Day: April 17, 2012

Editorial: Horse Slaughter Deal Unappetizing for U.S.

Do you think it’s OK for someone else to eat Trigger?

Gov. Susana Martinez says absolutely not.

But a bid to begin slaughtering horses near Roswell for human consumption will mean the equivalent of dining on animals that are icons of the West — spirited wild horses and faithful companion and working animals that helped build the nation.

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Horse Slaughter Bill Dies Quiet Death in TN

Controversial bills to bring more horse slaughter facilities to Tennessee and protect religious expression in schools were tabled Monday, leaving no guarantees that either will come up again this year.

The sponsor of both, Rep. Andy Holt, R-Dresden, asked that the proposals be “held on the desk,” a move that neither sends the bills back to committee nor reschedules another time for a vote. It leaves open the possibility that they can be discussed again but, in the short time remaining this legislative session, makes both long shots for passage.

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