Equine Rescue

SD Sheriff Updates Impending Wild Horse Auction Details

From Dewey County Sheriff Office Facebook Page

dewey-county-sheriffs-officeThe Faith Livestock Commission Co. has sale broadcast set up along with on line bidding. There is a delay over the internet, but they indicate they can make it work. Also they will have their vet doing Coggins testing on all the horses before the sale so that will be done prior to the sale.

Please contact Faith Livestock at 605-967-2200 to register and get approved to bid prior to the sale. Scott stated he could do the approval at anytime. AS there may be a lot of people wanting to register, please call early and do not wait until the 19th to register. There are only 5 weekdays left to the sale day.

If you are not bidding do not get on line and slow the system.

7 replies »

  1. Someone very much interested in stallions was told there are 7 BLM West Douglas stallions for auction. She added that no one would want them, so the best thing is to “euthanize” them which is better than the alternative — we know what that means. Just why did she want BLM stallions? If she hadn’t bragged about killing 5 horses before with her gun, she might have come off as humane. KBs poorly masquerading in our midst. Aren’t there any rules that these horses cannot be killed by their purchasers unless some unforeseen problem arises? After all a vet(s) is doing coggins tests before auction.

    Liked by 1 person

    • They need Coggins in order to slaughter. Must have been Susan Humphries. Shes always saying euthasia is horse slaughter. Point is we need the highest turnout of non slaughter bidders Ever. These horses Cannot be destined to Die at Christmas.


  2. Will any photos or videos (catalog) of horses be put online prior to the auction to help bidders select animals? Simply trying to do this will jam the lines once the bidding starts, though it will surely be a very long day to get so many sold.


  3. Spoke to Kari in the Dewey Treasurers office today & have an update on the Hay bills – Many donors helped pay down the original bill of $76k, but more accrued & even with $20k from the ASPCA, there’s now a balance of $39k+ more they have to buy next week & they’re paying a guy to out to the land 4 hours a day to feed & water the 550-650 they still have. Sussman interfered a lot with the adopttions & slowed progress. There have been a lot of good people & groups all over the country who have stepped up with Proposal Plans & for some reason, the state is still letting Sussman call the shots & she’s turned down these very generous offers that have come in that will save ALL of the horses from Auction & Slaughter. Id like to post this Go Fund me page trying to raise as much money for the Hay fund & Bidding Funds as possible. No amount is too small or too large. Please help if you can & share, share, share. GoFundMe.com/p/mbw74 – Connected to FB page Legacy Equine – Biker/Patriot/Wild Horse Freedom Fighter Page


    • Im goning to say this dont anyone be angry however Karen appears to show clinical Hoarding symptoms. Inability to allow the adoptions to move swiftly in order toaintain health and welfare of the horses in a high pressure situation. Shes also has the serious symptoms of control loss and inability to comprehend the level of danger she has place these horses in. Now I dont know her and J am Not putting her down yet I am seeing the Direct issues of her not being about to completely see the end has come and these horses Need Saved. Not one drop of their blood needs to fall. The damage shes caused is more than just feeling love and compassion to much and she really needs caring friends and family to urge her to seek help for herself . As far as the Sale I hope these Same people she interfered with will jump up amd say we understand shes broken and that we can and will still save these horses…each and every one. These horses are a legacy of love albeit the victims of love as well who will go on to Bless other people as loyal friends…faithful pets and working partners. These horses Dezerve to enjoy tbeir lives not have them end. So lets write another story with this auction
      ..one of hope…one of resolve for their new year…one that turns these horses into brilliant points of lights to outshine the Worlds moment of Darkness.


      • Colt, Karen does not own these horses, the nonprofit ISPMB does. Karen is one member of what is supposed to be a functioning board following their federally approved nonprofit mission. If she is acting without board meetings/votes/decisions granting her this authority carte blanche––and these actions are contrary to the legally approved mission––the ISPMB is violating the public trust and should be held accountable through remediation, board replacement, or dissolution. In most cases of nonprofit dissolution, the laws require any assets be given to functioning nonprofits with a similar mission. Otherwise, the question of taxable income has to be addressed, as all donations etc. would not be tax-deductible, even retroactively.

        I place responsibility squarely on the board of directors, who is letting one person trash the public trust meaning of nonprofits, the integrity of Wild Horse Annie, and the lives of these innocent horses (including the unborn).

        If there is no functioning board of directors, there is no ISPMB and their assets should by law be transferred to another legal nonprofit in good standing with a similar mission.


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