Horse News

Controversial Wild Horse Roundup Ends with 2 Dead and 167 Removed from Herd

Source:  Multiple

West Douglas Stallion taken day of ruling Sept 15, 2015 by plaintiff Dr. Don Moore

West Douglas Stallion taken day of ruling Sept 15, 2015 by plaintiff Dr. Don Moore

A controversial horse roundup conducted by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) ended Wednesday after 167 horses were removed from Colorado’s West Douglas Herd Area.

The BLM used helicopters and bait traps to capture the horses. Two were killed during the roundup. A stallion fell while being loaded onto a trailer and another horse stepped on his neck. Also, a young foal broke its leg after being roped while trying to run away. He was eventually captured and then euthanized.

A lawsuit was filed in an attempt to stop the roundup but the federal judge allowed the BLM to move forward with their plans.

The lawsuit was brought by The Cloud Foundation (TCF), Wild Horse Freedom Federation (WHFF), The Colorado Wild Horse and Burro Coalition (CWHBC), Dr. Don Moore and Toni Moore of Fruita, CO., and Barb Flores of Greeley, CO, to protect this herd and the neighboring Piceance East Douglas herd. “Sadly,” states Toni Moore, “the courts did not view the loss of an entire herd of wild horses as ‘irreparable harm.’ “

“Wiping out the West Douglas herd erases a whole distinct set of genetics, separate from nearby East Douglas horses,” states Linda Hanick, TCF Board member who testified in the Sept. 11 hearing on the case.  “The roundup disregards the importance of the historic recorded documentation of these horses since Sept 1776. This roundup closes the door on an important piece of Colorado’s wild horse history.”

“We’re very disappointed of course,” states Ginger Kathrens, Executive Director of TCF. “Wild horse families that have shared a history with this rugged Colorado landscape for hundreds of years will be swept away, while the real public land destroyers, the thousands of head of welfare livestock remain.  It is terribly unfair, but we continue to fight for those wild herds that remain!”

“Sadly, we did not prevail in stopping the BLM from proceeding to zero out the West Douglas Herd,” states Carol Walker, Director of Field Operations for WHFF. “We continue to fight the mismanagement and decimation of our wild horse herds. Our voices count, and are the only hope they have.”

R.T. Fitch, President of Wild Horse Freedom Federation responded: “For years the American public has attempted to keep these herds free on their rightful range and with a stroke of a pen their freedom, families and lives have been shattered. Once again American taxpayers have been betrayed by big government, big agriculture and big business; it is shameful.”

“I feel a deep sadness for any wild species on the brink of disaster,” concludes Kathrens. “These lovely wild horse families have no idea that the end of their wild lives is coming.  They are simply the innocent victims of greed and power.”

20 replies »

  1. Im surprised they dont have mobile butchers on site….some chain saws and meat grinders with price labels. The Bureau hides its Callous nature and really is good at it. Then it comes creeping out as all evil does

    Liked by 2 people

  2. They need to leave them alone. It was unneccasary death of two beautiful horses. I love all animals, and hate to see misuse of any of them. Leave them where they have been all these years, WILD…


  3. I would like to point out here, where it is so blatantly obvious, that the BLM supposed census counts and annual population increases are completely counterfeit. Keep in mind as you look at the supposed population statistics (below) provided by the BLM (pre-capture/removal) that they just captured 167 wild horses and said the West Douglas is now zeroed out.

    Year Pre-Foaling Post-Foaling (per EA)
    Population Population
    2013 208 250
    2014 250 300
    2015 300 360

    Year Pre-Foaling Population (per BLM Herd Stats)
    2013 131
    2014 161
    2015 193 (plus 166 outside)

    Can someone please explain these BLM supposed population figures without using the words, “lies”, “deceit” “dishonesty”, “deception”, sham”, or “fraud”?

    Liked by 3 people

    • GG, my understanding was they could only take out 167 AT THIS TIME since they only had room in holding areas for that many. Judge Cooper, though, gave them the green light to remove them all. When they do so may or may not require public notice. I’m sure they are busy shuffling pens right now to make room for the rest of the West Douglas horses.

      Liked by 1 person

      • So did they or did they not zero out the West Douglas HA?
        As for finding room in holding, they are getting ready to capture 1,500 and remove 1,400 wild horses in the Beaty Butte, Oregon HMA within the next week or so.
        Thanks Icy.


    • GG: without using the words, “lies”, “deceit” “dishonesty”, “deception”, sham”, or “fraud”? = totally impossible feat ! Maybe pulling the sword from a different stone? Suspect that would be easier?


  4. You need louder voices
    More people in the fight

    For whatever it is worth…

    Contact Mr Donald Trump he understand the greed and is talking about it to the American People

    It’s worth the try…he may have a solution he most definitely has a loud voice


    • Something I would not have thought of, but he does bear some resemblance to certain parts of a horse’s anatomy. Talk to the people of Scotland (among others) about his views on greed and morality.


  5. A quote from Cloud’s page……”What keeps coming back to me every time I read this story…they had his/her mother right? If they had just stopped chasing the poor little thing and got quiet for a while, he/she would have eventually joined it’s mother!! How could they not have any compassion for this little baby? Heartless and a senseless tragedy…”

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Ok. So a little reminder Catoors are SPONSORS of United Horsemen. Need we say more? A friend sent a image of sponsor page to Say Bear in Mind…..they DO ALL THE WORK for the BLM and their site states they indicated Cattoors site states all roundups are Feral horses. (Just a reminder).

    Liked by 2 people

    • As far as I know the round-up was conducted by Sun J… but it doesn’t make a difference: Sun J is a spinoff of Cattoor. His founder worked for Cattoors and he counts with Jim Cattoor’s “blessing”.

      Such is BLM… turning “management” into a private business for a cartel for agency insiders and their buddies: the wild horse payola.


  7. I want to know where are they going to hold these1500 horses and burros from Oregon at?
    They have to have shelter for the winter that’s coming. They cannot be out in the open in small corrals without protection against the elements. At least when they were Free they could go into the hills from the storms.
    Why is it that the BLM don’t have to follow the Laws and rules that they have for us when we want to adopt the same horse?
    But we have to have everything perfect to the letter and keep that way always or the horse will have to go back to them. They should start reading their own rules and follow them.
    58,000 horses right now sitting in corrals as we the tax payers are paying for right now.
    I want all of these horses protected from them.


  8. How can they be immune from an animal abuse case? I don’t understand why someone does not pay in the end for their actions. Has it ever been tried that way before? There has got to be some way, people sue for a multitude of things these days. Why are these people immune? Or is it just no body has the funds or backing to do it? This is just so disgusting…there has to be a way.


    • Catzsnot, if you use the analogy of a military operation, and the wild horses as the enemy, then of course there will be some “collateral damage” expected. Like in the military, it is almost impossible to hold anyone accountable for such losses, and few citizen opportunities to observe their actions. The main difference here, as I see it, is that these animals belong to all US Citizens, and the war evidently is against not only the horses. I think as a minimum we should all press our Presidential candidates for an opinion on this “war” against wild horses.


  9. They literally bank on the fact that the general public doesn’t know/care or is apathetic to the plight of wildlife in our country. Please, we must get together and bring suit against them in violations of the Horses and Burros Act, before they scuttle together another ‘law’ to cover their asses so they can continue to brutalize innocent animals. What a farce the Interior Dept. is. Already, her wonderful Western states governors are filing suit so that they don’t have to protect the sage grouse, after Sally let them off the hook by not listing the bird. That isn’t good enough, and they want to sue so they don’t have to do anything at all other than rake in the money. They deserved to be slapped with an ESA listing.


  10. BLM contended that there were approximately 300 horses in West Douglas, based on their bogus population estimates (no real population counts). Historically, that herd has always stayed between 150-175 horses–locals visit often and know these horses. So by taking 167 horses, they were basically zeroing out the herd. Some of the local folks have been back out several times and have only seen a handful of horses. There were many public observers (besides the ranchers who were there every day too) and the activities were carefully documented by still photos, video, and journaling by time of everything that happened. There were some great, tenacious folks there every day, recording and documenting every hour of the roundup every day.


    • Thank you, Linda. So it appears from those who know the area and the herd that they are almost all gone now?

      Per the EA, the BLM said they estimated 360 wild horses (including foals) were out there on the West Douglas pre-capture/removal but they had the judge’s OK and they were already set up and they had the time and they had the money allotted ($500,000 recently authorized for Sun J Livestock for captures) and they could only find/capture 167. To me this shows the grossly exaggerated population by BLM. This is the “normal” way the captures and removals are funded and are done now … beware.

      I have found with other herds that the BLM exaggerates the wild horse and burro herds in order to cause an “emergency” and/or to get more FUNDING to capture our wild ones (generally two or more times the actual population – but this varies) and also to “legitimize” their large removal numbers … all for the sake of managing for extinction. Pathetic “management” but the welfare ranchers think it is great.


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