Horse News

Colorado DA Opens Up Wild Horse Slaughter Probe

Salazar Crony Suspected of Shipping BLM Wild Horses to Slaughter Plants

Salazar’s Buddy Sinks Deeper into Slaughtered Wild Horse Mess

Colorado District Attorney David Mahonee said said in an interview for the Pueblo Chieftain on Thursday that he had opened an investigation into whether Tom Davis, who buys large quantities of wild horses from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), had illegally shipped the animals across the state line.

Mahonee, who had just returned from vacation, declined to discuss the details of the case against Tom Davis with reporter Matt Hildner, adding that he had yet to receive all of the information from the state Division of Brand Inspection.

State Brand Commissioner Chris Whitney said his office is asking local prosecutors to charge Davis for failing to comply with a state law that requires a brand inspection before shipping livestock out of state.

Davis had admitted in previous press interviews that he had purchased over 1,700 wild horses from the BLM and could not produce evidence of where they went or were currently located.

Of added concerns are that Davis is a neighbor to Ken Salazar, secretary of the Department of Interior, and reported to be a family friend. (Salazar oversees the BLM wild horse & burro program and recently threatened personal violence against a reporter on the Davis case.)

Whitney said he interviewed Davis Nov. 6 and confirmed the violation.

Penalties could range from misdemeanor fines to felony jail time.

37 replies »

  1. In my opinion…The penalties for illegally shipping across state lines are what…a slap on the wrist? We cannot let this be the end of the conversation. The investigation has to go forward to find out just what happened to those horses, who knew what when? Who all were involved? I cannot believe this was the act of one or two people but that of a large group in many authoritative capacities who either orchestrated these actions or simply turned a blind eye to the crimes.

    I may be totally off base here but I fear this could have been a test of the ‘will of the people’. Just how loud will they yell if we enact the Burn’s Amendment to alleviate the overcrowding of the holding facilities? How many law suits will we have to endure?

    There is a belief that if the Amendment ever came before a judge it might not hold up as it is in direct conflict with the Act. But what if it’s upheld? Do we stand by and watch 50,000 wild horses and burros go to their deaths?

    Once an investigation is completed by others than those in the DOI everyone found complicit needs to be jailed…not fired or fined…JAILED!


    • I can guarantee you that it isn’t. But Tom Davis could be the straw man for the DOI. It might be difficult to get to the top, but there is plentry of reasons that could cause Congress to call for a Congressional investigation.

      You mention the Burns Amendment. In light of what I learned about the 24-27 million dollars spent by Senator Reid’s benefactor, also a benefactor for Secretary Salazar, owner of Pro-Publica, Huff Post, AOL, Yahoo, and a person with editorical control over the news content at NBC as a result of the NBC-Comcast merger, I have come to consider that the Burns Amendment might have come about as Plan B.

      It seems that he would must not be named threw so much money in the Kerry campaign, the he was dumb-founded when George Bush won. Remember this election was in November of 2004. It ws only two to three weeks later when, according to Senator Conrad Burns, Senator Reid approached him about an undefined problem he had in Nevada. We do not know what the problem was. We only know that the solution was to slaughter all wild horses over the age of 10, or after three failed attempts at adoption, our wild horses could be sold without limitation.

      We will never know if Senator Reid and Senator Burns would have offered the Burns Amendment had Senator Kerry been elected President. Perhaps he would have appointed an already designated Secretary of DOI who agreed to handle it, as Secretary Salazar has for this administration.

      It may or may not be significant that Senator Robert C. Byrd gave a speech on the Senate floor blasting the very idea of slaughtering a beautiful horse. Perhaps it is merely a coincidence that he sponsored the Byrd-Hagle Resolution in the Senate to prohibit presidents from signing treaties that could cause the US to suffer economic hard in response to the Kyoto Treaty. He delivered another speech at the beginning of this President’s term cautioning him and the Congress about the danger of executive over-reach enabled through the great unchecked powers that Executive Orders provided a president.


      • Harry Reid was going to lose his election in Nevada and he knew it. He had ignored the 12% unemployment and the housing mess and had not lifted a finger to help his own state. So he asked for help from the Unions that now days hire illegal aliens to work in all of the hotels/restaurants. The union brought in busloads of illegals from as far away as California with false ID’s to vote for Reid. The voter’s in the state had had enough of him to the point that his son that was running for a government seat was trying to make the voters think he was not related to Reid. That’s how bad things were going for Reid. This man should never have kept his seat in Congress. If it had been a honest election he would have been history. I believe Obama was elected using the same tactics.


  2. Davis and Salazar will just think no one will touch them and they can do what they want. They are both arrogant and stupid to think that Americans won’t notice at some point “where have all the wild horses gone” to the slaughter houses in Mexico and Canada. We thought that the Wild Horses and Burros were protected by the Government and instead they send these innocent equines to the bloodly slaughterhouses. This is a crime.


  3. Although we can assume that the sale decision came from Washington D.C BLM (the same person that “investigates”, approves and signs the sales agreements – not mentioning her name here) we also can be pretty sure that her boss (who?) and her BLM associates (many in Reno) ALL knew and approved. In addition, you can bet your bottom dollar that ALL of the holding facilities managers and bookkeepers knew exactly what was going on also.
    Per the FOIA list:
    Palomino Valley
    Cannon City
    Salt Lake
    Rock Springs
    Teterville West
    They ALL need to be behind bars forever … IMO.


  4. Authorities have ‘cases’ and reporters have ‘stories’. It is a shame that one reporter failed to see the value in pursuing the story until proof was found from Davis on UP. If a DA can do a better job on this botched case then more power to him. Certain individuals need to know that the identity of this man Davis was already known and an investigation was ongoing. One advocacy group is effective and those not on board have caused this miscarriage to occur. I have to ask who are they protecting? BLM? It sure seems like it to me. I am asked that question often! The dark side is out to take over. That is what they are all about, do not doubt it. Not only are we fighting BLM but we are continuing to skirmish with the fringe element that lives off the wild horses. And please remember, a good reporter will find the truth and not have to take sides or lean one way or the other. We do represent the truth here. There is not another ‘truth’ as if we live with a parallel universe. How many crimes must be committed against our wild ones before those fighting for them actually begin to see what is going on under their noses?

    Please support Wild Horse Freedom Federation and click on the investigations. Keep the people trained investigators working. Stop supporting false non profits. The damage done by them is before you!


  5. If you want to take the wild ones away from BLM management then write the legislation that says this and get it passed!

    Let us have a Wild Horse Conference this Spring. In the meantime let us raise money to get advocates to this conference where we need to WORK together. This could happen if you are committed and want to make change happen instead of sitting on a fence believing someone else will do this for you! We all need to work together. Those unable to will not. They are the fringe. We are not.

    Wild Horse Annie was fighting the mustangers. She went to the people AND the government for help. We, on the other hand, are fighting BLM/DOI/DOA and the good old boys, too, in the forced reversal on a law that is still on the books.

    Since when can anyone take a law and shove it where the sun does not shine and pretend it does not exist?

    If the law is not holding up then replace it. ASAP!


    • A law passed by Congress will only be followed by a government who recognizes the Constitutional authority of the Congress. There are signs that some are more concerned about courting the UN than communicating with Congress. Not saying that this true, but Congress is still searching for the details about Benghazi, but the UN has already been addressed.


  6. Advocates, this is the moment we have been given. Milk this and use this time to find out/expose the truth.

    There is evidence that the Secretary is in the process of executing a plan that is part of a larger administrative plan to address what it asserts is man-caused global warming. Disasters such as Hurricane Sandy cause fear in people because many people are uneducationed about history, science, geology, paleontology, and other sciences that would provide a more cautionary approach.

    Secretary Salazar believes that our wild horses are not sustainable in the 21st Century, and that public land must be utilized to produce food, energy, metals, and elements with some places being designated for wildlife—wildlife that can be hunted or rivers fished for food. There is no place in this world for horses just because we love them. Particularly if DOI can keep this feral non-native invasive species thing going long enough.

    While you may be believe this is far fetched, I urge you to ask yourself if there is even a shred of evidence that these horses are not being managed to extinction? DOI is so concerned that these horses might figure out how to survive over again given their long history, that is why they are taking the most Draconian actions possible such as gelding entire herds, spaying mares, putting all one gender herds back on the land, treating with ZPZ but still removing herds, taking the best, adding someone like Callie Hendrickson who is not only pro-slaughter, but as a member of the Conservation district actively implementing environmentally destructive policies such as using genetically modified round-up ready seeds for high density food production and chemicals know to be cause harm to human health that the government is endorsing on public lands. Advocates, we have read these articles, reports, and many of us know the people involved. This is like making a necklace, we have the beads, maybe we are still missing a few, but we have the beads, we have the string, lets put this thing together and stop this tremendous governmental over-reach.

    There is some double speak about the use of the word feral. However, in one interpretation of the Wildlife Society’s statements on this issue, all US horses are feral.

    The Rise of the Horse, 55 Million Years of Evolution (2010) Franzen, Jens Lorenz. trans Kirsten M. Brown. Johns Hopkins University Press: Batimore. This book weaves the story of horse evolution into the story of how the horse and the horse ancestors adapt to climate change. It includes a number of maps showing the rise and lowering of sea levels (long before there were humans to cause it) and how these changes allowed for the horse to move around the world. The author writes “Although the myriad factors affecting climate change have not all been identified, one thing is clear: Astronic cycles and their interferences have had a definite impact during the earth’s history and will continue to do so in the future (Figure 10.2). One cycle is the elliptical form of this orbit (eccentricity)…(goes on to discus the rotations of the seasons in the Northern and Souther Hemispheres)…(165-166)

    With regard to long-term climatic changes, the important fact is that the plane of the earth’sorbit around the sun is wobbling at a cycle of 19,000 years, while the obliquity of the earth’saxis relative to the orbit swings at a cycle of 23,000 years. Simply put, the earth doesn’t turn but rather staggers around the sun. Based on the interference of thesetwo rhythmic oscillations—which are also called the precession of the orbit, or the obliquity of the earth’s axis—-it is possible to calculate a long term curve of climatic development that corresponds to what occurred in the past…The magnature and rhythm of these precipitations change to some extent each year.” (167) This author does not discount that man’s production of greenhouse gases is not a contributing factor, but lists the impact of this contribution as well as others that we may not yet recognize as more of a secondary factor.

    is a fascinating study of how horse ancestors and eventually the horse adapt to changing climate conditions. Their nomadic nature and gradual adaptive genetic nature allow them to go wherever their food supply remains—and they will eat a vast variety of plants.

    Wikileaks exposed the scientific fraud created by the scientists at the University of Anglia where the science was doctored to make it appear the man was contributing to an increase in global warming, and data was used to create the appearance of a condition that did not actually exist. These were the scientists who formed the theories about which all these Agenda 21 approaches were made. People made of us have revered at various times such as Al Gore have made billions. Al Gore’s Inconvenent Truth ended up making him a billionaire. He sells air on the London Exchange. Our President worked on the Joyce Foundation Board in Chicago that provided the money to form the Chicago Climate Exchange CCX. He did, however, remove himself from managing it after it was created. But why was it created? To sell air just like they do in Europe. There is a fortune to be made through owning shares in air. The same thing may be happening to our water.

    With decreasing amounts of horse quality hay being produced, a rise in feed prices, a rise in fuel prices, and policies that will penalize horse owners for driving heavier vehicles that use more gas, and the requirement that horses need land that could be put to government use, I fear the prospects for our domestic horses are not much better. In fact, in her September 23, 201, talk about UN Agenda 21, Rosa Koire talks about the green house gas standards being set so low that we have not seen them since the 1880’s, but she said, unlike in the 1880’s when we had horses to ride, there will be no livestock. Rosa Koire is a warm, engaging, articulate and credible speaker. She pulls out the UN Agenda 21 manuals that cover each area of implementation and shows you exactly where these policies are stated.


  7. Here are the results of a 1982 study by the National Research Council that confirms what Jenz Franzen writes in the book he wrote on horse evolution.

    Note this is a study performed by NASA. It is important to pay attention to the source of information.

    An easy case study is to compare the work presented by Franzen, Kirkpatrick and Fazio, NASA, and the scientifically void claims by DOI’s expert witness from the Wildlife Society.


  8. The Department of the Interior is rushing pell mell in the hope of getting ALL of the Federally Protected Wild Horses and Burros OFF of Public Lands BEFORE anything can stop them. WHY? WHAT is behind this? You can bet that there are some at the top who know. It is OUR job to find out and NOT let up. This IS a National Issue and far more insidious than what appears at the surface. There is a lot to lose by NOT persuing this and EVERYTHING to gain. Much is at stake.


  9. Hunters, Hikers, Lovers of ALL wildlife AND Ranchers had better come together or America’s Public Lands will be nothing more than a giant, polluted industrial complex….IF they get their way. WE have the power and the momentum. Keep it moving.


  10. Louie, if we were willing to put our differences aside and work together we sould be an unbeatable force—wildlife grownups, hunters, farmers, ranchers, and conservation/environmental groups—are already working together and wild horses have been excluded. That is why they use the non-native, invasive, exotic, feral argument to exclude wild horses from their rightful allocation to forage and water. Though federal law has not changed, their coalition appears strong enough to make the federal government ignore them. However, you really have to wonder about the ulterior motives of environmental/conservation groups that include such friends of the environment and staunch protectors of human health as Monsanto and Bayer Crop Science. It gets more interesting when you figure out that some of these conservation groups are conserving habitat only for those species they want to hunt…which explains the whole situation Marjorie is facing in Texas with the burros. These quasi-conservation groups don’t walk around with their Winchesters, or their real estate licenses hanging our, but there is far more to their motives than preserving the environment and saving the planet. They want to save the land for themselves, but the most disrubing part of this is this:

    They are willing to support the current administrations real estate re-development project, and go along with the great climate change cover-up as long as they get a seat at the table to have input into these illegal, and non-Congressional approved decisions about land use. I am certain that at least some members of Congress are growing increasingly aware of what is happening, but on the other hand, there a number of politicians who are receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars to go along with the Senate leadership, which is essentaially the leadership for both houses of Congress.


  11. A good place to start is connecting here. I do not stop my research at one source, but find that this is a little bit like a Wikipedia that gives some useful interformation that allows those of us who enjoy research to come up with some ideas of google subjects to research.

    This is how I began to draw the connection between Dave Phillips, Propublica, the owner of Propublica (he who really must not be named), Secretary Salazar, Senator Reid, and other powerful law makers—don’t know if Senator McCains McCain Feingold Act is discussed here, but this donor lobbied heavily for this bill. After it passed, he created a class of IRS 527’s, then became absolutely enraged when Citizens United was upheld by the US Supreme Court. This site is a good place to start to get an idea about specific topics that you want to research. I can research general topics that I know are part of the big picture, but I am not nearly as knowledgeable with specific herd management areas, companies now operating on public land, etc.

    This information could explain activities on public lands for 20+ years, but there is no question that public lands policy is being guided by laws and rules that are not a part of US law. DOI is avoiding scrutiny, in part, I believe because Senator Reid is blocking adequate oversight. Secretary Salazar can threaten Dave Phillips until the next morning, but the bottom line is that by Dave Phillips releasing the story about Tom Davis prematurely, he may have saved Secretary Salazar some serious jail time and assured that no domestic scandal threatened the President’s reelection. If you listen carefully, the Secretary was most testy about the idea that the interview that Dave was taping was a threat to the Obama campaign. Listen to the intonations in his voice. The Secretary will not lose favor with this President for attempting to protect the President and the President’s re-election. It is almost as if the Secretary is surprised—perhaps he saw the story breaking as it did as Dave’s protection as a show of support for the Secretary and the President. Maybe the Secretary was blindsided because he thought he could trust Dave Phillips—thought they were on the same page or he would not have agreed to speak to him in the first place.

    This link is a guide. Follow the money sites that report both individual and group donations to political candidates. Those sites that connect the name of the group to a short description of what the group advocates for are extremely helpful because it allows the researcher to make connections.

    Everything you thought you wanted to know, but will be happier and a far less effective advocate if you don’t starts here.


    • Louie, I don’t know if you are trying to make fun of me of not. I respect you a lot, and would like for that respect to be mutual. However, I have looked far and wide for evidence that contradicts the therory that we currently have two governments in place. We have one government that the people elect, and a separate government that has been created through Executive Orders. EO’s create Presidentical Councils and give people like Secretary Salazar powers that under our Constitution are considered “governmental over-reach” or violations of federal laws. The difficulty with have two governments, one we elect and one we don’t is that the one we do not elect has more power than the one we do elect. I am starting to feel we just went through four years of bitter campaigning that effected no essentially needed changes at all while leaving the real powers untouched and free to continue implementing their vision of America.

      What struck me cold a few days ago after listening to Rosa Koire’s September 23 You Tube video was a news account replaying Rush Limbaugh’s rant of the day. Maybe we are in deeper trouble than anyone wants to admit when a very classy San Francisco real estate accessor leading Democrats against UN Agenda 21 is sounding the same alarm that Rush Limbaugh is. When the far right and the liberal (not progressive) left agree about something, maybe we should pause at least five seconds to consider what they are telling us.


    • Louie,

      Thank you. I agree that it sounds like the same old story we’ve heard before, but I don’t think about fairy tales. I think of George Orwelll and 1984, Brave New World, as well as The Hunger Games, The Giver, and the Book Thief.

      I am frustrated because I was trying to explain to those of you who live n the West and could help change who the Secretary of Interior is and perhaps the direction our country is going in, but I think advocates misunderstood my motives and thought I was just being political. I find evidence of complicity on both sides, but while I took a banner I viewed on a later disassembled web site for the Corolla Wild Horses with a Support Corolla’s Wild Horses by Mitt Romney as perhaps a signal that he would support wild horses. However, I could not find the link again, and Karen McAlpin told me that her web site was refigured.

      Then Tuesday’s horse had this little last minute tidbit that she heard from an excellent source that Secretary Salazar would be replaced during the President’s second term. Whoever that excellent source was is working for the anti-wild horse forces. Everyone was convinced that Governor Romney would destroy the West.

      I suggest you go to this site, which is providing the liquid capital for the Praire Land Production Company owned by the same person who funded most of the organizations that produced the Mitt Romney as monster narrative from OWS to the Huffington Post and Yaho News. Not to mention that he owns Propublica a media source that pays Dave Phillips to investigate wild horse organizations.

      If you think Mitt Romney would have been bad, maybe you need to see what Secretary Salazaar and Senator Reid have been working to achieve on our federal lands. This donor also owns PXP. When the President set a moratorium on deep water driling in the Gulf, he went to Brazil and bought oil fields in the deep water oil fields of Brazil. Then the President just happens to go the Brazil and make a two billion dollar deal with Brazil to produce oil for America. Guess whose company then made millions and millions of dollars that were turned around into dollars he could use to fund all the groups his organizations could fund—like the NAACP, the Sierra Club, Planned Parenthood, and others who could run their on the ground grass roots game to assure the President was re-elected. Get that again. Our tax dollars were invessted in deep water oil drilling fields owned by he would must not be named—who funds thousands of charitable causes that then turn into grass roots efforts to get the agenda of Agenda 21 and those who support it elected to political office in the US.

      Go to this site and view and then start linking. Understand the goals of this environmental movement are not to improve the environment, but to control who can have access to our natural resources and profit from it. What makes this criminal is that rather than just going in somewhere to mine, these people rely on claims of emminent environmental disaster to justify the need for them to take control of our public lands. And they plan to get our private property as well.

      This is only one sight. Be sure you look at all the sites in the West. I am not sure whcih areas may have once been home to wild horse or burro territories. But maybe you are.

      Be very careful who you trust; whoever told us that the second term of this President would allow the President to be kindler and gentler to our wild horses who may have been in a position to actually know as opposed to speculating about how the President might act differently, may have been a party in our deception.

      Pray hard enough and maybe the better angels of all our law makers and policy heads will speak.


  12. Isn’t there an old saying that states “there’s nothing new under the sun?”
    This is an old battle that has played out many times in the course of history. Different setting, different actors….same old plot. We must be wise enough to NOT fall for the ruse this time.
    As long as the people are fighting each other, “they” don’t have to do anything. They just stand back and wait…like vulture.
    There’s a lot of wisdom in those old fables:
    Aesop’s Fables
    Translated by George Fyler Townsend
    The Lion and the Boar
    ON A SUMMER DAY, when the great heat induced a general thirst among the beasts, a Lion and a Boar came at the same moment to a small well to drink. They fiercely disputed which of them should drink first, and were soon engaged in the agonies of a mortal combat. When they stopped suddenly to catch their breath for a fiercer renewal of the fight, they saw some Vultures waiting in the distance to feast on the one that should fall first. They at once made up their quarrel, saying, “It is better for us to make friends, than to become the food of Crows or Vultures


  13. No, HoofHugs. I’m sorry. I didn’t intend for it to come across that way. My mind is just looking for some leviity in this mess. I was adding to what you had written. It is the “Humpty Dumpty’s” sitting on that precarious ledge that gave me food for thought.


  14. There may be some who didn’t see this article when it was first published. It connects a lot of the dots. You have to pull up the link to read all of it. It is thorough and well-researched:
    Federal Horse Rustlers & the Agenda 21 Hustle
    April 30, 2012
    Debbie Coffey

    To begin with, the National Association of Conservation Districts (the “mother” of all Conservation Districts) is partnering in a way that promotes IUCN and ICLEI USA, thus pushing Agenda 21, the UN’s action plan that will do away with your private property rights and Constitutional rights.
    The Bureau of Land Management’s Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board meeting (April 2012), was the first meeting including Sec. of Interior Ken Salazar’s new appointee, Callie Hendrickson. Hendrickson has served as an Executive Board member of the National Association of Conservation Districts, and works for the White River and Douglas Creek Conservation District in Colorado.
    Several other representatives from state Associations of Conservation Districts were also at this meeting.
    They looked like real Americans in their cowboy hats, but the influence they peddled was Agenda 21. Agenda 21 was disguised behind their words about rangeland health and pushing for the removal of, and for the unlimited sale (slaughter) of wild horses.
    They were in Reno gambling with your Constitutional rights.
    The National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD)
    Mr. Chris Freeman was at this meeting representing the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD). NACD is actively partnering with the Forest Service, which is a member of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). On the IUCN website, it states: “IUCN links its Mission to the paramount goals of the international community on environment and sustainable development, in particular Agenda 21…”
    The objective of Agenda 21 is “communally and collectively owned and managed land.”


    • Louie,

      I am so grateful for Debbie Coffey’s fine research. It is funny how certain details that might not stand out on their own in her writing, but after you start searching you start to find the significance in them. Her article that noted that the FS was closing roads let me to the blog of mineral miner in California who reported how her access to her claims was now impeded by Salazar’s edict to close forest service roads. I was intrigued because Debbie had noted this, but not given many reasons for this. This blogger also revealed that she had previously had 24/7 hour access to her claims, but now would be allowed only to go from 10-4. Then she said that roads to some of her claims had been closed entirely. I always thought of mineral mining as a big corporate thing, but this sounded like a small, family business that would lose its livelihood. If I could have relocated it, I would have linked it because it is a powerful story about what is going on public lands and the powers being exercised by the Secretary of Interior. I must have gotten to it from a link on another page, or else someone has paid to make the site disappear to the last entry on the search page.

      This blog which I found the night that we thought horse slaughter had been ended (of hoped) it had convinced me because the author sited a memo that an FS employ had that had come from Secretary Salazar. Enough evidence existed, but I guess the uncertainty about the unannounced slaughter closure was just enough to shift the surface where still unassembled puzzle pieces sat so that they began to fall into place.

      It is amazing how many pieces of the wild horse/ horse slaughter issues start to make logical sense when you eliminate the concept that we are being governerned by a Constitutional Republic.


  15. Lock both those bastards up with each other in the same cell. This way they have to look at each other everyday for a long time. Sharing one toilet would be nice too.


  16. At this point most of us don’t trust any of them on either side. Only a very few have proven themselves worthy. I heard a very good question asked on a recent radio show.
    “Why would anyone spend millions of dollars to get elected to a job that pays far less?”


    • Nicely put, Louie!
      Follow the money … they “receive” much more than we know in power and associates and kickbacks that will continue to pay off for them for a lifetime and generations to come.
      Dirty – from top to bottom.


  17. Again, I perused a source earlier today that stated that once Senator Kerry lost in 2004, he who must not be named invited the current leader to his home to convince him to run in 2008. HWMNBN is also a donor and supporter the Clintons as well as others we may know, so this shows the level of diliberation and calculation that was involved. George Bush was vilified and is still being villified by the same sources that villified Governor Romney. George Bush had a record, so we can judge him for ourselves. The only strategy the current leader’s donor had was to destroy Mitt Romney and make him unacceptable to those who might vote for him. Despite the current administrations abysmal record on animal welfare issues, the attack team was able to use the idea of Seamus Romney’s inclusion in the family vacation to disqualify Mitt Romney as a candidate who would be more compassionate about animals. Yet, he refused to defend himself preferring, I think, not to get into this kind of tit for tat. In order to disqualify him by horse lovers (it didn’t work for people who actually own horses or veterinarians who understand the business) but with people who just love horses or who are ready to accept the stereotype that wealthy horse owners consider their horses discardable, the attack against Mrs. Romney took care of the equine lovers. It is amazing that a man who is more famous for eating dog than loving dogs throughout his life, is considered by animal welfare advocates to be more compassionate than the one who didn’t have the heart to leave Seamus behind. But people preferred to believe that the Governor had no heart. David Axlerod made certain that between Dogs Against Romey and the recurring image of Seamus on top of the car or airplane reminded anyone who might decide that Governor Romney might be acceptable after all, that in fact, he had already been disqualified.

    Any maybe the majority of people in this country prefer to have government make their decisions for them. But the problem with this as we clearly see in the case of Secretary Salazar is that the government may decide to that a species that so many of us have such a strong spiritual, emotional, and intellectual connection to is “unsustainable” and therefore, undeserving of a “fair share” of the land, grass, water, land. I am intrinsically opposed to a government, particularly a government who in the words of a federal judge remains studiously ignorant of scientific fact as it makes its determinations that totally usurp societal values.


  18. There might still be time to sign and comment:
    Comments Due November 16, 2012.

    Known as “Timber Horses,” the wild mustangs in the Murderers Creek Herd Management Area (HMA) and Wild Horse Territory live deep amongst the conifers and ponderosa pines in the Malhuer National Forest in eastern Oregon. Descendants of Native American horses, New World Iberian breeds and horses that helped early settlers develop the West, these mustangs are genetically distinct from other Oregon wild herds thanks to their isolated geography.
    Despite the uniqueness and small size of this herd (an estimated 213 adult horses on 223 square miles!), the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is planning to remove 113 of these horses in 2012 and 100-150 additional horses over the next two to three years from their homes on the range in the Murderers Creek HMA.
    The agency is seeking comments on a Preliminary Environmental Assessment for its plan to remove 338 horses from Murderers Creek over the next 10 years through a combination of helicopter stampedes and bait trapping. The BLM hopes to reduce the Murderers Creek wild horse population down to just 50 horses, while authorizing over 5 times that number of cattle to graze this designated wild horse area.
    Please take action below to oppose this costly and cruel plan. Remember that by delivering thousands of comments opposing each and every BLM wild horse roundup, we are creating a powerful record of public support and demand for change!


  19. Interesting that information on Agenda 21 is making the rounds and it started in Atlanta with a politician. No one has commented on the fact that the U.N. Agenda 21 was signed onto by members of the U.N. including our own president George H.W. Bush in 1992 intending to deal with problems coming up in the 21st Century. Before everyone starts shaking in their boots about a global takeover of some power hungry madman, it would behoove them to read the Preamble to Agenda 21

    Governments would cooperate and no one country would be taken over. Yet, the ideas presented in Agenda 21 make sense for humanity, for wildlife, and indeed the health of our earth of which we have only one. The link polymontana link: is full of errors in facts/stats particularly the estimated number of wolves and grizzlies at 2500 each in Montana only. There is no such thing. The Park Service and Forest Service estimate wolves to be around 1700 in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Washington, Yellowstone. It’s best to not believe everything that’s on the internet without triangulating first.


    • Chris1055 does it make sense that the US will allow HIGHER levels of pesticides to conform with international trade laws? and

      I have researched Agenda 21 extensively, and while it seems to be “soft law” right now, it is bypassing Congress and our Constitution and being implemented through government agency regulations and policy.

      I have a question for you, if Agenda 21 is really about saving the environment, why are large multinational corporations continually allowed to pollute, while the average person must adhere to strict rules.

      Just because you found errors in only one article doesn’t mean that a lot of good researchers don’t know what they’re talking about. As a matter of fact, you have made an error. Can you PROVE concerns about Agenda 21 started with one politician in Atlanta? Please send me a link.


    Public Employee Group Calls for Salazar Ouster
    November 16, 2012
    Public Employees for Enviornmental Responsibility Says Time to Go
    WASHINGTON, (PEER) – This week, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar apologized to a reporter he had threatened to “punch out” for asking him pointed questions about the scandal-plagued wild horse program. His frustration may be understandable, as the wild horse program is one in a corral-full of knotty problems that Interior has not resolved. In fact, Salazar’s tenure at Interior has been one fiasco followed by another.
    One of his first major decisions was to embrace the Bush “Drill, Baby, Drill” offshore oil program. Then the BP Gulf spill happened. Salazar’s first reaction was to scapegoat his own MMS Director who had been told to stay away from the oil issues and concentrate on alternative energy. Next, he broke up MMS in ways that kept the same pro-development biases in place.
    Even today, Interior rushed approvals for Shell to enter Arctic waters without doing basic safety checks and still relying on industry self-certification. Serious environmental concerns are still being suppressed. Agency approvals were given despite the fact that spill response capacity in the Arctic remains a big unknown.
    Salazar is often mistaken for the Secretary of Energy but not just for pushing oil and gas. His zealous pursuit of an “all of the above” energy approach appears to have left no resource un-bruised –
    • His agencies green-lighted offshore wind farms without requiring bird and bat studies to determine their impact;
    • He pushed mega-solar facilities in prime desert wildlife habitat rather than restricting them to already disturbed areas, like abandoned mines. The headlong rush will aggravate already acute water shortages in the arid West; and
    • Interior agencies such as BLM are run as if Dick Cheney is still in charge with a singular focus on new energy permitting regardless of impact.
    One central problem is that Salazar thinks he is entitled to cut deals with public resources like they are his to bargain away. Consider two recent Salazar forays into blatantly political deal-making at the expense of Interior’s resources –
    • Behind closed doors, he illegally negotiated a 200-foot tall transmission tower corridor (with flashing lights atop the towers) to cut across the most scenic parts of the Delaware Water Gap (often called the Grand Canyon of the East) and the Appalachian National Scenic Trail in return for an unspecified $65 million industry-financed mitigation package. PEER is currently suing Interior to force release of the details of lobbyist meetings with Salazar; and
    • He intervened to undermine a Park Service decision to deny a permit for a professional bike race that would close down part of the Colorado National Monument. Despite the fact that the Park Service had rejected the permit three times, Salazar met privately with proponents to lay out a plan to do a new assessment, later saying the parks “need to be better neighbors.”
    In his press conference on Wednesday, President Obama made it clear that the environment (at least climate change) would not be a second term priority. If he does not plan to spend political capital on the environment, at least his administration should not make matters worse. It does not seem too much to ask that for the second term he appoint someone who actually understands Interior’s mission and will follow the law.
    So despite the reelection, some regime change is definitely in order. Help us bring it about.


  21. Chris 1055.

    I have no idea how you came up with the idea that Atlanta had anything to do with what was signed in 1992. It was signed in RIO. Actually. The facts of what is and is not included in the whatever you want to call it can be ordered from the UN if you are interested in owning a stack of Sears Catalog sized books.

    There are actually quite a few well done videos and articles written that have been created by people from Maine to California. When you know what to look for and who to talk to, you can find lots of feature stories, government documentation, and well researched stories from multiple publications. It isn’t a secret.

    There are some very troubling issues regarding these policies. First and foremost, this is America. We are a Representative Republic. The discussion about what is and is not going to become public policy by fully informing the public, and then trusting the public to decide through their elected representatives in the House and in the Senate is the way that policies need to be made in America.

    Go to the PPJ Gazette and read some of the articles on that blog and then follow the links. People whose lives are being adversely affected are talking about this from Maine to California. Surprisingly perhaps, I believe that people in the East where private property really is king, are farm more aware and concerned than people who live in the Western states seem to be. Then there are the blissfully still uninformed because they have not yet discovered that there are rights that they used to have that, if they tried to exercise them now, they couldn’t.


  22. Question? Supposedly, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the DOI/BLM is to investigate Davis regarding BLM sending horses to slaughter (but no notice yet when to be done.) If the OIG is part of the DOI/BLM, although an “independent watchdog,” how unbiased can they be? And esp. with the ruthless, corrupt, powerful, Sec. of the Interior. I read in 2010, the OIG reported the BLM was doing an adequate job with the wild horses. NOT TRUE. So, I wonder.



    I hope we follow the money and look into Senators and now Secretary of Interiors Ken Salazar. Word about town is a lot of Colorado companies have since move from Colorado to Mexico during the President Bush Era. I suggest we ID horses and follow the tags. If anyone is involved in selling of horses they also barter in other items of trade and commerce. The Western Slope has ears and their is a Cattleman Association. Its okay to turn your back on activities of your neighbor. I hope their are some good meaning folks in the area. RT can you supply me some addresses to send donations to this cause.Tuesdays Horses posting @ Vivian Grant/Fund for Horses Tuesday Horse and myself . Thank you Barbara Ellen


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