Horse News

Speak Up for Wild Horses — Before It’s Too Late!

Source: Return to Freedom and endorsed by Wild Horse Freedom Federation

“At Wild Horse Freedom Federation we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Return to Freedom and their call for immediate action to save our dwindling wild horse and burro herds.  You can make a difference and the time to make that difference is “right now’.

Please take the actions, listed below, and be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.” ~ R.T. Fitch, co-founder/president of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

Word from Washington, D.C., is that it has been too quiet from wild horse & burro supporters. We must turn that around – *NOW* — before thousands of wild horses and burros are lost to foreign slaughterhouses or felled by bullets paid for by our own tax dollars.

Here’s how you can help America’s wild horses & burros:

1) Call your representative and senators (you can find their phone numbers here: and here: ).

2) Politely identify yourself and your city.

3) Tell staff you are calling to urge your representative or senator to:

* oppose 2018 budget provisions that would allow BLM to euthanize (shoot) healthy horses and that would remove sale restrictions on captive wild horses and burros;

* support the Roybal-Allard/Dent Amendment in the 2018 Agriculture Appropriations bill to continue the ban on horse slaughter;

* and support the bipartisan SAFE Act (HR 113), which would permanently ban horse slaughter in the United States and the transport of horses to slaughter.

4) Tell the staff member why these issues are important to you. For example, “I’m calling because I do not want my tax dollars used to kill wild horses or allow the return of slaughter to the United States.”

5) If you are unable to get through to your representatives’ D.C. number, call a district office. Phone numbers can be found on your representatives’ websites.

Other things you can do to help

  • Send a letter to your representatives through our website:…/index.html Please be sure to personalize the letter to increase the odds that it will be read.
  • Send a personal letter. Addresses can be found on your representatives’ websites.
  • Check your representatives’ website for upcoming town hall meetings or schedule a meeting with district staff to share your concerns.
  • Sign RTF’s anti-slaughter petition:…/index.html
  • Spread the word! Share this post and encourage your friends and family members to pick up the phone and play a part in protecting America’s wild horses and burros (Hit the SHARE Buttons Below)

16 replies »

  1. How can it possibly be “quiet” in DC – every organization has been publicizing this disaster for weeks (maybe months). I called & wrote several times – so where are our letters & phone calls going? RT – Carol Walker – Ginger – and many others have been asking all of us to call & write. I have to believe that we all have been – not only Republican, but Democrat senators & congressmen(& women) – thats not being quiet…


  2. I wish this guy would do this only say quit killing wild horses! It’s a brutally funny video about getting back at a random scammers but it’s so hilarious. Yes they say A lot of bad words towards the end. However, it’s truly funny given the extreme weight on our shoulders stopping horses from being killed on every front. Take one minute and savor this little video just for a minute and imagine if it was hello we are not going to stand for Wild Horses dying anymore….100 million times on every phone line!


  3. The Real truth behind horses.
    They claim an outrageous 73,000 horses
    They say only 27,000 should be holding
    They claim 46,000 is Overpopulation. (Notfactual ) Assume they got 500.00 per horse at slaughter, the total is 23,000,000.00 which is the REAL Reason they want to kill America’s Wild Horses. THEY Fleece Americans whose tax dollars protected these horses by selling them to killers who profit off their painful, agonizing death via horse slaughter. THEY are Alive and awake during the process. So these people can Rip America off. These horses worth more dead than alive claims now u can see their baseline profit. Dont allow this to hape America.


  4. Our Wild Burros have almost disappeared altogether
    The public has no way of knowing what REALLY happens to them unless someone is there to document:

    From Wild Burro Protection League/Photo

    Underpasses fenced to drive wild burros up onto highways.
    They do this then say burros are nuisance endangering people by being on highway. Excuse to remove! They have removed 50 or more for this so called reason.


  5. TCF PRESS RELEASE (hope it’s okay to post here)

    Are Wild Horses being Categorized for Slaughter?

    Colorado Springs, CO 07-01-2017 – The Cloud Foundation received an anonymous tip that Department of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and/or top Bureau of Land Management officials have ordered all wild horses currently in short term holding facilities be categorized by weight and age in anticipation of the approval of the federal budget. The current recommendation for this budget would allow for “sale without limitation” many or most of the wild horses currently in holding. This, of course, can eventually lead to the barbaric slaughter of our iconic wild horses. The tipster stated that this categorization was to ensure the BLM was ready to ”ship out” horses older than five years of age. The only place to “ship out” these horses would be to slaughter. The caller stated that the shipping would start with the smaller facilities so that wild horse advocates wouldn’t be able to impose an injunction before the plan was already started. Although anonymous, the caller also told The Cloud Foundation that direction has been given to the one of the government’s top transportation official to prepare for this shipping.

    Ginger Kathrens, Volunteer Executive Director of The Cloud Foundation said, “Surely Secretary Zinke would not allow for this devious, clandestine and under the radar ploy to destroy wild horses when 80% of Americans are against slaughter. If only Secretary Zinke and other DOI and BLM officials would have implemented tried and proven on-the-range-management ideas as we have asked for over a decade, we would not be where we are today.”

    “There are currently in excess of 50,000 wild horses that have been rounded up, torn apart from their families, and corralled at the taxpayer expense because on-the-range-management has not been implemented as hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep graze at little or no cost,” says Lisa Friday, volunteer Vice President of The Cloud Foundation. “Our indigenous American icons deserve better.”


    Media Contacts:

    Lisa Anne Friday

    The Cloud Foundation



  6. THANK YOU for posting IcySpots. This calls for an all out RED ALERT. I’ve already started sending and we had better move fast.
    Holidays are expecially dangerous times for WH&B…especially for the captives.


  7. Did everyone see NBC News last night – about the wild horse “problem”. It was all BLM propaganda again – John Ruhs front & center. And brief mention from rancher regarding the wild horses eating all the grass & leaving none for cattle! The only pro-wild horse part was showing a couple volunteers darting mares with PZP – that was it.


  8. Mad as Hell (Strength in Numbers)

    ABC Advertisers List

    Disclaimer: It is just as important to voice your disappointment in the company than to actually boycott their products. Make sure these manufacturers understand that you are considering using other products that do not support ABC, NBC, and CBS.
    If you are taking or using any of the products on the boycott lists for health reasons or to improve the value of your life, please do not boycott those products. Always consult your Doctor before making a decision on Health issues.


  9. Not sure where to post this but comments END TODAY for the BLMs proposal to “improve” sagebrush habitats in areas that include ALL OF COLORADO’S HMAs by destroying pinyon/juniper forests:

    Public Comment Period
    The 30-day public comment period for the Preliminary EA is now open!  Please click on the “Documents” tab on the left to view the Preliminary EA, Attachments and Unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact.

    Comments will be most helpful when submitted in writing prior to July 9, 2017:

    •    Email:  
    •    Fax: (970) 244-3083
    •    Mail:  BLM Programmatic Vegetation Treatment EA, 2815 H Road, Grand Junction, CO 81506

    Please include “Vegetation Treatment EA” in the subject line of emailed and faxed comments.



  10. Yew leave the horses alone they was there long before people thats the horses land .leave them alone an let them live .who started that kill them. No its not rite they have a rite to live .leave them alone.


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