Search results for ‘Christmas

Christmas Eve in the Barn

As I have done twice a day 365 days a year for most of my adult life, I am on my way to take care of the barn people. Tonight is special because it is Christmas Eve. As I make my way along the two lane country roads that lead to the barn, the darkness and silence of the cold southwestern Pennsylvania night is interrupted only briefly by the Christmas lights on barns and homes scattered throughout the open fields.

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The Wild Horse and Burro Christmas

by Vicki Tobin and R.T. Fitch, Illustration by Kerry Kelly of the Houston Chronicle ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, and All through the land…. Twas the night before Christmas on our public land, Not a Mustang was stirring, knowing what was at hand. They huddled in fear hoping […]

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Pasture to Plate: Congressional Christmas Gift to the U.S.

“Warning – this report and associated videos included are graphic in nature. This Canadian Horse Slaughter Plant has been touted as the most humane plant in the world. It is what several rouge politicians and big AG lobbyists want to see on U.S. soil as they brainwash the American public. Lies, corruption, falsified paperwork and blatant inhumanity surround the predatory business of horse slaughter and there has been, is not nor never will be anything “humane” about it. We are smarter than this and better than than this. This brand of cruelty cannot be allowed back onto U.S. soil. The sold-out politicians have to go. Again, proceed at your own risk!” ~ R.T.

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