Horse News

Carol Walker on CNN tonight!

Carol Walker, Director of Field Documentation for Wild Horse Freedom Federation, whose photographs and reports from Wyoming and the BLM’s Rock Springs holding facility have documented the Salt Wells wild horses, will be on

CNN tonight (7 p.m. Eastern Time) with Jane Velez-Mitchell.

Thank you to both Jane and Carol for getting out the word on the chilling story of the plight of the wild horses.

Carol’s photographs and reports can be seen on her website, Wild Hoofbeats, here and here.

Carol Walker and her mustang companion, Mica.

Carol Walker and her mustang companion, Mica.

13CarolWalker0325     photograph by Carol Walker

37 replies »

  1. Jane and Carol, thank you for your hard work with trying to inform general public of what is going on with the wild horses. Most people are clueless about the Governments’ overall plan to destroy our National Symbol, the beloved wild horses.


  2. Has Palomino Valley Center in Reno been thrown to the side now tha Rock Springs is in the radar??? Is she going to address all BLM Holding Facilities?


    • Nancy, it seems to me that when advocates are able to get any media attention,
      they try to mention a problem exists at ALL BLM holding short term and maintenance facilities.


      • Debbie do they, the advocates, mention the holding facilities by name ?…the worst one in my opinion is PVC in Reno….
        it seems that sometimes instead of going on record on how bad the BLM handles these horses at ANY facility….they run around like chickens without heads….instead of looking at this whole awful thing as the big problem that it really is?…and can you tell us if this interview with Carol will be aired again?..I checked the listings here locally, it was on at 4pm pacific time. I really wanted to see it but was at work…or will it be posted on here….thank you


      • Nancy, there are so many holding facilities that if someone took the time to mention each by name during a brief interview, that would be the whole minute or two of media exposure, and would sacrifice informing the public about what is happening to the wild horses. So, it is best to say “all” holding facilities instead of naming each by name. If someone is interviewed, besides being a very brief amount of time, what they say will likely be edited and only a few main talking points will be aired.


      • I think Nancy has a valid point. Any coverage we get is great but we need to take advantage of the coverage by putting what is wrong at NAMED facilities so people are aware of just where these facilities are. For people new to these problems they need to know so they can support too.


      • Thank you Janet, by bringing the media’s attention to the “worst” facilities will give the exposure necessary to do something about this, I did get to view a short clip of Carol’s interview with Jane Velez Mitchell and it was just as cold out at Palomino Valley Center as it was in Rock Springs. It was minus 12 at my house last week and I am about 20 miles away from PVC. This is an open field with no windbreaks and when the wind blows off the mountains it can get over 60 mph in the bitter cold. BLM states there is bedding for the horses, what bedding? they throw hay down for them and thats it…there is no care to their hooves..they are cracked, some have duck feet, you can see them walking very uncomfortably and if they do have any break from the cold winds its near the horse manure piles that are taller than the horses. SO let’s see Carol take the drive out to Reno and take pictures and give those to Jane Velez Mitchell, Palomino Valley Center is the largest facility for wild horses and if they the BLM can’t give the basic necessities of life and care to these horses, then we need to raise some hell and get something done about this….


      • Couldnt agree more , givem HELL, they deserve it,what this Agency has done now and in the past to The Mustangs is not only UN lawful and UN American It is a Sin !!!!!


  3. It is long overdue to stand up and shout for the protection of the remaining few, last of these iconic animals. The media has been irresponsible in failing to tell the facts. Humanity literally owes it survival to the horse. The sacrificial devotion of horses has brought us from the beginning of time. It is the most integrated of all animals providing more service to us than any other companion/livestock/transportation/rescue/babysitter/sport/therapy/.


  4. Please get these icons out of that evil cruel environment. Those horses must be released back from where yhey where rounded up from .The BLM caused this so the BLM must fix this .Now ! These horses our like our American flag a symbol of freedom .All these horses should never be rounded or sold for slaughter again .Thry all must be protected! Donna


  5. Thank you for taking the time to report on such an Important issue this government seems to not have a ounce of caring about


  6. Saw the program and my heart is breaking for these horses.Please set them free.I have never seen such cruelty to our heritage horses..What can we do to stop this maddness…


  7. Thank You Jane and Carol for bringing this to light, it was very emotional for all. to see our Icons , the American Royal Ambassadors Of Freedom Standing in Freezing cold with no shelter ,OMG !!! This is the worst thing to see them motionless, so very beaten down to this by Our Own Government showing just whom the bow down to Big Business , this is the MOST Un American Disgrace I have ever seen !!! SHAME on America for letting this happen to the Beauties that BUILT America, is this how America says Thank You !!!!! I am so ashamed of all America !!!!! They have done the same to us, because I have to sit here and witness this horror atrocity , For which we have been trying to remedy to no avail, If I would do what is needed to be done they would shoot me or jail me, then i would be completely helpless to help the Mustangs…………………………….


    • You’re so right, Arlene and I too find this totaly disgraceful! The vision of our defenseless and innocent wild horse standing in the holding pens with NO shelter in freezing temperatures is haunting, to say the least and it breaks my heart. I would like to know where are all the Humane Animal Right Groups are on this issue?! Also, why the roundups at this time, under such horrible weather conditions? They could find their own protection, if left in the wild. Many thanks to CNN, Carol and Jane for covering the story.


  8. Sucks that find out after the fact. I have a Rock Springs Mustang that was captured at 1 year old….. I am an advocate for the mustangs and humane treatment of our wild horse. Need to get he word out sooner than a few hours…. seeing as from East Coast to West Coast could cause folks to miss the segment.


    • Sorry, Redfeather, we don’t always get a lot of notice, and since this blog is done on a volunteer basis, and we have other things we’re also working on, including the fact that RT has a paying job, we do the best we can. We will try to post a link to the show.


    • Dear jean correct me if I am wrong , but when a horse or Mustang or domestic extends his neck and carries his head pointed down, his spirit is in complete duress , when I viewed Carol Walkers photos all I could see was , their spirit in duress. my heart was broken, I cried with the Mustangs last nite….these absolutely Proud Beauties made to stand there in huddles just to keep warm, when in the wild they find their shelter, food and all they need,…….Last nite I wanted to Bitch Slap all the ignorant fools that had anything to do with this COMPLETE AMERICAN DISGRACE……………. my heart not only breaks with the Mustangs, it also bleeds with their Proud Spirits !!!!


  9. I had just passed threw Rock Spring in the early hours of 12/16/13. Wasn’t sure of the exact temperature there but I do know that it was colder than a witch’s titty in a brass bra. I had to stop at a gas station to borrow a large plastic trash bag to duct tape to my brush guard to get my truck to put out some heat if that tells you anything. At least in the wild the horses have protection against the cold. No animal needs to be out in the open in that kind of environment. I was in Rock Springs working for several months last winter and from what I gathered from the local people there they couldn’t understand why the government was intervening with.the horses? In their words, the horses do not interfere with gas or oil exploration. They told me that they thought the government should just leave them alone. As far as over population, from what I seen back then was the horses traveled in small groups and were few and far between. Perhaps this was due to the government intervention in thinning down the herds? I could not answer you this, but I do tend to agree with what the local people has told me there. I do have proof of fat healthy horses that I took last winter with my own camera. Any one stating that the horses there are starved or starving to death is in my own personal opinion is a damn liar!.I did take note of the herds by the hundreds of antelope in that area. I counted more antelope than horses. My question is, why isn’t the government doing something about thinning down the antelope? Now, THERE is a problem for them to tackle!


  10. Watching those healthy and beautiful wild horses being rounded up and seeing them look so defeated and abused by the BLM, left to freeze, starve and ultimately go to a slaughterhouse is sad commentary on humanity. I vow to see it changed. What an ugly country we are becoming – more concerned with other countries’ wildlife than our own (not that worldwide, wildlife is fighting a losing battle everywhere).


  11. I totally disapprove of our tax dollars being used to support animal cruelty. BLM needs to leave the horses alone and find something else to do.


  12. Thank You ! From Rock Springs, Wyoming
    My home ! I visit and advocate for our horses here. See : Wild Horses in.Wyoming for all updates! Thanks Carol !


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