Horse News

Feel Good Sunday Video: Pup and Donkey ~ The Odd Couple

Source: The Dodo

“Tighten your cinch and swallow that coffee ’cause the giggles are a brewing.  Just another smile laden video to make your day off a little brighter.  Enjoy, my friends.” ~ R.T.

4 replies »

  1. From AMERICAN HERDS 2007


    Reader comment
    “I have the pleasure of having 3 burros in my life…other than a dog, I have never met an animal that LOVES to be LOVED so much! Burros are the most affectionate animals! I am so glad that everything I learned about donkeys/burros as a child (that they kick, bite and are stubborn) is UNTRUE! They are wonderful, smart, loving animals. I wish everyone could have the pleasure of knowing one!!”

    Liked by 2 people

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