Tag: wild burros

Madeleine Pickens’ Eco-RESORT?

When you read Madeleine Pickens letter to friends and supporters yesterday (9/11/2012), did any of you catch the fact that she called her planned Mustang Monument a “Wild Horse Eco-resort?” So when did this plan go from being a wild horse eco-sanctuary to an eco-resort?

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Call President Obama on Promise to Stop Horse Slaughter

Here at WHFF volunteer headquarters we are besieged with emails, calls, press interviews on the atrocity of 3 Congressman covertly working to bring foreign owned horse slaughter plants to the United States and we, have had enough. To echo our good friends at the Equine Welfare Alliance we are tired of mailing, faxing, calling our legislators only to get back canned and condescending responses, we are MAD and mad enough to do something about it, TODAY!

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Texas Wild Burros Getting Stubborn Allies

ALPINE — While it wasn’t exactly Occupy Wall Street, the indignation and hyperbolic class rhetoric sounded quite familiar when local residents met here recently to protest the killing of wild burros at the Big Bend Ranch State Park.

“The 1 percent are dictating policy, which is for the bighorn sheep. The 99 percent, the average people going to that park, are never going to see a sheep,” said Marjorie Farabee, founder of the Wild Burro Protection League and a Director of Wild Horse Freedom Federation.

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Sheryl Crow Pledges Help to Wild Horses via the Cloud Foundation

“As part of my summer-long touring commitment with Kid Rock, I am playing the Cheyenne Frontier Days Festival in Cheyenne, Wyoming. I am aware of the contrasting and very passionate opinions that people have about this event, and rodeos in general. In recognition of these differences, and out of my love for wild horses, a portion of the proceeds from the show will be donated to The Cloud Foundation http://www.thecloudfoundation.org/, an organization dedicated to the preservation of wild horses on public lands.” – Sheryl

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