Hal Rogers
      Chairman, House Appropriations
      2406 Rayburn House Office Building
      Washington, DC 20515
      202-225-4601 (office)
      202-225-0940 (fax)

      Congressman Darryl Issa


  38. Washington, DC Office
    2239 Rayburn HOB
    Washington, DC 20515
    Phone: (202) 225-4376
    Fax: (202) 225-0017

    Congressman Nick Rahall
    Washington, DC Office
    2307 Rayburn HOB
    Washington, DC 20515
    Phone: (202) 225-3452

    Congressman Dan Burton

    2308 Rayburn House Office Building

    Washington, D.C. 20515-0001

    Telephone: (202) 225-2276

    Fax: (202) 225-0016

    Congressman Mike Simpson
    Chairman, House Subcommittee
    Interior, Energy, and Related Agencies
    2312 Rayburn House Office Building,
    Washington, D.C. 20515
    T: 202-225-5531
    F: 202-225-8216

    Congressman Hal Rogers
    Chairman, House Appropriations
    2406 Rayburn House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    202-225-4601 (office)
    202-225-0940 (fax)

    Congressman Darryl Issa
    This looks like it may be for inner agency whistle blowing. However, we could give it a try.


  39. Thanks Christie! EVERYONE needs to make the contacts with appealing for the Pryor Mountain horses, as well as ALL the other wild horses. It is ludicrice for the roundups to continue. It is insane for BLM to continue their evil. They MUST be STOPPED, NOW!!

    BLM is SUPPOSED to be PROTECTING the Wild Equine – Horses and Burros – yet they are the perpetrators of the most evil and violent crimes against their wards… AND it’s PAID for by the TAXPAYERS!!

    CRIMINALS is specifically what they are. Arrest them, spay and neuter them, separate them from their family members, and lock them up in overcrowded pens where they have no clean or dry place to lie down, forced to stand up-to-their-knees in urine soaked mud and manure, and left to starve and suffer thirst and the extreme seasonal elements… Just like they have been doing to the horses and burros they’ve violently captured for the past how-many-years. Let’s see how they like that.

    I still can’t figure out how they get by with saying 170 horses (their inflated count) on 38,000 acres is considered “overcrowding”. Then they take those horses and CRAM them into small crowded pens with over a hundred horses in LESS than 5 acres. Do they think we are as IDIOTIC as they themselves are, that we would accept this?? THIS is ALL OUT WAR AGAINST NATURE, and it had BETTER STOP!! Again.. ARREST the CRIMINALS at BLM and their thug hirelings!!


  40. I agree, see above info with names ,addresses,Phone #’s ! The President Elect says–“all talk ,no action” to Congress people ?? Lets Do This— ACTION !! ACTION ! !!


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