Horse News

Convicted Wild Horse Murderer is Back Behind Bars

Source: Disputed

Jason Maduna, documented killer of wild horses, back behind bars for violating parole due to possessing horses
One of Dozens of Wild Horses Starved to Dead by Meduna

One of Dozens of Wild Horses Starved to Death by Meduna

“Stupid is as stupid does; if you take one cup of Jason Meduna, mix in equal parts of his wild horse trading buddy Ray Field with just a dash of Sue Wallis and a garnish of Dave Duquette you would have a horse killing cocktail of epic proportions.  Convicted criminals (we have the records) and alleged sociopaths seem to be a magnet for one another and horse blood is their bonding element.  You decide who is who but none of them deserve to share, consume, waste and pollute the same air that the innocents breath.” ~ R.T.

In April 2009, Morrill County authorities had arrested Meduna after authorities serving a search warrant found 211 neglected horses, burros, mules, foals and a pony at Meduna’s 3-Strikes Ranch near Alliance. Authorities found a total of 74 horses and burros dead at the ranch.


We have pulled the post of this article because a small town newspaper writer considered it to be an insult for us to promote her article.

What she does not realize is:

  • it is already out there 20 times over
  • your readership could boost her from being a small town writer to something just a tad larger
  • her motives are NOT about helping the horses
  • we had the details days before she did but were too busy with other issues to give it notice

Here is the deal, Meduna is back in jail for not only living underneath a fraudulent name but for violating his parole by doing EXACTLY what he was told not to do, possess horses.

Watch for updates but I can assure you that they will not come from the backward small town newspaper that issued this original article.  When you have the Atlantic, Forbes, Huffington Post and more writing to YOU to let you know of a new article we surely don’t need to be bogged down with stigmatized, small town rhetoric.

Disappointing and disturbing!

Read the SFTHH History of Meduna by clicking (HERE)

42 replies »

  1. We tried to get those putzes in Nebraska to fix this the first time. The Frieberger’s were horribly treated by Meduna and authorities. The BLM got off AGAIN! All those dead and tortured equines…..and the DOI helped, were accessories to this.

    Animal abusers should be up there with pedophiles. I hope the prison population expands their unacceptables criteria.


  2. Its these piece of crap people who never die or miraculously killed in some car accident. I am appalled that this state I live in overturned the ruling of the 30 ban from owning animals again. From my understanding these horses were also BLM horses he received by the truckload.


  3. Trust me, if Meduna goes to prison (more than county lock up), his life will be a living hell. He will be starved enough for many things and I don’t believe starving someone is justice…’s revenge on another person’s terms. Two wrongs don’t make a right…. Old Testament and I have moved on to the New Testament.


    • BTW…Department of Interior and USDA are responsible for this, on many levels…just like Davis and Meduna that actually did the final deed.



  4. Aw shucks, I found the article on my own. He needs to go back in jail. Clearly using an alias shows intent to violate parole!


  5. Here at SFTHH we offer both local commentary and attempt to provide the very latest news on the plight our American equines both domestic and wild.

    We have been fortunate enough to be elevated to the point where publications and/or authors of ‘The Atlantic’, ‘Forbes’, and the ‘Huffington Post’ send us preliminary emails to announce publications of relevant equine articles well knowing that the thousands of you will participate is a feather in our hat of credibility.

    But when we point back to a small town newspaper article, like this one, and the author immediately lashes out to us that her ‘stuff’ is exclusive property then I have a problem.

    Myself, as an author and writer, am well versed and fully aware of copyright laws. I encourage the re-blogging and sharing of all we publish as long as there is link back to us. But you readers bring thousands of daily responses to issues to the articles that we present and for such an attitude of small town journalism to get in the way of the issues of the horses just pushes me over the top.

    An avid reader sent us the info that Meduna was arrested days ago but caught up in other issues and the real life drama of earning a living we just did not get to it, my bad.

    Ego aside, Meduna is back and it is all bad. Local small town reporters are full of themselves and that is, likewise, not good contemporary journalism.

    It is our hope that justice will be served (fat chance), and the narrowed minded small town politics of rural journalism will progress to the point of obtaining a “big picture” perspective of major issues, not only in their small community but the world in general. (fat chance)

    At the end of the day, Meduna and his associates are murdering, lying pieces of crap. They have to go and it is our collective mission to ensure that happens…full stop.


  6. Animal abusers are a dangerous lot, by abusing animals , you can bet humans are next they are a very sick bunch !!!!! I dont think other prisoners are very fond of animal abusers !!!!!!!!


  7. Collective concentration of all here is bringing about the many wonderful things for the Horses, collective thoughts of many are very powerful when used for good , the horses have been suffering too long and now is the time to make this suffering Stop !!!!!!!We have all witnessed the horrors the horses have been forced to endure , it is way more then sad , it is criminal and against NATURES BEAUTIFUL BALANCE FOR WHICH THE HORSES A MAIN PART OF ……………they are the perfect Balance ……….and I believe that if we all keep pushing and working hard with are hearts and our minds we can stop this Horror !!!!!!


    • Not to Meduna or his “friends and family”….but only to big Ag, the meat industry and a very sloppy justice system.


      • Denise you said it……..”sloppy justice system” is right on….
        and the little boy’s club of sociopaths is the Real problem with our equines suffering….
        This makes me sick!!!


  8. “The greatness of a nation and it’s moral progress can be judged by the way it’s animals are treated”. ~ Gandi
    What else can I say…where the heck are we going in this country? We are not an evolved people, we have a long way to go. But, there are good folks and they will keep fighting for the hamane treatment of our animal families. I am behind them
    100% and will do what I can within the skills I have to keep fighting this battle.


  9. Here you go folks, this is WHY they WANT to Slaughter HORSES! I am a horse lover, I think that’s pretty obvious at this state in the game, I have seen many schemes over the years, parading as rescues, trainers, specialists in horses, they pull on a pair of boots, lock their cowboy hat on their horns and parade around as ONE of US…they slip in and get the loot, the horses, the tack, anything they can get, then they are no better than the dirt that horse in the picture died in. This is despairing to me, this is what the industry has ALWAYS hidden, this is what slaughter is for-the disgrace of the horse industry-these are purely deceitful criminals who in no way represent horse people. I have several catagories for the horse individuals: Goes like this:
    1. People who are one with horses, they communicate, relate, evolve, learn, improve and help all.
    2. People who love horses, they have the right idea, they over accentuate the love without being very realistic.
    3. People who in love with the horse, they have one, they don’t do much with it and yet, revere it.
    4. People who HAVE horses, they are tokens of worth.
    5. People WITH horses, they just are around horses to socialize, their animals are cared for but not communicated with, just a social tool.
    6. People who OWN horses, these are seedy individuals from any background that are proud to OWN it, don’t believe in the horses just possess them, if they don’t train them its the horses stupidity.
    7. People who gather horses, hoarders, possessors, collectors, their obsession typically works against the growth and well being of the horses.
    8. Horse trainers/traders-well this category is obviously broken by the same above list up to know. But we all know the Shady horse trainers that tie the horses noses to their tail through the front and back legs, or hang them with their head tied up to a rafter… they cut their nerves so they don’t feel pain, they injure them to teach them a lesson????They actually whip the horses, they throw dirt in their face, put kerosene in the coronary bands. :YEah those people, young or old-they are all the same.
    9. Killer Buyers-cold, eyes like the Great White Shark, black, void of life and love for the horse, empty shells filled with anger and hatred always spouting comments at people who love horses, hating them for loving something.
    10. The guy in the article today! These, they are beyond words, but I will attempt it! Dangerous, tempting God to strike them dead daily, they walk with a black cloud in their soul that NEVER goes away, they NEVER see anything wrong in what they do, they feel they are be victimized, animal just die they say. They are worse than a wild animal, at least a lion will finish off its kill, it doesn’t starve it to death to die, they are demanding, vile, salicious, fast spoken, horrible people, what I call the horse industries dark underbelly.
    I rate people with my friends on this scale they all know it very well. I reprinted it hundreds of times. When I go to an auction my friends and aquaintances use the scale to determine whose safe to be around, and who not to do business with again.
    I think that if we get rid of the slaughter industry then more of this mans type will be revealed, that is what they are trying to hide, personally who knows what could be on a certain crazy ladys, ranch land there may be more dead horses than this guys to find.


    • Cynthia you said it all. You know the devils and watch them.. Anyone that states that horse slaughter in not so bad. I know that they would sell there horse to slaughter for money. It is eerie and you just have know who these people are.


  10. This just infuriates me. No I’m not surprised that Jason couldnt stay out of trouble. It’s the old revolving door routine. But it irks me no end that Jason begged to be allowed to move to WY to start over. He was warned NOT to have anything to do with horses. So what happens? Not only is this scumbag caught using an alias but he has horses to boot!

    In the article it says that WY and NE are trying to figure out who has jurisdiction. That’s easy NE. That’s where the original crime took place. He was given a second chance. He had a thorough sound warning. He chose to thumb his nose at society.

    I feel so bad horrible for Pam Nickole’s who must be going through hell right now reliving the nightmare her horses went through. Her two were the fortunate ones. Yes, they suffered extreme starvation but a truly wonderful man took Pam and her horses in. He gave the horses shelter and room to be free.

    It’s so simple. Lock this SOB up and throw away the key.


  11. Good analyzes Cynthia..I think you hit the nail on the head. What else is there to say. I think its about time that the victims (horses and other equines) had their day in court. It seems the justice system is so skewed these days its unbelievable. These scum bags deserve everything that they get! Very sick people.


  12. He’ll surely go back to jail; but that doesn’t mean he’ll stay there. He’ll get paroled again and he’ll be free and those horses will still be dead and have suffered the full extent of his cruelty. I find no justice in that.


      • It’s just the way the current laws work. People who kill other humans are often paroled. Someone who hurts an animal will certainly be out in no time. I work in a prison and I know how the system works. The amount of suffering that this man inflicted on those horses will never be paid off in this earthly realm. That one horse dug a trench around him trying to get to his feet. I am so disgusted with the so called justice that will be meted put for this crime that I want to scream. There is never enough justice for children and animals; but Karma is a bitch. So watch Mr. Nasty. You will get your just rewards.


      • He will get what he deserves !!!!!! Just sit back !!!!!! Inmates dont like children and animal abusers !!!!!


  13. I’m sorry but where is the governments shame??? They dumped off trailer loads of horses to this man and now it’s all someone’s fault? You would think maybe they would have done a ranch check-up before dumping all of these animals off. They should have been at blame as well. I have seen BLM horses and they are all skinny and sick looking. Where’s the shame on the government for not feeding and vaccinating these animals. I’m sick of all the shame being put on one man when it seems like it’s been a group of people.


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