Horse News

BLM Awards $740,000.00 U.S. Tax Dollars to Wild Horse Stampede Contractor

Last week ‘The Hill‘ reported that  the BLM cited overpopulation and drought to be the reason they gave away 3/4 of a million tax dollars to the Cattoors, again, to terrorize and stampede federally protected wild horses off from their legal and rightful land.  Ain’t it great?” ~ R.T.

BLM running down wild horses from Cloud's herd - Photo by Terry Fitch of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

BLM running down wild horses from Cloud’s herd – Photo by Terry Fitch of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) awarded four contracts worth a total of more than $740,000 for wild “horse gathering” services in the western United States. The Department of Interior captures horses to control the populations in the wild. Some are taken and placed up for adoption, while others are given fertility-control drugs and released. The BLM has contracted with Cattoor Livestock Roundup to remove hundreds of horses from the land. In the four areas — primarily in Nevada — where the roundups will occur, BLM cites drought and horse overpopulation. The agency is running into complications, including a lawsuit and petitions. Cattoor has been working with federal agencies since 1975, according to its website. 

49 replies »

  1. So frustrating that this continues and horse advocates are ignored. The tax dollars that are awarded to this cruel and abusive person conduct this unnecessary round up our wild horses is absurd and gross mismanagement of tax dollars.

    The horses that are gathered do not show signs of malnutrition or dehydration The wild horses would be able to survive on the range if their wasn’t human intervention, such as over grazing by cattle, destruction of land by fracking and mining operations, etc. More focus needs to be placed on what is happening to our wild life and our public lands in the hands of the BLM.

    Besides the abuse, trauma, separation of herds, the horses sent to holding facilities cost the taxpayer even more money to take care of them. If they are not adopted they risk getting slipped out the back door to slaughter, or being held captive for the rest of their lives, and for no proven fact or reason except to clear the land for human greed and destruction.

    More advocacy groups need to intervene in the lawsuit, more public outrage needs to be brought to the attention of our leaders in the White House, Senate, Congress, Media and the public.

    Does anyone have a way to join all advocacy groups together to make a joint coalition so everyone can work together?


    • I’ve tried several times to get the larger organizations to join forces. They want nothing to do with that idea. To us little individuals, it looks like none of them are willing to let go of their ego or presumed power, and they all want the credit for any wins. God forbid they humble themselves in order to help the wild horses and burros.

      Isn’t that a sad state of affairs?


      • And besides that, the largest groups are now on opposite sides because of PZP. If we can’t agree on the little things, how are we going to ever accomplish the big thing?


      • Everyone on the Board of Directors of Wild Horse Freedom Federation volunteers their time and efforts. We aren’t paid, but try to do as much as we can to help save the wild horses and burros. We also try to highlight the work many other groups are doing for the wild horses and burros and cover all sorts of issues on this blog, as well as on Wild Horse & Burro Radio.


    • I had read where Catoor is just horrible, shows no care in driving horses down the mountains, he is just a greedy person making his living off the misery of wild horses. I see many people who love horses and are understandably upset making comments, how is it that all of us continue to be completely ignored? I read an article about Wild Horse Annie who back in the 70’s was able to garner enough support, including letters from thousands of school kids all over the country, to stop what was then a war on the wild horse – which resulted in the law being passed UNANIMOUSLY back in 1971 protecting horses and burros……that law is still in place, but it appears that the wealthy ranchers, their buddies in elected positions have managed to override that law – when the ratio of cattle to wild horse if 50 to 1 how they can continue using the argument that horses are overgrazing is just ridiculous. I wish we could resurect Wild Horse Annie!!!!


  2. The Predators of the worest most vicious cunning, greedy kind , how can we stop them………………………………… What can we do to stop these Blatant Murderers………………….


  3. mur·der·er

    1. a person who commits murder; a killer.

    synonyms: killer, assassin, serial killer, butcher, slaughterer; More


  4. Shared with: See the high cost of decimating wild horse and burro herds???? Billions of acres of public lands available but big oil, welfare ranchers and gas frackers want to use your public lands to make themselves rich just like the entire cottage industry that feeds off the BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Managing to Extinction Program. This does not include the cost to feed and warehouse in BLM Hell the 50,000 plus wild horses all ready torn from their family bands and native lands. Support your representatives to vote in Congress to put a stop to this wild horse and burro genocide and huge drain on our all ready trillion dollar federal budget deficit. Go to any of the Wild Horse Advocacy websites or FB pages to find out how you can HELP STOP THIS CRUEL & WASTEFUL policy. This is your money. Be a voice for our wild ones and save yourself some federal taxes, at the same time. By the way donations to any of these wild horse and burro advocacy groups is fully tax deductible. Court filings and appeals filed on behalf of our wild ones are very expensive. Wild Horse Warriors, please SHARE especially to your non horsey friends as they have a right to know and can vote accordingly.


  5. Money better spent on giving the horse in their concentration death camps care and SHELTER! I’d like to send our animal control people out there. They’d cite them on all kinds of things.
    Damn the BLM and Catoor group of killers!


      • @Geri, i have been saying and preaching about this assault on us for years now only to be told that this was different from the horses .and i did believe that the damage had many similar avenues. d.c clothesline and freedom outpost an many more report what this invader in office has been up to. many thought it was only the blm over reach that was doing this but it hasn’t been and i still believe that this person and his doj people are going to inflict more damage than we will ever be able to clean up.


      • Cindy we are on the same page THIS assault is on the people, the land, the animals everything I read some where they consider us nothing more than ants to be treated and used as such. So yes the worst is yet to come!!!!!


    • Hmmm, very interesting article. Love how they state they kill 1 to 3% during this arduous process to capture, air lift and radio collar the deer. Didn’t research it, but is it because they must preserve the deer for big game hunting season? Craig Downer and another scientific outfit that was actually contracted by the BLM to study the wild horses did write a report that clearly provided scientific proof that the wild horse round ups were detrimental and unnecessary. The BLM wholly ignored the study. Ginger Kathrens and her Cloud Foundation produced documentaries showing how important the wild horse bands were and that they are not inbred as many local ranchers and horsemen touted as a reason for roping and killing the wild mongrel horses to sell for dog food in the 1950’s. That opinion, inbred, is still prevalent among pro BLM’ers. The science and documentation is out there to support leaving the wild ones alone, but corrupt government in bed with money grubbing leeches that seek to destroy the environment under the guise of providing oil and gas squelch out the wild horse advocates. The many wild horse advocacy groups will continue to attack this matter on all fronts. Joining them together is not necessary and it’s not all just about their egos. It’s about a bunch of passionate people with different ideas and ways to approach the matter. As long as we, Wild Horse Warriors, continue to expose the corruption to the public, vote to get a real Congressional Voice so loud and strong that other members of Congress will be goaded, humiliated or annihalated by their former ignorance of this Gold Hammer spending and extreme cruelty to wild horses and burros.


  6. Tax-dollars down the drain again. The BLM and welfare ranchers LOVE to use the words “overpopulation and drought” as an excuse for roundups. I have a question for them: If that is so, why do livestock outnumber wild horses on public lands 50 to 1 on average? Shouldn’t we remove the cattle too? After all, it is cruelty for livestock to be placed in a scorched desert with very little food to eat or water to drink. That would make welfare ranchers animal abusers.


  7. Thanks to DOI/DOA, you and I have paid Cattoor Livestock
    $29,965,527.00 Total Dollars
    in the last 15 years to capture and abuse our wild horses and burros.
    … and that is not counting the other captures we paid for to other companies.


  8. I’ve said for years now, we have a way now via the Internet for millions of Animal Advocates to do something more than say how wrong it is, we know how wrong it is, the BLM know’s it, like most evil in the world GREED is behind it. Those who got Washington’s attention had to have Million man marches Million moms against drunk driving Marches, etc. so why can’t everyone who say’s something needs to be done, March one million Horse advocates to Washington’s front door, this they can’t ignore. We have the best technology in which to reach out to millions of Horse people and I’ve said it again and again, why can’t we find a way to make this happen, look what was accomplished for Black Americans and they had no internet, no cell phones and still they were able to change America, the only people to blame for this going on is us. I’m willing to leave my Rescue travel to Washington and stand in the Rain, Snow, Heat whatever to help stop this, yes I know their are small groups doing things in different states but if you want to shake up anyone in Washington, take it to them by the millions, I would love to ride that many Horses into Washington, but I know that would never be granted and it would be a nightmare for us. We can keep shouting or screaming, pointing fingers and writing letters but still it goes on. I’m more than willing to go and do whatever we as a group of a million or more Horse Lovers can do., nothing else seems to stop the BLM or the ranchers who use the land set aside by law Wild Horses and Burro’s for their cattle.. I tried to start a Million Horse Owner March, but all I got was I can’t because, it’s to far, I have kids, well all those who have managed to move our Country in the right direction decades ago had all the same problems and they faced death during their marches but they didn’t let anything stop them, they were fighting for their freedom and equality and they managed to make it happen. The only voices these Horses have is ours, their only chance to live Free and not be Tortured by the inhumane round ups and their deaths at the Slaughter Houses, so why can’t we pull it together. I don’t know all that is needed to obtain a permit to March but if we really want to help these beautiful animals live the life they were meant to live is stop talking about it and start doing something about it. My one voice is nothing compared to 1 million voices demanding change.


  9. There are thousands of petitions going on to save our wild mustangs and signing them is not always the answer. Going to the capital in force to let them know we are a number for support of this cause. This cause is to save and protect the wild mustangs from the government and money hungry contractors that don’t give a shot about horses dying due to this stampede. How did we make America, HORSES. That’s right the magnificent and majestic animal that carried you here to build a country. The Dept. of the Interior was suppose to be run by a Native American from the promise of our president while running for office. Well another promise broke. Us as Native American honor and cherish this gift from our Father and will fight to see justice done .The BLM IS A JOKE AND ISN’T THINKING OF WHAT IS GOOD FOR OUR WILD MUSTANGS, WOLVES, BURROS OR COYTOTES.
    In the Spirit of Tecumseh!


  10. I work hard for my money and do not want my tax dollars spent on these cruel roundups. Why can’t the public vote on what happens on public lands? Wish I could buy all the horses and turn them loose again.


  11. We do have the numbers to be heard…we do have to speak as one voice. I have called and emailed all of the individuals and organizations that I can think of and no one so far has taken heed of what is happening. All of us together CAN bring about change. WE HAVE TO FIND A WAY TO SPEAK AS ONE, TO USE OUR NUMBERS.


  12. It’s mind-boggling all the people getting rich off these innocent souls suffering, disgraceful!! If all the people gather on Congress steps, that comment online, there would be widespread news coverage that couldn’t be ignored.


  13. This has all been in motion for years it’s part of the NWO (new world order) first they control out food supply’s then our health care system and when we are at the end of the life line then we the AMERICAN people are taken over and hearded into camps ourselves just like our AMERICAN icon the WILD HORSES AND BURROS to be controlled. This country is sick and it needs people in higher up office to stand up for the wrongs that are being done.


  14. Here is the information to start the process to get a permit to march in Washington, DC. The information is on the Washington Peace Center website. They say you need to start early in your planning once you pick a date. Here’s the contact information:

    Washington Peace Center
    1525 Newton St NW
    Washington, DC 20010

    I’ve loved horses all my life, although never owned one. I’m new to all this. I guess you could say I’ve been “living under a rock”. A high school friend of mine shared a roundup post on her FB page from Cloud Foundation &/or Pryor Mountain Wild Horses. I’ve been reading and gathering information — that’s what I do for my day job. It breaks my heart to see this injustice. The Wild Horses and burros only have our voices. A united front may be the only real way to make progress.


  15. $740,000.00 really??? This is outrageous!! Most taxpayers don’t want these horses removed from public land. They have a right to live on this land. It belongs to the people & I find it a waste of taxpayer money! Who gives the BLM the right to do this? These horses belong free!!! These horses are rounded up & stuck in holding pens !! If you want to sterlize them , then spend the money to do that then release them!


  16. Listening on the radio this weekend, an interview with one of our representatives here in CO, a statement he made hit home (in my words—- we never look at or bother with petions, they just get to many of them on too many different subjects, if the public wants to get our attention, they have to come and visit in person or have protests with enough people to draw attention to their cause and make an impact so the media gets involved.) Maybe that is why we seem to never get the results we need——-goes back to the old saying ” the squeaky wheel gets the grease. “


  17. Plenty of Water at Nevada Roundup – And Dead Horses Too!

    A federal helicopter chase contractor has acknowledged there was plenty of water in an Elko County, Nevada wild horse area, contradicting what government lawyers told a U.S. District Judge last month.

    A disturbing photo of a dead Palomino Wild Horse surfaced on the Internet and in news reports last week. The picture, taken by Western Watershed Project Biodiversity Director Katie Fite shows the horse lying in rocks below a cliff. Wild horse activists say the photo demonstrates the cruelty of a government program wasting millions of dollars that is out of control. Many of them believe that a Cattoor helicopter drove the horse over a cliff.

    The photo of the still living but injured Palomino horse was taken from the Cattoor helicopter and the wound appears to be to the bone. The photo was supplied to Horseback Magazine by Sue Cattoor.

    Cattoor says the horse had vision problems and was old.

    “There were two horses. One, the horses that she (Fite) took the picture of, and a foal that was caught in the crevasse of the rocks with broken legs that they had to go back and euthanize,” Cattoor said.


  18. If there are any readers here that are new to the Wild Horse and Burro situation, you may wish to read this:

    In 1971 the Wild Free Roaming Horses and Burros Act (WFRHBA) was passed to provide broad protections for wild horses and burros on public lands.
    The law states that “wild free-roaming horses and burros are living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West…[T]hey contribute to the diversity of life forms within the Nation and enrich the lives of the American people”. 16 U.S.C. §1331 et seq
    Congress recognized the wild horses and burros are “fast disappearing from the American scene”. 16 U.S.C. §1331 et seq

    Wild horses and burros are supposed to be treated as “components of the public lands”. 16 U.S.C. § 1333(a) The law is clear that “wild free-roaming horses and burros shall be protected from capture, branding, harassment, or death” and entitled to roam free on public lands where they were living at the time the Act was passed in 1971. 16 U.S.C. § 1331 These legally protected areas are known as “herd areas,” and are defined as “the geographic area identified as having been used by a herd as its habitat in 1971.” 43 C.F.R. § 4700.0-5(d).


  19. Stop this murder and destruction of the wild horses. Why can you not stand up to the people who want the horses gone. The horses belong there. Leave them alone.


  20. When will this end? Doesn’t our government know that we are making this family(Catoors) rich on lies about a protected American species? When will the American mustang be listed as endangered?


  21. Im just throwin this out there but if theres only 22,000 Mustangs free roaming per se then the Government wins the Golden Hammer of Waste Award again. Divide 22,000 (not exact figure) by 740,000.00 and it takes nearly 37,000 per horse to use the chopper then you figure they dont really bring in that number exactly especially when most die being rounded up and costs is higher per horse collected. The Government needs to hire professional horsemen and women who wont costs nearly that much have less death rate and ultimately save money. But then I realized they Are looking in WIN that Golden Hammer…..why? Of course they need a nice shiny hammer to slam the last nail on the coffin!


  22. We Wild Horse supporters need to do as the Ranchers have to do! We each decide how much we can afford and pay the monthly fee of $1.35 per horse for them to be on the Public Lands! $20 a month should cover 15 – 16 Mustangs. If the Horses are bringing in Money, no one should have a problem.


  23. IKEA’s Famous Swedish Meatballs Will Now Be Vegan
    by Catherine Gill February 1, 2015

    After much controversy surrounding traces of HORSE MEAT that had been found in a batch of their famous Swedish meatballs, IKEA has announced that they’ve changed their renowned recipe, and it happens to be vegan-friendly. What had caused the furniture giant to alter their signature dish and add a “veggie ball” to the menu?


  24. The horses should not be sold for meat. To spend all that money to kill horses makes no sense. Questions: Who benefits from the sale of the meat? Who studies the need to reduce the number of horses? What other measures are considered before spending that amount of money? Why private entities sell the meat and is the government who rounds the horses? .


  25. Why in God’s holy name are our tax dollars being used to destroy our country’s wildlife, as in horses, wolves or any other animal deemed not necessary or in the way by this very useless and destructive government agency.


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