Horse News

Nevada Ag Dept Wild Horse Roundup Sparks Debate in Reno


KOLO News 8

Wild horse advocates don’t want the horses seized, believing the horses will be slaughtered

RENO, NV – The Nevada Department of Agriculture rounded up a band of wild horses near Veterans Parkway Wednesday.

The department set up traps on private land at the owner’s request.

The horses were captured in panels and waited until Ag officials drove in to pick them up but not before a couple dozen protesters and four Reno police units showed up.

Wild horse advocates don’t want the horses seized, believing the horses will be slaughtered. But some homeowners in the area say the horses cause a lot of property damage.

The horses were taken to Northern Nevada Correctional Center in Carson City, where they will be housed until they are taken to the Fallon livestock yards for auction.

7 replies »

  1. Thank you R.T. for bringing the blight of the Virginia Range horses to more people. If we can get more and more people calling Governor Sandoval, then maybe this injustice can be stopped before it is too late. Hidden Valley Wild Horse Fund has bought about 125 Virginia Range horses in the past 2 months from the Fallon Feed Lot. The first time they paid twice the amount for the horses as the feedlot owner was bidding against them for someone on the phone. Now more will go to auction 😦 The NDOA makes the BLM look like school children. Please share pics from my fb to your wall showing how they treat the horses.


  2. From now to eternity, I will HATE the image of animals behind bars, locked in cages, hogtied by ropes, or chained in place — made to be prisoners or slaves, or both.

    It’s especially heart-breaking to see creatures who have known nothing but the joy of freedom being unceremoniously *stripped* of their beloved liberty — especially for no legitimate reason.

    To the DOI/BLM/NV DOA employees:

    You cannot possibly be fulfilling your life’s true purpose by imprisoning innocents. Each of us is on earth to free ourselves from the bondage of human pride and greed and fear and every other wrong influence, so that we may LOVE and DO GOOD our neighbor, no matter their race, religion, sex, or species.

    I pray that one of you will DARE do the right thing, DARE to refuse to wrong these harmless horses, DARE to quit “cow”-towing to oppressive authorities. Please, one (or more) of you guys: stand up and be a real hero — to the wild horses and burros and to the humans around the world who respect them and their right to live free!


  3. I have spent countless hours dealing with the Virginia Range horse issues. Hours and hours on the phone, numerous emails etc. The bottom line is Nevada simply will not enforce their own laws.

    It’s a fence out state yet when a home owner’s association tells folks they can’t build fences does the state step in and enforce the law…NO!

    It’s against the law for the public to feed the wild horses but when someone is arrested for doing so does the DA pursue them…NO!

    You have JQP leaving bales of hay on his driveway because he wants to assure them something to eat and obviously doesn’t mind the aftermath. Yet his neighbor does mind the cleanup and calls the state Ag department to come get the horses…The only law they enforce is the one saying if a citizen complains they have to pick up the horses.

    The horses suffer, the advocates suffer by having to spend too much money to buy them at auction utilizing money that could be put to far better uses like the building of the highway fences and providing hay in far off distant parts of the range to keep horses from being killed on the highway.

    Unfortunately a short time ago some advocate said something that got the Director’s nose out of joint and he’s not man enough to get together with said advocate, bury the hatchet, and do what’s right for the horses.

    There will be a Board of Agriculture meeting December 11, 2012. Part of the Director’s report will be an update on the Virginia Range Horses…

    The hyper-link to his update is not live yet but we should keep an eye out for when it does become available if at all.


  4. Its really too bad they don’t call the Advocates because I’m sure that they could get a group together and remove them. It seems its the same old game and stubborness. I will do what ever I want with these animals because they are on my property. If they go to the “Killers” who cares!! I don’t get it.
    Again, someone is making some money on them so why take time to call the people who care about their welfare the most. What a shame!


  5. The end goal for the State and the BLM is complete and total eradication of ALL wild horses so that the factions that want to CONTROL the public and state land will be able to fence OUR land, do what they please with it for their own private business use, and we tax payers will still be forced to pay, and pay, and pay some more with our tax dollars in the form of subsidies for these PRIVATE business owners to run their businesses, profit from it, while we get nothing from it……..and in fact, WE have the wild horses taken away from us…..hmm, not so fair at all and really a cruddy, unbalanced deal.
    So the reason the State won’t enforce the fence-out laws is because the end goal is eradication….private land owners play into it by being jerks, but its the big factions of mining, developers, ranching, gas, oil and energy companies, etc, who are the real monsters with no heart, no soul, etc. And if Dept of Ag people and BLM thugs think they will be treated any different than our wild horses and burros are treated once their time comes to retire them, fire them, get rid of them, etc, they are sadly mistaken because most of these tax-payer dollar eating companies DO NOT CARE ABOUT ANYTHING BUT THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR…….when the state and fedewral employess can’t work any more or are a problem, they’ll be history too.
    Now if the rescue groups would stop fighting, would not do anything out-of-line because they are scrutinized by the State and the BLM so they have to be squeaky clean, and would get to what I call “the uninformed, naive, general public” (and I don’t mean that in a bad way so much as it is a point of fact) and utilize the majority by educating them with broader media techniques, we’d have this whole deal wrapped up in no time at all once the general public KNOWS that our State horses and also BLM horses and burros are subject to SLAUGHTER for NO REASON and/or hardly any reasons at all when they are picked up……we need to UNITE in our camp, and have an end-goal just like our opposition does….our end-goal needs to be management of the wild horses and burros primarily in the wild in my opinion (and I don’t buy into the “well, they’re going to be captured anyway and there’s nothing we can do about it, so we have to protect them after they’re captured” *sniff-sniff, whine-whine*, because that is defeatist and it is not true that is going to happen unless we roll-over and give up), with successful adoption programs adopting out fundamentally trained Mustangs and burros run from sanctuaries, and also utilizing sanctuaries for horses and burros who are no longer thriving in the wild, are lame, born deformed, etc. A successful adoption program, instead of the failure program the BLM has been running for many years, would also bring to the fore-front the unique qualities that wild horses possess and would create a positive image of wild horses instead of them being portrayed as vermin like a lot of the mainstream horse world thinks they are, and also the general public because they believe the propaganda set forth by the factions, the State and the BLM.
    Its up to us to have our own unified end goal plan, implement it in a structured way, educate the majority of people who are “the naive, uninformed general public” and once educated, our opposition will NOT be able to stop us from STOPPING the eradication of our magnificent wild horses and burros on State and PUBLIC/federal land.


    Nevada is a “fence out” state
    Posted on September 17, 2012 by Protect Mustangs
    Rural Fencing Rules in Nevada
    Cross-posted from eHowBy Patricia Linn, eHow Contributor
    In Nevada, you can’t ask your neighbor to fence in his cows, you have to fence them out.
    Nevada is one of many western states that are primarily comprised of “open range” land. The open range designation means that cattle, horses, sheep and other livestock are free to roam and feed over any property that is not fenced. Nevada, and other open range states, legislate “fence-out” laws that essentially say: if you don’t want other people’s livestock coming on your property, then it is your responsibility to fence your land adequately to prevent ingress. Your fencing also prevents egress for your livestock
    Read more: Rural Fencing Rules in Nevada |


  7. It sounds as though there have been people working towards a solution:
    Protection Plan for the Virginia Foothills Range Wild Horse Population – Damonte Ranch Community Plan
    We are indeed a fortunate community to have inherited a remnant and incredible living symbol of the pioneering spirit that founded this continent so many centuries ago. So highly thought of is the Wild Horse population of Nevada, that it has been honored by gracing the face of the 2006 Nevada State quarter. The thrill of coming close to a herd of these gentle, but unpredictable creatures cannot be duplicated. They instill feelings of pride, awe, freedom, and peace. They inspire us to excel, and ignite our fighting spirit to win, as represented by Damonte Ranch High School’s use of the Mustang as its mascot. The wild horse silhouette also proudly adorns all signage associated with each Damonte Ranch development.
    We are a combined group of concerned residents of the Damonte Ranch and surrounding communities and volunteers from the Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund. Together, we intend to engage the support of various government agencies, as well as community businesses, organizations and associations to develop a basic plan to help protect the citizens of the Damonte Ranch community as well as the wild horses with which we share this land.
    We are dedicated to the protection of the Wild Horse populations of the Virginia Foothills range and request your help and support to ensure the safety and preservation they deserve.
    In order to achieve this, we as a community make these few simple assumptions:
    • the right to a safe and clean community for all dwellers
    • respect and value of all living creatures within our community
    • maintain access to open space for the enjoyment of our community while ensuring the safety of the wild horse population
    In order to realize these assumptions, we have identified several areas of concern that impact the Damonte Ranch community, the wildlife, various builders and developers, employees of the City of Reno, Washoe County Sheriff’s department and Animal Control Services, Washoe County Schools, State of Nevada Department of Agriculture and various Wild Horse Protection groups. We would like to take this opportunity to outline these concerns and propose some simple solutions that we believe will maintain the harmonious relations already enjoyed between all groups.
    The volunteers of the Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund have already raised money for and installed many thousands of feet of temporary fencing between Hidden Valley and the area in the vicinity of Damonte Ranch High School. This fencing is temporary in nature and can be easily moved as needed. By connecting the temporary fencing to existing fencing in the area, the majority of the Damonte Ranch community has already been ‘fenced out’. However, there remain several breaches and weak areas in the fencing that allow horses to pass freely from the foothills into the congested streets of the community where they calmly graze and wander across well landscaped medians and boulevards. Nevada is a ‘fence out’ state in accordance with NRS 569.431 and NRS 569.440, meaning property owners who do not wish to have wild horses or other livestock enter their property must erect fencing to keep them out. It is our intension to make every best effort to ‘fence out’ the wild horse population from the Damonte Ranch community. Your support is requested and encouraged


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