Tag: Death

BLM Wild Horse Boss Glenn to Retire

HOUSTON, (Horseback) – The controversial head of the federal Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse and Burro Program has quietly announced his retirement. Horseback Magazine learned through wild horse advocates that Don Glenn will be stepping down. There was no official government announcement.

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Slaughterhouse Sue Wants Multi-Species Slaughter Plant in Wyoming by 2012

Land near Guernsey is looking “very promising” as the location of a multi-species processing facility that would likely be in operation by 2012.
This multi-species processing facility would slaughter horses, cattle and bison.
Sue Wallis, the Republican state representative from Recluse – who has publicly stated the United States has taken a valuable asset and turned it into a very expensive liability – is proposing the facility.

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Press and Guests Turn On Slaughterfest Organizers

It doesn’t take someone with much more than a grade school education to quickly figure out that self-appointed horse eaters, “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis and Dave “Doink” Duquette have managed, once again, to shoot each other squarely between the eyes with their failed SlaughterFest being held in Las Vegas this week. Their message that Eating horses is Helping Horses has not only fallen on its perverted face but it has brought their entire bloody and distorted message before the public in a very profound and informative way.

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Las Vegas TV News to Air “Other Side” of Slaugherfest Propoganda

Late this morning, Pacific Time, Las Vegas News teams from NBC, ABC, CBS and more crowded into a small room to hear the sane rebuttal against the contravesiol “Summit of the Horse” being held in Las Vegas early this week. Sickened by the distorted number and incorrect facts equine advocates, representing all walks of life, traveled to this gambling town to ensure that the people of Las Vegas got the “other side of the story” and not just the cheap and discredited retoric from self-appointed horse slaughter experts representing the cattle industry.

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Let the Trouncing of the Truth Begin

While under investigation for fraud and ethics vilolations
Wyoming State Rep. Sue Wallis and her dubious appendage Dave
Duquette kicked off their rip roaring “BloodFest” last night to an
un-packed room of a several dozen people. Empty chairs were the
theme of the evening as Wallis and Duquette stumbled through
introductions of non-present people while waiting for their much
heralded master of ceremonies Trent Loos, known for cattle rustling
and stalking, to appear out of LaLa Land.

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BLM Denies Wild Horses are “Stampeded”

HOUSTON, (Horseback) – Officials of the federal Bureau of Land Management have become increasingly sensitive to the media’s frequent use of a common English word. Horseback Online and many other news sites have used the word “stampede” to describe what BLM bureaucrats in Washington routinely describe as a “gather.”

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New Year’s Day Horse Eater Attack Backfires

True to form and working along their “assbackward” philosophy “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis and Dave “Doink” Duquette’s trumped up Native American complaint on Madeleine Pickens Rose Parade float totally blew up in their faces with the net result of garnering the Wild Mustang float an easy 10 times the publicity that it would have received if they simply would have stayed beneath that slimy rock that they live under.

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