Tag: wild burros

Happy Thanksgiving!

From the volunteer Board of Directors at Wild Horse Freedom Federation we would like to wish the very best to you and your family and friends; it is our most sincere hope that each and everyone of you have a veritable cornucopia of things to be thankful for…but we do ask one thing this day; don’t forget to give thanks for all of the other passengers aboard this planet earth, particularly our equine companions who give so very much more than they ever receive in return. Be thankful that we know the horses, donkeys, mules and burros as the world would be so very empty without the majesty and beauty provided to us by our four legged, hooved friends. Have a great, robust and bountiful day. Happy Thanksgiving!” ~ R.T.

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Wild Burros Vanishing From SoCal Hills

By Willian Avila and Tony Shin from Los Angeles Channel 4 “We have seen animals’ bones up there, where we’ve heard they were gutted and used for meat…” The mysterious disappearance of wild burros that roam the hills above Moreno Valley has rescuers wondering whether predators or thieves […]

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