Horse News

Madeleine Pickens’ $1,200 (per night) Teepees

by Debbie Coffey ~ Director of Wild Horse Affairs for Wild Horse Freedom Federation
as published in the PPJ Gazette

“Madeleine is banking on (and, will be cashing in on), the wild horses”

Madeleine Pickens (whose organization is called Saving America’s Mustangs) plans an “eco-resort” called Mustang Monument, as part of a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) eco-sanctuary plan to put wild horse geldings (a non-reproducing herd), which were rounded up and warehoused on a BLM holding facility, onto another fenced in area (with a more glamorous title).

While Madeleine’s idea included putting horses on a grazing allotment on public land, the BLM’s plan will likely eradicate 3 federally protected wild horse Herd Management Areas (HMAs). The BLM will likely roundup the remaining family bands of wild horses currently on these 3 HMAs, ship the wild horses to short term holding, then to same sex, long term holding pastures on private property for the rest of their lives. (Which may not be very long, but that’s another story.)

In this particular public-private partnership, approximately 14,000 acres are private land, and a whopping 508,000 acres are public land. But who will benefit the most?

Madeleine Pickens was recently in China pushing her “eco-resort.” Then, Madeleine sent out an e-mail to supporters announcing that Mustang Monument will be on the cover of “Luxury Hotels of America” magazine.

When I recently saw that Madeleine was going to be on the radio show “Nevada Matters” on Renegade Radio, I called in with a few concerns. Unfortunately, much of what I said was (heavily) edited out of the archived version.

At about 14:43 minutes into the archived radio show (link below), I called in. As I recall, it seemed that Madeleine mentioned how much money long term holding pastures received, that Saving America’s Mustangs would get $450 per horse, and that she wasn’t making money. I pointed out that she would be making a lot of money on the eco-resort. Anyhow, Madeleine stated “I’m not making money.”

To explain her eco-resort plans in more detail here, there will be 50 teepees (Madeleine calls them tipis). The Luxury Tipis go for $1,200 a night  and the Luxury Safari Tents go for $1,500 a night. The rooms have 24 hour butler service.

Madeleine is banking on (and, will be cashing in on), the wild horses. After all, this isn’t called the Tipi Monument.

What’s really funny is that on page 2 of the BLM Scoping Brief, it was described that this eco-sanctuary would have “rustic accommodations similar to historic Native American dwellings…”

Does the interior of one of Madeleine’s tipis  seem similar to this teepee to you?

Back to the radio show, when I mentioned my concerns about fencing off public lands, Madeleine said “nothing changes as far as the fencing.” But, on page 3 of BLM’s Public Scoping Brief for the Eco-Sanctuary, under “Fencing,it states:

“…it has been proposed to fence all portions of the boundary that are currently unfenced, depending on the route selected for the fencing, approximately 53 to 72 miles of new fence would be required.” (emphasis mine)

That sounds like a change to me. Fencing will be added. The entire eco-sanctuary boundary will be fenced. And unless you walk around with a pair of wire cutters or a saw in your pocket, the BLM will be fencing off public lands.

Also, on page 3-6 of BLM’s Resource Management Plan Amendment and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) public comments about fencing included concerns that the fencing would prevent wild horses from accessing water, fragment existing HMAs and create unnatural conditions for a wild horse population living within the proposed Eco-Sanctuary.

(Maybe Madeleine was too busy figuring out which “high-end toiletries” to provide in the tipis, and didn’t read about fencing in the Scoping Brief or the EIS.)

It seemed to me that Madeleine may have been making a distinction between her plans and the BLM’s plans. For instance, in what seemed to be a response to my concerns about geldings (a non-reproducing herd) on the eco-sanctuary, she said “we don’t have anything to do with that thought process” and “that’s not our thought process.”

It may not be her “thought process,” but a non-reproducing herd is what the BLM is planning to put on this eco-sanctuary, and what will be happening.

Here’s my thought process: What will happen in 20-30 years when these non-reproducing geldings die and the wild horses in BLM’s Short and Long Term Holding facilities have died, and there are no more wild horses on public lands? The Mustang Monument will then truly be a “monument.”

What will happen after Madeleine dies? Will the public be allowed to read the trust or business document that deals with the future of this eco-sanctuary?

What will happen with Saving America’s Mustangs 66 water rights in 5 basins? In the future, will someone file an application to change the “use,” and will this water then go for industrial use?

In my opinion, it seemed as if Madeleine may have tried to portray people (and possibly, me in particular) who have concerns about the eco-sanctuary plan, as “agitators.” That is why, after the commercial break, I brought up a bit about what I’ve done.

After I mentioned her/Saving America’s Mustangs’ 66 water rights in 5 basins, Madeleine said “It sounds to me like you have more sympathy towards ranchers.” But then, soon after, Madeleine stated “I’m a rancher, too.”

Madeleine also said “I think it’s rather odd that you don’t see the good side to this.”

Apparently, she missed my whole point that family bands of wild horses (stallions, mares and foals) will be taken off of their federally protected Herd Management Areas. She’ll get geldings out of short term holding, but then the BLM will roundup wild horse family bands and send them to short term holding. (That’s why I called it a shell game.)

Meanwhile, the BLM is planning the sale/lease of about 6,397 acres of land for oil and gas drilling only about 20 miles from her ranch and luxury tipis, and inside of the Eco-Sanctuary boundary. (It’ll be interesting to see who snatches up those parcels, if nobody protests them.)

BLM’s plans for other Eco-Sanctuaries, takes wild horses out of holding facilities, but may put them mostly on private property, where the public will have to pay to stay or likely make an appointment to tour, to see the wild horses that they could once see for free on public lands. The BLM, once again, puts lipstick on a pig.

Whatever the BLM plans, it does NOT benefit the wild horses, does not maintain a “thriving ecological balance,” and it is just another whitewash leading to the extinction of our wild horses.



The heavily edited Nevada Matters radio show on Renegade Radio:
The BLM Northern Nevada Wild Horse Eco-Sanctuary Resource Management Plan Amendment and Environmental Impact Statement (December 2012):
The BLM Scoping Brief:
Map of the eco-sanctuary project showing the Herd Management Areas:

100 replies »

    • She is doing this strictly for the money —– and perhaps some drilling rights of her soon to be ex-hubby!!!! Who has fleeced a lot of people with “dry holes!” No.. she will not attend the OKC festivities- she might get cornered and step in “it!” Thank Debbie Coffey for letting us know the truth of Madeline Pickens’ intentions and for the “horse sense” to realize this woman is “out to lunch” – NO WONDER T.BOONE IS LEAVING HER!!!!



      • No…she is NOT doing it for money.

        I think she cares about the equines.

        It’s about total control and “my way or the highway”.

        This woman does things based on financial feasibility, reality, extensive business experience and somewhere is morality.

        BTW, she has never said she is the second coming of Christ.

        Choose to support her or choose to NOT support her. She has found a way to give media attention to domestic slaughter and wild equines. It would not be my style, but money, access and influence talk and walk.


      • Lucy Ann, thank you!

        And Denise, 3 Herd Management Areas will most likely be zeroed out for the same sex herd that will die in 10-20 years. With the wild horse herds that are mostly NON VIABLE now, wild horses really are on the brink of extinction. It’s a big issue.


      • Debbie:

        I respect your work, immensely. I don’t know what is in Maddie’s head…..and you don’t either.

        There is a possibility that those 3 HMAs were going to be zeroed out regardless of Ms. Maddie….right? History says so. Demonstrated behavior by DOI, USDA says so.

        Are you saying that the BLM gave Ms M her permits in exchange for closing out those 3 HMAs? Specifically, Ms Pickens knows she is getting sterilized wild equines in exchange for use of permits adjacent to her private lands and closing three HMAs ? How are those closed HMAs related to Ms M’s granting of permits? Documentation specific to Ms Pickens is where?

        And I stated earlier, I know they are not reproduceable herds….. I said, at least they are not going to slaughter a la Davis style.


      • Interesting twist Denise. Show us where BLM had planned a zero out of the 3 HMAs before the sanctuary plannin commenced. Thse negotiations have been in planning for years – the last meeting(s) are the first discussion that Ms Pickens would convert th allotments, that the public would be fenced for private use, that the horses on her sanctuary would be sterilized (and I assume this means exclusively gelding, unless she is also considering wholsale spaying), and worst of all, that the HMAs would be zeroed out to accommodate the so-called sanctuary. Let’s make it clear Denise. This sanctuary is not. It is long term holding with a pretty little package of authentic type tepees, and tours of horses who used to be wild and free. Don’t continue the myth by outmanuervering the truth.

        Another consideration for our citizens when considering Ms Pickens business plan (not sanctuary) is the National Advisory Board has just affirmed a previous recommme dation not to allow sanctuaries on HMAs. This places Ms. Pickens in the position of truthfully stating what she has done and why BLM may still be considering approval of her tourist attraction. I also wonder how the horses she has on her place are fareing – photos taken recently reveal horses suffering with reports of one foal being shot after being spotted starving. It is not the pretty fantasy land she and her Foundation make it to be. But hey, shake enough money at some people and they’ll do anything huh?
        Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


      • Janet, where did you hear a foal was starving and had to be shot? The Adobe town mares are there and arrived with some in foal to dust in the wind and paprika..those should be the only ones at MPs born last summer..she gelded both studs before she turned them in with the mares, against what was agreed with me..I was told they would remain with their mares in family bands..before I agreed to let them go there..seperated from the piutes.”. and assured by several high profile advocates”..they then adjusted our original agreement to say..well they could not gaurentee that somewhere down the line, things would not change and they might have to be gelded and I asked to be notified first so that I might find them a place somewhere else..the horses just arrived when I got a call telling me they were going to geld the studs immediately…they had not even taken them to MM but to an employees place to be gelded..I have all this in writing..I just have not raised a stink publically for fear of what this lying bitch might do to those adobes who were saved from TOM DAVIS..I tried to get permission to see them last summer over the 4th and was denied-.offered to buy Dustys one and only foal and was denied.and then more recently found the Daneahey photos of how bad shape the beloved adobes were in. If the adobes in any way interfered with her BLM contract -I fear what would come of them


      • There are ranchers surrounding the property she owns and lots of wanderers. I would rather hear a response from MP then more questions. I am well aware there are Adobe Town horses there and their condition was also desperate late last year – the condition of the Pauite horses at their release was also bad. My point is, I do believe MP or the people she has been employng are not capable horsemen/women or range managers. It is a joke to think that someone who inherited racing interests can manage a range, when evidence so far proves a failure in handling or respect for the horses versus tourist attraction. The foal in question appeared to be a paint.
        Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


    • The marriage with Paulson has left her very comfortable…I suspect she signed a pre-nup to protect her assets….not Pickens’ assets/


  1. Does it seem like a reeeeaaaallly bad movie to you folks, and you wish it really was, because it is worse? If you feel like puking, like I do, let’s puke and get on with it then….there is obviously REAL work to do FOR the wild horses and burros.


    • Without question, Rob. We have a lot of work to do. Keep in mind also the energy side to Madeline’s plans. Indeed this has always been a shell game. A game, I must say, that has been adroitly played. From the beginning, it was never about the horses or burros. It was always about the water rights for future energy development. Ranchers and advocates have long been played against one another, when in fact they both have a common enemy. While I wholeheartedly believe in alternative energy development, I am strongly opposed to alternative energy that is developed without first taking the environment and wildlife into account first.


  2. I knew the minute Ms. Pickens signed with the BLM to make sure every stallion was gelded that her motives were self serving, and not in the best interest of our Mustangs , Greed comes to the Innocent Mustangs from all angles……………………..and by many means !!!! Freedom to Roam is what I Mustangs need and deserve and what we tried to give to them !!!!! I am ashamed of Ms. Pickens presenting herself as someone who held the Mustang in high regard………We must learn to recognize the Greedy !!!! Because they are many !!!!!!! We must focus on Freedom for Our Mustangs and hope Ms. Pickens exposes her true self to all !!!!!! We need to concentrate on the Return to Freedom for Our Mustangs and pursue it wholeheartedly !!!!!!!!!


  3. I wonder Ms. P has any plans to Stand Up and Be Counted at the BLM WH&B Advisory Board Meeting next week in OKC? I don’t know whether to hope so, or not.


  4. We need to celebrate and protect the innocent………. Leave no stone unturned !!!!!!! What the Mustangs stand for and have given to us is Priceless and so are they !!!!!!!


  5. Please clue me in. I was told the 500 mustangs she saved from slaughter.
    where bought from a Kill buyer. How did they get gelded. Didn’t her mustangs come from a reservation?


    • The vast majority were slaughter-bound Paiute ponies, not BLM branded mustangs. The first pix I saw were all foals, but her release video was of older horses. I have no idea what happened to the youngsters.


  6. OMG! First thoughts & feelings: Sad & Tears. Shock. Now NOT! For, as always, whatever the BLM does…& now M. Pickens, the rally is on to meet tit-for-tat…& more! Per usual, GREED!! (((((((G-R-E-E-D))))))) I wonder what Jane Velez-Mitchell (Show) will do with this?! Again, thank you Debbie Coffey & RT ❤


  7. We need the wild horses to remain on public lands free roaming without interference from BLM! But that isn’t going to happen because there isn’t enough people to tell them no more roundups? We cannot even stop the welfare cattle system? BLM has broken the spirit and killed many wild horses by its round ups, abuse and release methods in addition to depriving them of grazing and water rights. BLM doesn’t care about the wild horses and we the people wanting to save the wild horses! We the people need to wake up quickly, because the government has been making decisions without our input and consent for too long about all life on this planet! Our hard earned tax dollars are killing the wild horses! We cannot do anything to stop them? If we cannot stop them from killing our wild horses, we won’t be able to stop them from killing us? 270,000,000 acres of public lands, enough room for 14,000,000 welfare cattle and other interests that degrade the public lands subsidized by tax payers funds, but not enough room for 20,000 wild horses? Recently, in Oklahoma legislators passed two bills to open a horrific hell hole horse slaughter plant without their residents input while most people in Oklahoma and across America appose it! There are approximately 18,000 wild horses on private ranches in Oklahoma! The Governor’s office has been flooded with calls from the public across America opposing the slaughter plant. Will we stop the plant from opening? I emailed to several of those legislators, received responses from only two who voted no. I couldn’t get thru to the Governor by phone, however, emailed my opposition and reasons including reference links, hoping for a veto.


    • Marianne what a great post. You said it like it is. The government is making their own decisons without the input of the people. I too emailed all the legislatures but didn’t receive a response. I called a spade a spade. We the people out weight the decision makers for the fate of or Wild Horses. WE NEED A SAY..NO MORE WILD HORSE ROUNDUPS. RELEASE THEM BACK INTO THEIR HOMELANDS.


      • Even at the upcoming National Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board meeting, the BLM allotted ONLY 1 HOUR for public comment! I sent an e-mail to Joan Guilfoyle, Mike Poole, Dean Bolstad and Sally Spencer requesting additional time, but I have not had a response yet.


  8. I think it might have the makings of a good idea – but let the horses live as they always have and free, and leave their reproduction alone, unless there’s a non-invasive, non-permanent way. It will still bring visitors and make money, and best of all, save the animals.


  9. I agree. At first I thought Madeleine was doing a great thing for Our Wild Mustangs with all the coverage and hype. But many of us have been duped. Apparently she’s bored being in tinsel land and now it’s high end fake teepis and butlers added to the unreal version of being a cowboy/cowgirl. She really has masqueraded at the cost of our Wild Mustangs long term future that resides on her so called Mustang Monument.”GREED”.


      • Mustang Montument is a tourist attraction. It’s never been about saving our Wild Mustangs. America’s Icon the Wild Horse exposed to inept tourists.


    • I so agree, she was World News Tonight’s person of the week a couple years ago, and I was thrilled that someone was finally going to be able to do something positive for the horses. I viewed the accomodations on the eco-sanctuary’s website with horror, and then realized that I had been fooled by a master manipulator.


  10. “We already had eco-sanctuaries … we called them Herd Management Areas.”

    I took the above comment from the PPJ website and it is exactly what we know to be true and the same is true for all short and long-term holding facilities as well as eco-sanctuaries. The wild horses and burros ALREADY have land – our land and our wild horses and burros.

    This proposal by Ms. Pickens in conjunction with BLM will ultimately remove MORE legally designated wild horse and burro land that Congress set aside for them … it is as simple as that … and thus illegal and downright wrong. Horses on her own land is great but fencing off the HMA from wild horses is wrong.

    Just for my own curious mind, I recently did some basic figuring to get a general estimate of how many wild horses and burros COULD and SHOULD be on their Congressional designated land and here is what I found. BLM has said that it can take as much as 240 acres per horse per year in parts of Nevada – so using that generalized number:

    1971 WH&B acreage 53.8 mil total = 224,166 wild horses and burros
    1971 WH&B acreage 42.4 mil BLM = 176,666 wild horses and burros

    2013 WH&B acreage 31.6 mil total = 131,666 wild horses and burros
    2013 WH&B acreage 26.9 mil BLM = 112,083 wild horses and burros

    As of this time, the BLM and USFS have reduced the number of WH&B down to about ~20,000 and they are still removing them. What does this tell us? Our government agencies (BLM & USFS) who are mandated to PROTECT the wild horses and burros are truly managing them to extinction. There are no excess wild horses and burros on their legally designated land.


  11. If the BLM had really gotten behind Winecup-Gamble something like this would have been up-and-running on one of West’s last great ranches. A home for 8,000 on the private holdings and more as BLM land was converted to wild horse use and properly fenced. I notice it was for sale last year and then taken off the market. It’s worth more “for the sum of its parts” than as a whole. I hope it isn’t being broken up and sold off a piece at a time. Sad to see so much of the REAL West going down the tubes!


    • Yes, we have both been eyeing that place for years, Linda!! It would certainly make a great home for the wild ones if we had it as a REAL sanctuary. If we ever need a place..

      The HMAs are the the real deal. We need to know them better. We will lose them if we do know them and the horses on them.

      It would be a show of our disapproval of Mustang Monument for us to begin a petition to stop Madeleine from ever receiving wild horses. Removing 3 herds is not an option. BLM is breaking the law blatantly and she along with them. I am not good enough on the computer but I do wish someone would do that!!

      Good figures there Grandma Gregg!

      Maybe Madeleine will not show a profit. She bought those ranches. I don’t see her in the black on this place for decades or never…


  12. I’ve been told the horses there are skinny and her fencing isn’t good. I think she’s so deep into this now there’s no turning back without major embarrassment. Does anyone know if she’s made any provisions for RVs or camping? Nobody but her high-dollar friends is going to be able to afford $1,200 a night! I don’t care for her “teepees” anyway. Not at all traditional. She would have been better off with some small bunkhouses and real teepees for the true Western experience, Then there’s the whole “spa” thing. She’s a “California Cowgirl” in the worst possible sense. No disrespect to the genuine article. If I wanted to see a single-sex herd of used-to-be-wild horses, I’d go to the ranch in Wyoming!


  13. Madeleine didn’t even think about the largest group of people “the middle class” who lives in suburbia. They would gladly come to her Mustang Monument at affordable costs having a real rustic experience of being a cowboy of the True West all filled with Wild Horses. No real business sense in her plans. The real issue here is the Wild Horses at Mustang Monument and what happens next?


  14. I was around this “woman” way too much, for several years, while she was married to my father – I’ve personally seen her eat hundreds of fish, so she’s a liar, for starters, but we all knew that, didn’t we ? Why should we expect anything less than this, a travesty, preying upon our Native American Culture, and one coming from someone who is not even an American ?


    • Hey Mo Pickens; Thanks for your input on this article about your experience with her . It just validated what I am sure most of us already think.


      • Anyone really think anyone from a very wealthy and famous family would post here, publicly dis’in family members? Seriously?

        Credentials mopickens…please,


      • Yes very possible Denise. This could be a Pickens daughter and a chance to speak out?? Why not? Are you so jaded you think it’s impossible that Mo Pickens exists??


      • Robyn:

        Are you so jaded that this child of Pickens…not Madeline’s daughter or some loon or proslaughter scum aren’t playing with you?…us?

        I’m tellin’ you, these kinds of people don’t do this kind of stuff.


  15. Thank you Deb! Its almost too late to call this woman out – but you did a fantastic job. Now, it is up to us to EDUCATE others as to the realities of this battle. Just tweeted this article and will post to FB.


    • When I first heard of MP starting this sanctuary, like everyone else I was thrilled to death. But as I payed more and more attention to her web site, and seen the people their who were her supporters, I also wondered what would happen when she got bored with this or did not make the money she hoped—–remember Ted Turner is one of her supporters on her site, and if she sells the sanctuary to him—– well we all know what he did for the buffalo—-might be why they are wanting horse slaughter again—just a thought and my opinion—-remember it’s always all about money


  16. I have read and re-read the EIS for the Eco-sanctuary and the same concerns keeps dogging me.
    First… three existing HMAs would be restructured and modified (page 2) in order to create this sanctuary. That makes me nervous. We can’t afford to let them lose any more land. Enough has been taken from them already.

    The other thing that is VERY troublesome is the fact that Herds would be non-reproducing. As we all know, genetic viability is already threatened. The taxpaying Public needs to see FAMILY BANDS, IN THE WILD. How many have EVER gotten to actually see how Horses, in their natual element interact with each other….the Stallion, the Mares, the Foals. THAT’S what MUST be protected and preserved….WILD HORSE BAND BEHAVIOR.


  17. she is not the first person to use the wild horses as a means to an end-However she is the first person to USE so many people that were advocating for the WHs-to gain her goal….tax payer dollars for her resort..honestly many people “projected”their wishes for the horses onto her frabrication..the truth is I did alot of research a few years back on these eccosanctuary tourism things and read comments from people who had gone to these zoos with sterile wild horses and they did not get what they thought they would see or experience and read comments from people who had gone to these zoos with sterile wild horses and would never do i again…any real business plan involves that kind of reseach…so expect MP to fall on her face..what does that mean for the WHs?


  18. We need to make sure Sally Jewell, who is an avid kyaker and mountain climber, is aware that these propositions are akin to the difference between a trip to “magic moutain” in comparison to climbing Everest.going to the local slip n slide water park as opposed to rafting the snake..wild horse family bands in the wild are the real eccotourism opportunity any person can afford and it brings economic benefits to small businesses and small rural communities..not to one “resort”….and costs the taxpayer NOTHING


  19. I got an email a few weeks ago bragging about SAM being written up in “Luxury Hotels”. So all the hoopla about saving the horses ends up screwing the public AND the horses most of all. Actually I got the impression that shes advertising big in Europe & Asia for people to come “experience the wild horses”. AND pay $1200.00 a night. Sort of tells you something when her stepchild gets the same feeling all of us have had for a while, huh?


  20. I am sure the chinese will think this is the “wild west experience”..once– but for anyone who has seen the photos of wild horses posted regularly by many photographers on FB..they will be surprised there is a field full of hoses who look and act like a giant herd of domestics..MP takes the helicopter up and chases them around for awhile for photos as shown on her SAM page..and that really pisses me off


  21. I think myself, & many others, are extremely disappointed with Madeleine. That may be an understatement. I really looked up to her, thinking, here is someone with money, & power, & influence, that actually really cares deeply about the plight of America’s wild horses & burros. I really thought she was the one who could help save them. I stood up for her, until I started to hear more, & learn the truth behind her motives. If these beautiful wild creatures, wherever they may be “kept”, are not allowed to reproduce, & carry on, they are not, & will not be saved. Instead, they will eventually die off, from old age, sickness, or maybe, from broken hearts caused by tearing family bands apart, by being alone, by being grouped together with same-sex, castrated, frustrated, once wild & free, fellow “equine inmates”. Why can’t she or others, run REAL wild horse sanctuaries, that actually allow, at least, “controlled” breeding & reproduction? I know these exist, in California, in South Dakota, & elsewhere. They do not sterilize or geld every single wild equine they have. So, what’s up, stupid government, & stupid, “ha, ha I fooled you” Madeleine!!?? If people are stupid enough to come out there & pay those outrageous prices, I’m sorry, but they’re going to want to see whole FAMILY bands, you know, complete with stallions, mares, bachelors, foals, yes, I said, foals! They don’t want to pay to see a bunch of defeated geldings running around. I think people like her, & the entire BLM employees & their contractors, are the ones who need to be “gelded or sterilized”!! I still think we all should somehow sneak in & turn all OUR wild horses, being held in captivity, loose, set them free, let them go where they may, scatter & run back to their rightful homes, live out the rest of their days the way they were meant to, wild & free!


    • I don’t think this concept as it stands is going to appeal to visitors. I would think they’d much rather go out to see horses in the wild in their natural habitat. Isn’t there a hormonal method of birth control that is reversible that can be used? Humans never seem to understand the concept of what we do as not working or failing. Permanent sterilization could harm the horses, what if a disease broke out or something. Hormonal birth control should be a possibiliy? I hate even the thought of intefering in any way – but permanent sterilization is an awful thought.


    • Thank you, Valerie, for the best and most heart felt letter I have read. I love the way you stated it. I share your feelings totally, and agree with everything you said. Your comments were so well said and astute.


      • Thank you T Boyd. Madeleine has betrayed all horse lovers & advocates all over the world. She has betrayed America. Most depressing, she has betrayed the very creatures she “promised” to help save, OUR wild equines! I don’t know all the personal “details”, but, it’s no wonder her husband & her have split up. Though I’ve never been blessed to get to see true, wild, free-roaming mustangs, in their natural, native habitats, I have always, since childhood, felt an inner “connection” & love for them, as well as towards all horses. When I was sick in the hospital in 2007, facing unplanned, sudden, open-heart surgery, I was an emotional wreck. I was more scared than anytime in my life, & I prayed to God to help me calm down, so they wouldn’t have to shock my heart back into a normal rhythm before surgery. The “vision” I was sent was not some tropical paradise, or calming water, it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever “seen”, a herd of wild horses stampeding through a snow-covered canyon, & running out across a bubbling stream onto a snow-covered valley, all in shades of calming, peaceful purples! Guess what? It worked! I, to this day, have never forgotten that image, & one day, I hope to be able to paint it. Who knows, maybe, if this really happens, & it’s good enough, I can somehow re-pay the wild horses for possibly helping to save my life.


  22. Ms. Pickens plans to open her eco-resort in June, 2013, on her private 14,000 acre property. She can do what she wants on this property. From what you have said, she will have her accommodations for the wealthy and the Pauite horses marketed as wild horses or Mustangs for the entertainment. BLM horses won’t be a part of her eco-resort until April, 2014. When I called the BLM in Elko to ask if BLM Mustangs were on Madeleine’s property now, the BLM spokesperson said no. The BLM spokesperson did say it was thinking of having sterilized Mustangs on her eco-sanctuary rather than geldings. Hmmm, does that mean mares with ovariectomies rather than gelded stallions will be placed there. Could this get any worse? Could we have any bigger monsters…the BLM national employees and Madeleine These poor voiceless, victimized horses at the hands of an insensitive, immoral woman and at the hands of an equally insensitive, immoral
    government agency, the Wild Horse and Burro Program.


  23. I am sick over this. What I am reading appears to me to be that BLM managers are bent on destroying all our Mustangs, one way or the other. The cruel sterilization can cause problems and death. In other words, the heinous BLM has tenaciously continued to subject Mustangs to horredous circumstances, selling them to many who didn’t know a thing about caring for horses in auctions, and selling to those who had them slaughtered. BLM stole the land belonging to the horses by running them with helicopters, and many horses died. Now they are finishing the job by fixing the horses so they cannot reproduce, they will sicken and die, there will be no more Mustangs, and I guess then the hideous BLM will finally be happy. I now fear that if Madeleine was sincere about saving the Mustangs she would not have agreed to the sterilizations. We, the taxpayers, have paid their salaries while they destroyed the horses Americans treasured and loved. There are no words to describe the horror, suffering and deaths the horses have suffered. Now the ranchers and the pipeline plotters can achieve their goals, and our beloved horses will be lost and gone forever.


  24. Her visit to the chinese was probably more of a summit meeting of global business which will be taking over that corner of Nevada. Mt. Moly will be the worlds largest mining operation of molybedenum, “leased to the chinese”, rudy pipeline, las vegas pipeline, and Ms. Pickens just happens to have a wild west experience handy for employees and executives of the businesses and is in the process of acquiring rights to land abutting these huge projects. And don’t think Mr. Pickens has bowed out – he is very big in the water business right now. Get ready folks.


  25. First I apologize if any of my remarks are off and I offend anyone here. It has been a very trying day for me. So I didn’t read this whole article but here’s what I know…

    The original plan that I knew was that none of the horses on the three HMA’s were to be rounded up. They were in effect to become part of Madeleine’s herd if you will. Perhaps I didn’t say this clearly. I hope I got this gist of it…

    Now those HMA’s have to be zeroed out for Madeleine to get her sanctuary. I remember this being touted as the mustangs greatest hope for survival.

    The idea behind an eco-sanctuary was great or so I thought. Im one of those folk that travel round trip through NV every summer. Having a place to stay that would benefit the horses was great in my mind. Elko is not exactly friendly to the horses and while im on the last of my energy just to get there–driving another hour to the sanctuary was doable or so I thought.

    Now these lands are being screwed with. The horses are being screwed. And my eco-sanctuary is now something way beyond my budget to manage. I realize Madeleine’s had many hoops to jump through working with a government agency but to promote her “resort” with advocates who just don’t have those kinds of funds–exactly who is benefitting?

    Advocates help pay court costs for varying legal things, they help others to pay for fostering horses. We just don’t have the funds to cover such an expensive luxury overnight stay.

    For the 1200 dollars I can go to the Pryors, stay several days and even afford to go on the safari via The Pryor Center. Point I’m making is the Pryors are 2 1/2 days drive from me and I can go for several days not one might.

    Tired and frustrated tonight. Sorry if I stepped on any toes tonight.


  26. I had long suspected this travesty of the WFHBA for the BLM nearly always has their devious angle when it comes to the wild horses, something that will work to further displace them as truly wild, vigorous, viable and naturally adapted herds. This is in severe violation of the true intent and core purpose of the Wild Free Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971, which should be primarily about preserving the wild horses and burros IN THE WILD — and our present BLM and don’t forget US Forest Service are doing all the opposite. Tell me know who are the true criminals today?


  27. The GREEDY are playing games with our wild horses. It’s our beautiful, innocent wild ones that are losing their rights to roam free, with their families, where they BELONG! At the same time, the public’s concern is being ignored and the issue is not being addressed in a reasonable or thoughtful manner, by those responsible. Thank you, as always RT for your professional insight on this issue.


    • Dear Louie, Thank You for reaffirming just exactly why we are all Here, for these Fabulous mustangs , to which we owe so much to, What a Beautiful Morning , it now is …………………………………….


  28. Conniving. Although I admit I was taken in by M. Pickens, “saviour of wild horses,” I had a gut feeling something NOT right. Looking back, many were so thrilled at her “Mustang Monument” *float in the Jan. 1, 2011 Rose Bowl Parade. It truly was magnificent & we called in & voted for it to win best float. Then she did ask for *donations for this ‘n that. I always wondered at her so-called great difficulty with DOI/Salazar/BLM in opening a sanctuary. One would think her husband, T. Boone Pickens, being an oil & gas tycoon, would have given her an open door. Then her many TV appearances as angel-wild-horse-advocate. She DID outline an eco-sanctuary for the general public. An affordable place to go, see, learn, experience. However, the bottom line was this was ALWAYS to be a top-of-the-line luxury resort. Madeleine Pickens betrayed the wild horses and wild horse & burro advocates…ALL horse advocates. She used the advocates to be behind her, supportive, with her & the horses. ALL to get to where she had planned all along>>>$$$$$$$. Most sickening. Depraved. Truly immoral, & more…


  29. Pickens made a deal with the devil. I don’t think she went there from the get go. I don’t like what her efforts appear to have turned into, BUT I don’t think she is EVIL like the Doinks and $ueys of the world.

    I am not defending her and I certainly don’t understand what she thinks she is helping.

    Money would have been better spent fighting in courts and defending actual free roaming herds.

    She has done neither that I am aware of.

    Her resort (yuck) ought to be called Tipi Tears (or Tepee, Teepee). 1200 a night for “exotic” stays is not outrageous. It also does not help wild equines.

    Before I finish, I want to say that the demonstrated policy of DOI is and has historically been….”You don’t do any man made use of public lands….we will blow your lease petition out your rear end and rip your rear end on the way out!”


    • We have, as the advocates for the protection of the wild horses and burros, to stop explaining the grey. Her actions are against the well being of the animals, contradictory to the law, and worse, continuing to use the hope of the advocates to her ilk’s benefit. Let’s step in front of her.
      Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


      • Please provide constructive, financial and legal action to dispute, rescind lease use and misappropriation of said leases by Ms Pickens.

        Most advocates knew many months past that she was not the wild equines savior.

        No stepping in front of her…you will be lucky to find genetically viable wild equines, in tact, nonsterilized by DOI or states anywhere….ain’t Maddie’s job.

        She is dressing up the pig (no offense to pigs)…just the proverbial.

        Pickens ain’t your problem…she and her money are a distraction.

        Focus on the next roundup and the Okie BLM lie meeting.


      • Perhaps it would be better said “leave her behind.”. Don’t concentrate on the next roundup. We’ve been chasing our tails with that strategy, BLM is not listening – time and effort and funds are wasted trying to keep up with them. Demand the roundups stop. Demand all WHB program communications be centralized on one website be created and maintained instead of district/state pages. Demand that all US Forest Service activity relevent to all free roaming wild horses and burrros be located on the BLM WHB page. Demand the website of management of the WHB be completed with notes of all meetings of the advocacy meetings, all meetings including inter-district regarding management of the wild horses ad burros be posted including transcripts. Demand NAS minutes be posted up to date. Demand all GAO reports be posted to the centralized website. Demand all scientific studies by independent private sector vendors be posted to the centralized website. Demand all scientific public sector reports (including every RMP report) be posted to the centralized website. Demand all photographic libraries be posted here as well. Stop waiting – we will lose the horses and burros if we continue quibbling. I’ve been obstructing the song and dance of M.P. for years and took some heavy flak along the way.

        Demand the OK LTH captives be moved or security surveillance be installed which allows for public monitoring.

        But as for the meeting in OK, once all information available is “findable” accountability will be clear.

        Be clear to BLM and USFS, the first and last motivation is the protection of all free roaming wild horses and burros according to the intent of the law.

        Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


  30. Yes, I do care to comment, thank you!! I am not so naive that I do not understand that every HORSE that dies in the USA will be ‘put to sleep’ by a proper veterinarian, and either cremated, or buried in the local pet cemetery. But I AM NAIVE enough to believe that AMERICANS SHOULDNT EAT THEIR HORSES OR ANY OTHER HORSES PERIOD!! There are other PROTEIN options available for human beings to consume. GREAT options are MORINGSTAR GRILLERS for a TERRIFIC HAMBURGER SUSTITUTE. The same company makes MEAT SUBSTITUTE CRUMBLES, for use in spaghetti sbeing slaughtered, auces, tacos, etc. AND there is always PEANUT BUTTER!! I also realize that many adults feel that they are too grown up to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. But I would just like to shed some light on the TOFU use. It is TASTELESS!! That gives budding CHEFS endless opportunities to experiment! For example, Lasagna…Meat crumbles…OR TOFU mixed in WITH the RICOTTA, (theres your protien!) You CANNOT TASTE THE TOFU IN THE RICOTTA!! Just a thought…The whole idea of meat consumption sickens me. If people THINK about what the animals has to go through being slaughtered, I cant imagine they would desire ANY cut of meat again. There’s my naiveness , I guess…


  31. On the Madeleine Pickens topic, I do have few thoughts to share. She HAS donated and HELPED THE WILD HORSES SO MUCH, Yes, but She, like the rest of the nation, has a LIMIT TO HER SPENDING! There has to be a ‘happy medium’ to which she can still aid in the support of the HORSES, and still make SOME PROFIT off of the venture. This is NOT to say that I APPROVE entirely of what She is doing, however, she has some of the very best counsel on how to operate a business effectively. HORSES are slaughtered every day, and I do believe that Mrs. Pickens would ensure the , at least, proper loading of the animals, to the best of HER extent. TRANSPORT of the HORSES is where the HUMANITY needs to STEP IN!! We have AN OBLIGATION TO THESE CREATURES, to treat them WITH RESPECT AND DIGNITY DURING THEIR END TIME. If, as I said in my previous comment, that not every HORSE will meet a PEACEFUL END, then AT LEAST WE AS A RACE, CAN DO FOR THEM AS WE WOULD HAVE DONE FOR OURSELVES WHEN OUR END TIME COMES. This makes me physically sick to write, but this IS the way of the world, and I dont like it.


    • No one is going to agree with you on your comments about horse slaugher. YOu picked the wrong blog to justify the means of their end. Were you put up to coming on here and speaking about MP?
      No one cares about MP her reputation is tainted. She truly is a disgrace to our Wild Horses and her Mustang Monument. You might want to go comment somewhere else where others think like you and MP? Good Day.



    Horse Slaughter –
    Its Ethical Impact and Subsequent Response of the Veterinary Profession

    A White Paper

    Prepared by
    Veterinarians for Equine Welfare

    1. Horse Slaughter is not humane euthanasia
    It is the united opinion of VEW that horse slaughter is inhumane, and that it is an unacceptable way to end a horse’s life under any circumstance. One need only observe horse slaughter to see that it is a far cry from genuine humane euthanasia. From the transport of horses on inappropriate conveyances for long periods of time without food, water or rest to the very ugly slaughter process in which horses react with pain and fear, no evidence exists to support the claim that horse slaughter is a form of humane euthanasia. Rather, it is a brutal process that results in very tangible and easily observable equine suffering


    • Well said Louie

      Any person who thinks there’s a humane solution to horse slaughter is really quite inept. Anyone who feels differently needs to educate themselves before speaking on Humanity being the barbaric end that results in suffering and then on someone’s dinner plate.

      There’s NO justification that any horse should be given their last ride on the Slaughter Truck to HELL?


    • Louie that article really speaks the truth by qualified veterinarians…
      Here’s the Conclusion in it copied:

      Horse slaughter is not a form of humane euthanasia, nor is it a “necessary evil”. The horse slaughter industry is a predatory one that exists only because there is a profit to be made by fulfilling consumer demand in overseas markets for horse flesh. Rather than aiding horse welfare, as slaughter proponents contend, horse slaughter results in very tangible animal cruelty and suffering while engendering abuse and neglect. Currently, horse owners have a choice of what to do at the end of their horse’s life – pay to do the right thing or be paid to do the wrong thing. In promoting horse slaughter as a form of humane euthanasia, professional veterinary associations do a disservice to the animals they are meant to care for. For these reasons, VEW supports an end to horse slaughter and advocates quick passage of The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (S. 1176).


  33. It is now time to “come clean” and explain and or apologize for reasons and behavior.
    Enough people have become upset and with good reason. I did not have a reason before
    this to feel concern.Now reading and hearing all of these caring brilliant people there is a
    finding of a huge problem that can be corrected. Are our mustangs into “beauty and glamour”?
    Naw, ….. just living.


  34. I think we should follow the exploration and gas lines across the country. They will line up with the most intensive areas of roundups. Pickens is just a front for her husband and it is about money. For heavens sake – they don’t think like we do – they aren’t going to do the right thing! This should be a press feeding frenzy for multiple reasons.


    • Correct Roz…that’s what all the round ups have been about is the fracking industry to make money and profit at the cost of Wild Horse extinction along with welfare ranching at taxpayers expense..on our public lands. Pretty pathetic!!..Oh and of course the cost of millions to round up and take care of Wild horses at the tax payers expense.


      • Well Robyn…that would be mopickens’ papa…wouldn’t it?…that’s the gas frack hog right? Maddie doesn’t get manure from the marriage.

        Take your energy (pun intended) and spend it on your legislators and local press.

        I told you before, I don’t agree with what she has come up with, but there are a handful of wild equines living on those leases.


      • Well Denise I could say the same here for you.. your apparently full of piss and vinegar today that could be useful in helping the Wild Horses instead of ranting at everybody??.. this is a comment blog and everyone is entitled to it whether or not your like what is said. Be Mature…


  35. I am posturing a position that Mrs. Pickens (soon to be ex) isn’t evil and most certainly is not always correct.

    I challenged this “mopickens”…no reply.

    Your reply sounds over emotional and certainly lacking recognition of others folks’ opinions.

    And frankly, you seem to be obsessing on Maddie.

    Stop the flip “mature” krap……how many sterilized and damaged wild equines will you give a semi free roaming home to today?…..forever!

    Oh…the only one I am responding to for the most part is you. I am not ranting….I am responding with a different opinion.

    In conclusion, I don’t know what hard on you have for Mrs Pickens and understand, I am disappointed with her also……BUT LET IT GO.

    p.s. when one goes to the “emotional, ranting” and “be mature” as a rebuttal tactic, you have no vinegar, nor pot and no place to devoid the urine. But I’m willing to listen if you possess a fact.

    LET IT GO! She is NOT Duquette or $uey or Farm Bureau.

    I also know she has done many wonderful things for equines, especially thoroughbreds.


    • Give it up Denise….any intelligent person can see you can’t effectly handle others opinions and comments…….Good Day….


      • Look in the mirror….you haven’t addressed one point save for dressing me up and down with dismissive, emotional poop…I’m starting to think wild equines or domestic don’t need irrational support from humans like you.

        And your right….I’m thru with you. I spent 24 hours waiting to respond to you because I didn’t want to waste real advocates time. BUT YOU JUST HAD TO POST WITH NOTHING. Equine welfare needs facts…post one (outside of the schoolyard challenge).

        Get a rheostat. Honeywell is well respected….


  36. I bet R.T. never in his wildest imagination ever dreamed there would be so many comments on this post! While this is a very “hot” issue, it seems to me that all of our back & forth debating, arguing, & commenting to eachother is really doing nothing to help our wild horses, it may make us feel better, but what about the horses? What are we doing to help them, I mean, REALLY help them, stop this crazy insanity once & for all? What I don’t understand is why “they” can’t open more REAL wild horse/burro sanctuaries, complete with entire, INTACT families, that ARE “allowed” at least controlled breeding & reproduction, then be able to adopt out young horses as they become available, to keep the herd size in check? They do this with great success at the Wild Horse Sanctuary in CA., Return To Freedom Sanctuary in CA., & The Black Hills Sanctuary in South Dakota, & probably elsewhere as well. These places actually have wild “free-roaming” horses on their properties, which are actually protected, &, they even make money by offering tours, camping, selling calendars, offering internships for college students, having their own gift/souvenir shops onsite & online, & by generous donations. The big difference, they’re not run by the BLM. I don’t know exactly how or where these places acquired these wild horses, other than getting some through rescues, &/or auctions. If they got them through the BLM they probably would have all been castrated. So, we all have our hands more than full, because we need to stop these roundups, protect what few wild equines we have left, figure out a humane solution to properly “managing” these herds, oh yeah, & continue nonstop our fight to stop & BAN horse slaughter, including the sale & transport of American horses across borders for slaughter elsewhere!!!!


    • You are so right Valerie. Keep the wild horses and burros in the proper light – with respect for their needs and love of them always as they deserve to be – free, safe and enduring.

      Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


      • Thank you for your nice comment, Janet. We really need to put all of our heads together on this entire issue, not be “butting heads” with eachother! The horses are counting on us, let none of us forget why we’re here! Have a great day!


      • Janet, I posted at the top- asking where you got the info that a foal was shot at MM that was starving, you posted it yesteday..I have been checking other sources and no one had heard of it yet


    • I am repeating myself but for the sake of the wild horses and burros …

      “We already had eco-sanctuaries … we called them Herd Management Areas [Herd Areas].”

      I took the above comment from the PPJ website and it is exactly what we know to be true and the same is true for all short and long-term holding facilities as well as eco-sanctuaries. The wild horses and burros ALREADY have land – our land and our wild horses and burros.

      Just for my own curious mind, I recently did some basic figuring to get a very general estimate of how many wild horses and burros COULD and SHOULD be on their Congressional designated land and here is what I found. BLM has said that it can take as many as 240 acres per horse per year in parts of Nevada – so using that generalized number:

      1971 WH&B acreage 53.8 mil total = 224,166 wild horses and burros
      1971 WH&B acreage 42.4 mil BLM = 176,666 wild horses and burros
      2013 WH&B acreage 31.6 mil total = 131,666 wild horses and burros
      2013 WH&B acreage 26.9 mil BLM = 112,083 wild horses and burros

      As of this time, the BLM and USFS have reduced the number of WH&B down to about ~20,000 and they are still removing them. What does this tell us? Our government agencies (BLM & USFS) who are mandated to PROTECT the wild horses and burros are truly managing them to extinction.

      There are no excess wild horses and burros on their legally designated land.


      • Grandma Gregg: Remarkable. I hope everyone keeps this prospective at the front of every discussion on numbers of horses and burros. We have been hoodwinked.

        Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


      • Thank you for those numbers. Wow what a difference in wild horse count since 1971.
        That says alot about the BLM that far back.
        I think most of us feel the same, they are pushing towards extinction.


  37. Thank you for the update on Madeline Pickens and the fact that she has betrayed the whole concept of stopping the BLM and their horrific policies of tearing down and destroying Wild Horses in their natural habitats. I thought she was to good to be true, and you just confirmed that for me.


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