Tag: Callie Hendrickson

Obama’s BLM “Slaughter” Advisory Board Shows True Colors on First Day

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has created for themselves yet another PR nightmare with the new appointments of Anti-Horse/Pro-Slaughter activists to their beleaguered and special interest Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Council. Self proclaimed wild horse hater Callie Hendrickson did her homework and is well aware of the massive public outcry over her appointment to the board as she has spent the last several years of her live trying to wipe out the last of the federally protected free roaming wild horses in Colorado. With all of the bad press, she didn’t step across the line in her self-indulgent introduction, today, at day one of the biased BLM meeting being held in Reno, NV.

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BLM Nat. Wild Horse and Burro “Slaughter” Advisory Board Meets Today

Due to a paying job taking priority over domestic travel Terry and I will not be in Reno, NV, today and tomorrow for the gathering of the BLM’s hand picked grazing, cattle, hunting and slaughter special interest Advisory Board meeting where the end and destruction of our national icons will be discussed and planned. Seasoned advocates are well aware that this bogus board ignores and rejects mass public opinion when it comes to the issue of saving the last few federally protected wild horses and burros on public lands but during this meeting all advocates should do their best to declare with disdain the appointment of self-proclaimed horse-hater and slaughter supporter, Callie Hendrickson.

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Petition: Tell Interior Secretary to Dump Pro-Wild Horse Slaughter Appointee

The Secretary of the Interior has, for the second time in a row, selected an openly pro-horse slaughter person to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board. Callie Hendrickson, an anti-wild horse activist, pro-horse slaughter proponent, has been selected to represent the interests of the ‘General Public’ on the board.

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TODAY: National Wild Horse and Burro Call-In Protest to “Cull Callie” from BLM Advisory Board

Join thousands of concerned and caring Americans around the country and tell Salazar to “CULL CALLIE!”

Protest Interior Secretary Ken Salazar’s appointment of Callie Hendrickson to the BLM National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board[1] as the General Public Representative.

Background: Callie Hendrickson is the Executive Director of the White River and Douglas Creek Conservation Districts representing ranching interests, many of whom have permits to run livestock on public lands in Northwestern Colorado. The organization successfully petitioned to become an intervenor on the side of BLM to completely remove the West Douglas Wild Horse Herd on the Western Slope of Colorado.

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Salazar, Obama’s BLM Stick It to the Wild Horses, Burros and the American Public

While trusting Americans calmly slept all snug in their beds dreaming of freedom, blue skies, green grass and the thundering of distance hooves the grotesquely distorted and immoral monster, known as the Department of the Interior (DoI), was plotting on collusive and divisive ways to kill off the national icon of American freedom and independence, the wild horses and burros of the western United States.

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