Horse News

Feel Good Sunday: Equus “Story of the Horse” – 2


Episode 2: Chasing the Wind

Click on Image to view episode

Discover how humans have partnered with the horse throughout the centuries, creating more than 350 breeds found all around the world.

3 replies »

  1. Just a reminder…comments due January 28

    Stop U.S. Interior Department Proposed Rule That Threatens Wild Horses

    Interior’s Proposed FOIA Limits May Be Illegal, Watchdogs Say
    Posted Jan. 4, 2019

    Department wants to sidestep ‘burdensome’ Freedom of Information Act requests
    Open government people say changes to law must go through Congress
    The actions by Interior are “patently illegal under the statute,” said Adam Marshall, a staff attorney at the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, a nonprofit that provides legal assistance to the media.
    “This is a pretty unashamed, outright attack on FOIA in these proposed rules,” Marshall told Bloomberg Environment. “This is much bolder than other proposed changes to agency regulations that I have seen.”
    Will Rinehart of the conservative think tank American Action Forum told Bloomberg Environment that the proposal “sets up a much larger conflict regarding FOIA” that the agency might not win.


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