Horse News

Wild Horse Freedom Federation Founders Featured in May Horseback Magazine

Enjoy the award winning photographic artistry of Terry Fitch as husband R.T. spins a tale of adventure and moral conflict as they share their story of riding across Outer Mongolia on horseback while tracking the primitive wild horse, Takhi.

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R.T. and Terry Fitch Talk about Outer Mongolia at 2013 American Equine Summit

5 replies »

  1. What a beautiful journey shared! The cover photo is absolutely gorgeous as well as the vivid 2 page spreads. What a fine place in our world and how kind the people were. As always your writing brings chuckles and smiles even through spots of sad reality that things are not the same for US free roaming equine. I hope things will turn for the better soon as we profess as a Nation to be the wild horse and burro protectors. Thank you both for sharing this story! P.S. Not giving up hope!


  2. Glad Horseback featured this amazing journey. Terry, outstanding photography. RT, great storytelling. Thank you for all you do to raise awareness for the horses.


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