Tag: wild burros

Oldies But Goodies on Wild Horse & Burro Radio

WE’LL BE BACK ON AIR NEXT WEDNESDAY NIGHT, UNTIL THEN, PLEASE ENJOY ONE OF OUR ARCHIVED SHOWS LISTED BELOW.  This radio show is co-hosted by Debbie Coffey, Vice-President & Director of Wild Horse Affairs at Wild Horse Freedom Federation. _______________________________________________________________________________ To contact us: ppj1@hush.com, or call 320-281-0585 LISTEN […]

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Sold in LARGE Amounts – but Cheap!

by “Grandma” Gregg “BLM is flooding the adoption market with burros to get their 3-strikes against them as quickly as possible so they can be sold for $10 each in large amounts.” Per Lili Thomas, National Wild Horse and Burro Program, Reno Nevada Office, Horses cannot be purchased […]

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