Horse News

74 Wild Horses Torn from Freedom and Family

Source: Elko Daily Free Press

BLM removes 74 horses in eastern Nevada

photo by Terry Fitch of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

photo by Terry Fitch of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

ELY – The Bureau of Land Management’s Ely District has concluded an emergency wild horse gather, removing 74 excess horses from public and private lands adjacent to U.S. Highway 93 and State Route 322.

The plan had been to remove approximately 100 horses from inside and outside the Eagle and Silver King Herd Management Areas in eastern Nevada. The BLM removed 31 wild horses from between Pioche and Eagle Valley, and 43 wild horses from the Bennet Springs area southwest of Panaca.

Horses removed from the range were transported to the BLM’s Indian Lakes off-range corrals located in Fallon, to be prepared for the BLM’s adoption program.

Un-adopted wild horses will be placed in long-term pastures where they will be humanely cared for and retain their “wild” status and protection under the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act. The BLM does not sell or send any wild horses to slaughter. (yeah, right)

12 replies »

  1. I find it unusual ALL ROUNDUPS are de lared Emergency. Why is this Allowed? Emergency is for Extreme issues only. How are they Just declaring these emergencies? And better yet Why are they so frequent?


    • I find it unusual ALL ROUNDUPS are de lared Emergency. Why is this Allowed? Emergency is for Extreme issues only. How are they Just declaring these emergencies? And better yet Why are they so frequent? Can the BLM be sued for Harrassing the horses? Comstantly declaring false emergencies would qualify as harassment which is banned under wild horse and burro protection act.


    • You are wrong. There are planned gathers such as South Stevens, Cold Springs and others covering the gathering of 3500 head of horses and burros in 2017 fiscal year. But there will always be emergency gathers due to drought, fire, lawsuits and safety hazards. Do you really think that leaving animals to be hit and killed on roads is a better option?




  3. Money does grease the wheels and our Wild Horses & Burros often pay the price

    Latest Mining News
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  4. Oil industry starts fracking in Nevada
    Apr 27, 2014
    “We’re trusting the minerals commission to develop these regulations, and the commission members each have a stake in either mining, oil or gas development,” Fulkerson said. “It’s hard to trust regulations coming from an inherently biased process.”



    Nevada Regulations are Not Adequate

    The BLM offered lands for lease fully knowing that Nevada had yet to develop regulations for the use of hydraulic fracturing andenvironmental protections. This past fall Nevada approved inadequate regulations specific to modern hydraulic fracturing. For example, groundwater monitoring is not specifically required around exploration/production wells that are designed and placed to intercept potential contamination from a well failure. The proposed regulations only call for sampling of “available sources” which are existing fresh water wells including the water production wells to be used in oil and gas exploration/development.

    There is no guarantee that the wells for groundwater sampling will capture a contamination plume until it reaches drinking water wells and then too late. In addition, the proposed sampling during production is only after 60 months instead of the periodic monitoring requirement of hard rock mining operations.

    The public notification and engagement process is quite sparse.
    Permit are required to drill an oil or gas well with additional requirement for fracking. However, the permit process is between the permittee and handled internally by the Division of Minerals. There is no general notification to community members regarding permits, and only a 14 day notification to the nearest residents that fracking is to occur. In general, by the time the public learns that fracking is to occur in their area it is essentially too late to contest or at least request a hearing.

    Oil and gas companies are required to post a minimum of $10,000 bond for each well up to a minimum of $50,000 for all well by one owner. This will not cover cleanup of possible catastrophic cleanup for a fracking operation if the company declares bankruptcy. Additional financial assurances are needed to protect Nevadans from flipping the bill.


  6. OMG FRACKING !!!!! The land is doomed………..On the BLM – where is the gov’t oversight committee??? would love to see their budget…………


  7. Our Tax Dollars hard at work

    Indian Lakes…formerly Broken Arrow
    “Horses removed from the range were transported to the BLM’s Indian Lakes off-range corrals located in Fallon, to be prepared for the BLM’s adoption program”

    BLM’s sweet deal (paid for with your tax dollars, of course!)
    Debbie Coffey Copyright 2011
    Investigative reporter/PPJ

    While many Americans have lost their homes or worry about losing their homes, and worry about finding or keeping their jobs, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) seems to be spending your hard earned tax dollars like high rollers.
    The BLM has its hand out at appropriations hearings asking for even more money for their mismanaged Wild Horse and Burro Program. Where’s your money going?
    Look at one example. Troy Adams/Broken ArrowUSAhas the contract for theIndian Lakes Road(AKA Broken Arrow) short term wild horse and burro holding facility inFallon,NV. How does a guy fromCalifornia, who sold a cloned cow, get enough knowledge in wild horse behavior, and enough ability in safely handling wild horses, to win a bid to manage a facility that can hold up to 3,000 of our wild horses?

    Troy Adams/Broken ArrowUSAcontract with the BLM is for 5 years (1/01/2010 to 12/31/2015):
    Base year (2010 – 2011) – $2,525,000 with an option for “additional labor” for $127,920 ($24.60 per hour, per laborer) to FREEZEBRAND, RETAG, TRIM FEET, ETC. (same tasks apply to years below)
    Year 1 (2011-2012) – $3,640,875 with an option for “additional labor” for $130,468 ($25.09 per hour)
    Year 2 (2012 – 2013) – $3,759,500 with an option for “additional labor” for $133,068 ($25.59 per hour)
    Year 3 (2013 – 2014) – $3,832,500 with an option for “additional labor” for $135,720 ($26.10 per hour)
    Year 4 (2014 – 2015) – $3,905,500 with an option for “additional labor” for $138,424 ($26.62 per hour)
    So, the estimated 5 year TOTAL is $17,663,375, with optional “additional labor” adding $665,600 to that the total is ($18,328,975). (Note: The money in this contract is based on estimated feed days. See details of this at the end of the article.)


  8. The rest of the world is and has been watching this…

    USA Government Corruption

    01-13-2010 – Marti Oakley
    “What the Bureau of Land management (BLM) DOESN’T TELL YOU, is that it fences off the wild horses from access to the sources of natural water and good forage. The BLM has been inappropriately favoring cattle by allowing the use of our public land for grazing for over 4 million head of privately owned livestock (while at the same time reducing land and sources of water and forage for wild horses). Isn’t this “stacking the deck?”

    I read an article in the New York Times a few months ago about the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) removing thousands of wild mustangs from our public lands. Ken Salazar, the Secretary of the Interior, said this was done because of “out-of-control populations of wild horses” and to protect public lands. Shelly Sawhook, President of the American Horse Defense Fund, was skeptical. The BLM has taken over 20 million acres of federal habitat away from the wild horses and burros.

    This made me wonder about a couple of things, too. There are 2-6 million feral pigs, each weighing 500-750 lbs., running loose in rural and urban areas in 44 states. The feral pigs have caused $800 million in damages. They cause 27,000 auto collisions annually, have been digging up cemeteries and landscaping, and have attacked people. Why isn’t the BLM rounding up the “out-of-control populations” of wild pigs?

    We have less than 25,000 wild horses left on public lands and they aren’t bothering anyone. But the BLM has helicopters chasing them down in the dead of winter.

    If the BLM is really protecting our public land and we don’t have enough room for the wild horses in Nevada, then why did Rep. Dean Heller (R-Nev) introduce H.R. 409 on Jan. 9, 2009, for BLM “CONVEYANCE” (selling) of our public land to the Las Vegas Motor Speedway so that they could expand their parking lot?

    Since Nevada has about 40 million BLM acres, how could a few thousand horses possibly “overpopulate” or ruin all of this land?

    In the current wild horse roundup at the Calico Complex in northwestern Nevada, the BLM is removing 2,700 healthy wild horses. Salazar and the BLM said the horses are starving, or are going to starve, because there’s nothing for them to eat. Bob Abbey, Director of the BLM, said the horses are being removed to restore ecological balance. However, neither one mentioned that 2,500 cattle are allowed to graze in the same area the 2,700 wild horses are being taken from.

    This roundup, is in the dead of winter (what’s the big rush?), and the horses are being chased by contracted helicopters (Cattoor Livestock Roundup, Inc.) across snow and ice, down rocky, steep, slippery terrain, into holding pens on private land.

    The horses are being taken to the Indian Lakes Road Facility (aka Broken Arrow Holding Facility) in Fallon, NV, which has limited public access, since it’s a privately owned facility on privately owned land. The BLM has contracted this facility and the private contractor overseeing the facility, Troy Adams.

    Troy Adams (Broken Arrow Angus Ranch in Lincoln, CA) is a cattle rancher who has never before managed a BLM facility. Of more concern, Troy Adams has connections to animal cloning company Bovance. His Broken Arrow Ranch is featured on Bovance’s website for consigning a pregnancy of a genetic copy (clone) of N Bar Primrose 2424. Since DNA samples are taken from wild horses randomly at the roundup and at the holding facilities and since Bovance’s parent company, ViaGen, clones horses, what oversight is there by the BLM to protect the DNA of our wild horses?

    When the wild horses arrive at holding facilities, mares are separated from their foals. Male horses are sterilized immediately. .


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