Horse News

Action Alert: Contact Congress Now to Save Our Wild Horses and Burros

By Carol Walker and published on Wild Hoofbeats

The time for you to take action and help is right now, on #WildHorseWeek.

by Carol Walker, Director of Field Documentation, Wild Horse Freedom Federation

The disastrous proposal, called “The Path Forward” which is being pushed by the National Cattleman’s Association, Humane Society of United States, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Return to Freedom calls for the roundup and removal of over 130,000 wild horses and burros from our public lands over 10 years – more than actually even exist in the wild. This will stockpile thousands more wild horses and burros in holding facilities and will ultimately lead to thousands of them being slaughtered. The proposal also endorses dangerous sterilization techniques on wild mares and skewing sex ratios of herds which will destroy the genetic viability of any wild horses and burros that remain free. This is a plan for the extinction of America’s wild horses and burros and must be opposed by US citizens. We need to enlist the help of the Senate to stop this…(CONTINUED)

Action Alert: Contact Congress Now to Save Our Wild Horses and Burros

7 replies »

  1. I dont “do” Facebook or Twitter, but I emailed every one of the Senators listed, plus my own 2 senators. Hope there are lots of responses besides mine.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. These horses are American icons that have survived centuries on the plains! Keep American hoses on the Land of the Free!! They are protected living on protected land yet the BLM has decided to remove and destroy them! It is WRONG on so many levels! STOP roundups. SAVE THE AMERICAN WILD HORSES AND BURROS!!

    Liked by 2 people

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