Tag: United States

Once Again; Bill Introduced in Senate To Ban Predatory Horse Slaughter In U.S.

A bill to ban horse slaughter was reintroduced in the United States Senate yesterday. Sponsored by Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), the “American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act of 2011” will end the slaughter of American horses here and, most urgently, will stop these horses from being exported abroad for slaughter. The sponsors, who have long championed the cause, have the bipartisan support of 14 colleagues who are co-sponsoring the bill.

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Horse Slaughter, Off the Radar for Too Long

Horse and burro protection occupies a very special place in the big idea known as “animal welfare.” Wild horses embody the Western spirit that has animated our national conversation about protecting animals and open spaces. Horses and burros form some of the strongest bonds with humans found anywhere in the animal kingdom.

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Battle to De-Fund U.S. Horse Slaughter is Not Over

Now this is not a done deal for the American horse; the Bill comes up for the vote of the entire house on June 15th, along with this amendment, and renegade Wyoming State Rep. “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis, the Queen of bloody horse slaughter, is calling up the dredges and dark demons of hell to launch a phone calling campaign to kill the horses.

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The High Price of Horse Slaughter

Chicago (EWA) – The Equine Welfare Alliance and Animal Law Coalition applaud Rep. Jim Moran and House of Representatives Appropriations Committee members who stood up for the horses this week. Rep. Moran introduced an amendment to the proposed agriculture appropriations bill to make sure commercial horse slaughter in the U.S. remains illegal.

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Video: Celebrating with Cloud on his 16th Birthday

May 29th was a blustery day on the Pryor Mountains as we bounced up Tillett Ridge Road in a gale force wind blowing out of the north. Icy rain fell in intermittent sheets—the polar opposite of the weather on the day of Cloud’s birth.

Sixteen years ago the sun was shining. It was warm. Light clouds floated overhead. I set up my camera and was filming a brash, young stallion who was flirting with his father’s newly acquired filly when I spotted a flash of white moving through the trees and panned the camera. A pale colt tottered out of the forest beside his palomino mother. The rest of his family followed—Smokey and Mahogany, his sisters; Diamond, his yearling brother; and the other mares, Isabella the pale buckskin, and Grumpy Grulla. Pulling up the rear was Cloud’s stunning father, the unforgettable Raven. The foal struggled to keep up with his mother on their trek uphill to snow drifts under the canopy of Douglas firs.

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Horse Slaughter Defunding Language Remains Intact!!

Congressman Moran’s amendment passed 24 to 21 so the language remains to defund inspections for horses. After the vote, they said the Nays had it but then one of the reps asked for a roll call.

While it was a close vote, the House Appropriations committee is always difficult so this was a most welcome victory. We now need to ensure the language stays intact for the full house vote.

Thank you all for your support and hard work on this important legislation. We’ll have more details but wanted you to hear the good news.

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Calls Needed TODAY to Save American Horses

Late last week the House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee approved the FY2012 Agriculture Appropriations bill. The language defunding the required USDA inspections of horse slaughter facilities was not included for the first time since 2005, despite strong bipartisan support in Congress. This first step, if successful, may allow foreign investors the opportunity to reestablish horse slaughter in the US.

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Feds say Imprisoned Wild Horses Dodged Deadly Mid-West Tornadoes

Houston, (SFTHH) – Many wild horse advocates have recently expressed concern over the safety of the unnaturally transplanted wild horses in the west being warehoused in the mid-west’s dangerous “tornado alley”. Left alone, in the wild, the horses would manage well as large numbers of tornados are not known to frequent the arid western United States plus the horses know to stay out of the way of trouble. But thanks to the mismanagement of Obama’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) our federally protected wild horses and burros are inhumanely stampeded by helicopters, captured and then shipped off to the mid-west where they are forced to live out their lives eating an unfamiliar forage and separated from their families while living in same sex herds.

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Wyoming Wild Horses in BLM Crosshairs

You have got it right; the BLM wants to decimate the White Mountain and Little Colorado herds in Wyoming leaving only 274 horses on 1 million acres while allowing 6,000 cattle or 30,000 privately owned sheep to graze on your public lands, does that seem right, hell no!!

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Parelli Produces Video on Equine Herpes Virus

Linda Parelli talks with Dr. Dwight Hooten, DVM Linda sat down with Dr. Dwight Hooten, DVM to learn more about the EHV-1 outbreak in the U.S. and get his recommendations for protecting our horses from risk. What are the symptoms? What should every horse owner know? What precautions […]

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