Horse News

The BLM wild horse roundup continues: follow the money

By Jack Ferm as published on The Independent

“As of August, at least 86 horses have died in holding pens after being captured in Wyoming’s Checkerboard roundup…”


Obama knew what he was getting when he made Ken Salazar head of the Bureau of Land Management, an agency within the Department of the Interior that manages some 500,000,000 acres of public lands. The Department of Interior has been an agency ratcheted by corruption for decades. In 2009, Obama put Salazar in to oversee and manage this agency. During his term, Salazar, a strong proponent of renewable energy, pushed through more then three dozen new solar, wind, and geothermal projects on public lands. However, what this article will seek to understand is the BLM wild horse roundup and its mission to destroy the free roaming wild horses they are mandated to protect.

Salazar is an associate of a notorious senator from Nevada who is currently under investigation by the State of Utah for corruption. Harry Reid’s scandals could fill a book and include land swaps, hidden property, and lavish gifts for his intervention in and in the Utah investigation for pay to play. Reid has also been involved in BLM land deals for solar energy, Salazar’s pet project.

Ken Salazar may be gone but the damage he caused the wild horses and burros still remains.

Ken Salazar may be gone but the damage he caused the wild horses and burros still remains.

Tom Davis purchased nearly 1,800 mustangs from the BLM over a four-year period. He claims to have immediately resold the animals to individuals who drove them to Mexico to their painful deaths in Mexican slaughter houses. The Inspector General interviewed Davis, who refused to disclose the names of anyone he sold these animals to. So why not prosecute Davis himself and perhaps even Salazar if, as I suspect, Salazar was aware of the fate awaiting these animals?

Davis and Salazar are both cattle ranchers from Colorado. They had a pre-existing personal relationship that allowed Davis an inside opportunity to acquire wild horses from the BLM. These BLM wild horse roundup efforts and the subsequent slaughter of our wild horses began almost simultaneously with Salazar’s appointment as head of the agency. Suspicious?

To be clear, this was no accident. Davis allegedly had farming and trucking connections with Salazar according to a report by the Office of the Inspector General, who has begun an investigation. Hopefully Salazar, if he in fact knew wild horses were being driven to Mexico for slaughter, will feel what it’s like to be rounded up, penned up, and behind bars, although it’s doubtful Obama will allow that to happen. In fact, the agency charged with criminal prosecutions at the U.S. Attorney’s office has apparently gone dark.

Obama Wild Horse Harvesting Machine ~ courtesy of John Holland

Obama Wild Horse Harvesting Machine ~ courtesy of John Holland

The BLM claims a death rate of one percent for helicopter roundups, but these claims are inaccurate. Wild animals do not belong in pens, ergo the term “wild.” In BLM wild horse roundups, wild horses are dying in captivity.

As of August, at least 86 horses have died in holding pens after being captured in Wyoming’s Checkerboard roundup. Most of them died from broken necks, traumatic injuries sustained from desperately slamming themselves against the bars of their holding pens during terror-stricken attempts to escape. There are now fewer then 25,000 wild horses running free on our public lands….(CONTINUED)

To read the Rest of the Story:

16 replies »

  1. Good article, thank you for explaining and tying up the loose ends. Corruption, greed and money as usual appear to be the problem that is sending many wild horses to their end – either literally, as in the slaughterhouse, or simply in holding pens where they survive but do not really live.


  2. Maybe we need more protesting-

    The Pressure Mounts: Another Fossil Fuel Lease Sale Halted

    Keep It in the Ground rallyFor the second time in two months, the Obama administration has pushed back a planned sale of oil and gas leases on public lands. The latest halt came on Monday, when the Bureau of Land Management called off an auction in Washington, D.C., in the face of plans by climate protesters (including the Center for Biological Diversity) to rally outside the sale. A similar lease sale was cancelled in Salt Lake City in November.

    The Center and local activists also took to the streets in Reno, Nev., on Tuesday to protest a lease sale there — part of a growing “Keep It in the Ground” movement across the country. Why? Halting new fossil fuel lease sales on America’s public lands and offshore areas would keep up to 450 billion tons of carbon pollution out of the atmosphere. The timing is particularly important as world leaders gather in Paris to hammer out a global climate agreement.


  3. “The whole BLM song and dance which sold our wild horses and burros to slaughter via Tom Davis (and others) was pre-planned from the top to the bottom… from the person who approved the sale and signed the sales agreement and the wranglers who chose the animals and herded them down the alleyway to the loading chutes and the BLM facility office manager who did the paperwork and the contractors who were paid to haul the horses and most important the top BLM who OK’d the whole plan. All of them knew the future for those horses and burros and all of those people are guilty and should be in prison. Why has Davis not been prosecuted? Because it would be like a house of cards and MANY people (mostly BLM) would all come tumbling down down down.”

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Does anyone have a primary source for the “86 dead in holding” number? Would like to include in a report but can’t quote non-verifiable figures. Am looking specifically for Checkerboard horse fatalities.

    Liked by 1 person

    • IcySpots, this might help? There are links on Carol’s website that will take you to the FOIA document.

      Newly-Obtained Records Reveal At Least 75 Mustangs Died in Holding Pens After Capture from Wyoming Checkerboard

      Rock Springs, Wyoming… (April 14, 2015) . . .Over 75 wild horses captured in Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM’s) fall 2014 “Wyoming Checkerboard roundup” died in the days and months after capture, adding significantly to the official death toll from this capture operation in the Adobe Town, Salt Wells Creek and Divide Basin Herd Management Areas (HMAs) in southwestern Wyoming.
      Rock Springs, Wyoming… (April 14, 2015) . . .Over 75 wild horses captured in Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM’s) fall 2014 “Wyoming Checkerboard roundup” died in the days and months after capture, adding significantly to the official death toll from this capture operation in the Adobe Town, Salt Wells Creek and Divide Basin Herd Management Areas (HMAs) in southwestern Wyoming.
      Previously, the BLM had reported the deaths of 14 horses as a direct result of the helicopter roundup, but records obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign (AWHPC) show a significantly higher death toll.

      The actual death toll is even higher, AWHPC noted, because the numbers do not include deaths of foals who perish before they are old enough to be branded and entered into the BLM’s tracking system.

      Liked by 1 person

      • IcySpots, I tried the link again…it seemed to work and should take you to Carol Walker’s website. There, in that same article, you will find the link to the FOIA which gives the # of Wild Horse facility deaths AFTER the BLM Checkerboard roundup..which was initiated by the Rock Spring Grazing Ass lawsuit.


      • Thanks, Louie. It shows 75 there, not sure where the 86 figure is from but can go with the 75. Would also like to find a credible tally on those dead in Scott City KS, numbers lost there are all over the map, and not available on the BLM site.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. BLM and all associated need to be charged with destruction of our heritage- history- national treasures. Just for control of land. Ashamed of this whole proceedure.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. IcySpots, this article mentions something about the Kansas feedlots

    The Unlikely Horse Meat Pipeline That Goes From Delaware To Russia–856607711.html

    The seller, AZTX Cattle Company, is based out of Hereford, Texas.While their website shows a few cattle grazing happily on emerald green pastures, a total of 140,000 animals are kept in barren, dusty pens at the company’s two massive feedlots in Hereford and Garden City (Kansas).
    Their access to any fresh grass as shown on their homepage is non-existent. And as for the horses? You will find no mention of horses on their website whatsoever.

    So where are these horses being sent to? What is their ultimate fate? The purchaser is Kaliningrad Meats, a meat processing company located in the Russian Federation. Kaliningrad Meats and Bryansk Meats are both divisions of Miratorg, the largest pork producer in Russia. Miratorg is a huge meat conglomerate with ties to Burger King, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, and other large food companies.


    • Wow. Who’d think of Delaware? Maybe the pressure on the Mexican border is a factor. Wonder if Joe Biden knows about this??? If not, he should!

      Makes me wonder more about the ~100? wild horses who “died” under mysterious circumstances in Scott City. Still no necropsy report made public though the federal vets were there within days. I was basically told to go “FOIA” myself when I inquired politely for updates and causes of death. Our tax dollars at work.

      Liked by 2 people

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