
George Wuerthner, (Exec. Dir. of Public Lands Media, V.P. on BoD of Western Watersheds Project & author) to talk about the impacts of the livestock industry on the West (Wed., 11/1/17 on Wild Horse & Burro Radio)


Wild_Horse_Burro_Radio_LogoJoin us for Wild Horse Wednesdays®, this Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2017

5:00 p.m. PST … 6:00 p.m. MST … 7:00 p.m. CST … 8:00 p.m. EST

Listen to the archived show (HERE!)

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This show will be archived so you can listen to it anytime.

Our guest tonight is GEORGE WUERTHNER, the Exec. Director of Public Lands Media (a project of the Earth Island Institute), Vice President on the Board of Directors for Western Watersheds Project and the author of 38 books.  George will be talking about the multiple ways that the livestock industry impacts the West, from water use, to sage grouse, to bison being shot in Yellowstone and to the killing of predators like grizzlies and wolves.

George’s books include Welfare Ranching: The Subsidized Destruction Of The American West, Wildfire: A Century of Failed Forest Policy, Energy: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth, Thrillcraft: The Environmental Consequences of Motorized Recreation, Keeping the Wild: Against the Domestication of Earth, and Protecting the Wild: Parks and Wilderness, the Foundation for Conservation.

Most recently, George was the Ecological Projects Director/Senior Scientist for the Foundation for Deep Ecology and Tompkins Conservation for 12 years. Previous to this position, George taught ecology courses and environmental writing as adjunct lecturer at a number of universities, worked as botanist/backcountry ranger, river ranger, biologist and forestry technician for various federal agencies, including the Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service and the Forest Service, and was a wilderness guide in Alaska and Yellowstone National Park. George studied Zoology/Wildlife Biology/Botany at the University of Montana, and for graduate school, studied Range Science at Montana State University, Science Communication at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and Geography at the University of Oregon.

This show will be hosted by Debbie Coffey (V.P. and Dir. of Wild Horse Affairs) of Wild Horse Freedom Federation.

To contact us: ppj1@hush.com


To find out more about Wild Horse Freedom Federation and our work to keep wild horses and burros wild and free on our public lands visit www.WildHorseFreedomFederation.org

Donate Here: http://wildhorsefreedomfederation.org/donate/


4/12/17 – Dawn Vincent, Head of Communications for The Donkey Sanctuary UK, and Marjorie Farabee, Dir. of Wild Burro Affairs for Wild Horse Freedom Federation. In January 2017, The Donkey Sanctuary (UK) issued a report titled “Under the Skin,” about millions of donkeys around the world being killed to produce a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) called ejiao. Listen HERE.

6/21/17 – Bonnie Gestring, Northwest Circuit Rider for Earthworks, on contamination of U.S. waters in perpetuity, caused by mining. Bonnie is co-author of the report Polluting the Future: How mining companies are polluting our nation’s waters in perpetuity. Listen HERE.

8/23/17 – Terri Farley, best selling author of the Phantom Stallion series for young readers and Susan Wagner, President & Founder of Equine Advocates, on the 2018 Budget threat to kill over 46,000 wild horses and burros, the National Horse and Burro Rangeland Management Coalition Summit (aka the “Slaughter Summit”), Protect the Harvest, secret spaying and more. Listen HERE.

9/6/17 – Russ Mead, Esq., the Vice President & General Counsel of Animal Law Coalition, lobbies for support of animal welfare. Russ talks about wild horses, advocacy, legislation and his efforts to stop horse tripping at rodeos in Oregon. Listen HERE.

9/20/17 – Cathy Liss (Pres.) and D.J. Schubert (Wildlife Biologist) of Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) on the USDA’s Wildlife Services’ out of control killing program that kills approximately 5 million animal each year, endangered species, wildlife and wild horse & burro issues. Read AWI brochure (2011) Managing for Extinction, & AWI Report (2012) Overview of the Management of Wild Horses & Burros. Listen HERE.

9/27/17 – Stephen Nash, the author Grand Canyon for Sale.” An extraordinarily powerful few are controlling public lands that belong to all Americans. Grand Canyon For Sale is a carefully researched investigation of the precarious future of America’s public lands: our national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, monuments, and wildernesses. Listen HERE.

10/4/17 – Sam Jojola, a former Deputy Resident Agent-in-Charge for U.S. Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) Office of Law Enforcement, on wildlife trafficking, trophy hunting, Safari Club International, the poisoning of birds by the mining industry and kill permits for the wind energy industry. Listen HERE.

10/11/17 – Carol Walker, Dir. of Field Documentation for Wild Horse Freedom Federation. Carol with an update of the roundups of wild horses in Wyoming and the lawsuit filed to stop the BLM from illegally rounding up hundreds of wild horses in the helicopter capture in Wyoming. Carol is a co-Plaintiff. Listen HERE.

10/18/17 – Ginger Kathrens, Founder and Exec. Dir. of The Cloud Foundation, and Carol Walker, Dir. of Field Documentation, Wild Horse Freedom Federation, on BLM’s National Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board meeting and the roundups of wild horses in Wyoming. Listen HERE.

5 replies »

  1. Thank you George Wuerthner and Wild Horse and Burro Radio for this evenings educational forum.
    And of course a big thank you and shout out to Debbie Coffey and R.T. Fitch.


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