Horse News

Update: Wild Horse & Burro Advocate Takes to Facebook Live to Save America’s National Icon

Source: Wild Horse Freedom Federation

Wild Horse Freedom Federation’s President, R.T. Fitch, speaks on newly released White Paper outlining BLM’s deception of US Public and Congress

The People Behind the Paper, the Board of Directors of Wild Horse Freedom Federation. Left to Right, Marjorie Farabee, Carol Walker, R.T. Fitch, Debbie, Dawn Reveley and Terry Fitch

Long time Wild Horse & Burro advocate and co-founder of Wild Horse Freedom Federation spoke to the release of their detailed and informative White Paper on the Bureau of Land Management’s Wild Horse & Burro Program, with a Focus on Problems Related to Holding Facilities.

Released just last Wednesday, July 26th 2017, the detailed report outlines years of deception initiated by the renegade federal agency who, to date, attempts to dissuade, delude and deceive the citizens of the United States and the very legislators that write the laws and control federal budgets.

“We have spent over five years gathering and cataloguing our evidence through FOIA and eyewitness accounts. We have actual BLM documents that the public and Congress have never reviewed; the evidence is damming by the BLM’s own account,” says R.T. Fitch. “What we present in the paper is only the tip of the iceberg and with the specter of the mindless murder of tens of thousands of wild horses and burros looming over the wild ones this information is critical and must be presented to the Senate and Congress, NOW! ”


“I am, personally, treading into unknown technical territory as I have never done this before but we feel this is the best way to help to explain the current way forward in the fight to save our wild equines,” R.T. explained. “ We are just normal, stick-in-the throat, regular Americans doing our level best to make a difference. We hope our viewers will be able to look beyond any amateur fumbling; the point is that it is all about the wild horses & burros and we all need to take action and the time for that action is now.”

Keep the Faith

Co-Author of White Paper, Animal Law Attorney Bruce Wagman with R.T. and Terry Fitch

17 replies »

  1. This has been a long time coming. Our wild horses and burros need us now more than ever. We are literally at a cross road. Will we have horses and burros or will we simply allow greed to wipe them out. Until the last ephemeral song of the burros is heard ringing through the canyons, I will fight to save them from extinction.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Standing by you. Save our wild horses and burros now. We need to break this can of worms out and spill the beans. Our wild horses need us now more than ever. Yes so much deceived information has crossed the line. Let us protect our wild ones from peril. Thankyou R.T. and everyone involved. Love you all. God bless our wild ones.
    It is up to us to tell the world about the horrible deception of our wild horses and burros. I am fighting for their survival. What ever we have to do to protect them, lets do it NOW.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. we must refute all neg lies about our horses! denver post rederation paper minden nv all say they r ruining the entire west we need u to write them and show facts that this is a BLM LIE! and we need to do it NOW! media is harming them! can we sue for false info can we pls have a plan? i can barely understand what we are doing scattered everywhere it is not helping the why is it so hard to get the truth to dc to have a real rally? etc? talking on fb how does it help they can kill them anyday and we are fewer than ever! pls can we oganize NOW???


    • It’s up to each one of you to do something now. You can share the link to this White Paper and Exhibits with your Senators and Representatives.


      • …and share with everyone you know. The majority of US citizens either know nothing about this or are misinformed. We need to wake up a few hundred million people who own a share of our wild horses and burros.

        Liked by 1 person

      • And not ONLY the White Paper itself but the PROOF that is included in the “exhibits” section. Thank you.


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