Horse News

Your Wild Horse & Burro Letters to Washington DC!

An ALERT from Ginger Kathrens of the Cloud Foundation

Call the White House Thursday, September 13th!

Make the Call!!

Dear Wild Horse and Burro Freedom Fighters;

Remember all those postcards you mailed in to the Cloud Foundation over the past two years? Or the flyers and petitions you signed demanding a moratorium to roundups at events where I was speaking?

Well, tomorrow R.T. and Terry Fitch (Wild Horse Freedom Federation) and Jerry Finch (Habitat for Horses) will be hand carrying the Cloud Foundation mail as well as what (they have received (over 15,000 cards and letters!) to Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA). Congressman Moran will be giving your messages to the President.

Congressman Moran, a staunch supporter of our wild horses and burros, has a personal connection to Cloud’s herd. In 2009 we named a pretty little dun filly Madison in honor of the Congressman’s granddaughter, Madison. Madison, now a grulla filly, was captured in BLM’s bait trapping last month and adopted by Lisa Friday of near Richmond, Virginia. Ironically, Madison, the filly, arrived in Virginia today — the day before the Congressman receives your cards and letters.

Let’s hope that the heartfelt messages the Congressman delivers to the White House will finally put the plight of our mustangs and burros on President Obama’s radar, and that he will stop the wholesale elimination of animals that only want to live in freedom with their families on lands designated by Congress for their use!

Here’s what you can do to help get the President’s attention:

Please call the White House tomorrow (September 13) and tell the people who answer the phones:

I want President Obama to stop BLM from removing our wild horses and burros from their legally designated home ranges!

White House Comment Line: (202) 456-1111

Thanks for everything you do and continue to do. Keep up the fight. Trust we will never give up.

Happy Trails!

13 replies »

  1. Thank you so much for what you are doing. I hope it will bring home to the President in a new way how much our wild horses mean to us. God bless you all for trying so hard.


  2. RT Great show (Marti Oakley) Hopefully it informed more people about the horses.
    So glad people are writing letters & caring.
    Good luck tomorrow


  3. I wish you all the luck, I am sending you my strongest positive thoughts, things HAVE to turn around, As I wrote in my letter to Obama, ” besides beeing a President, he is a strong Familie man., You can see his love for Michel and for his two Daughters.”. Then I talked about the Horses, torn away from their Families, the Holding pens, $$$$$tax money”!!!! I also want to thank Congressman Jim Moran, I am praying for you., I am praying for the Horses, Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Horses are thanking you!!!


    • Dial 202-456-1414 and ask to leave a comment, the switchboard will transfer you to the 202-456-1111 and it took me about 5 min on hold to get a human to take my comments!


      • Patti…if you get a pick up (nonbusy), listen to the prompts….ALL THE WAY THROUGH….you will get a human who will type and send your message.

        I did.


    • It is frequently busy, but I got through after multiple redials and a ring with about a 3 minute hold with voice message saying stay with us until an operator is available.

      Operator came through and I made my points:

      (1) tell the Prez to accept the letters to the president (LTTP) from Congressman Moran of Virginia on behalf of wild equines and their advocates.

      (2) issue an Executive Order immediately halting all roundups pending independently verifiable population count and in the same intent of the partial Dream Act EO allowing some illegal immigrants residency.

      (3) I am a female veteran with active, Guard and Reserve service since 1973….do you want my name? Answer…No…we don’t take names.

      My operator was pleasant, professional and fun….and told me the Prez does read stuff from the comment line. I asked her to make sure the “gatekeepers” don’t keep this concern away from the Prez.

      I don’t think it was a radio station.

      BTW…Operator said they were getting lots of calls on this issue, so…KEEP CALLING AND RECALLING!!!!!!. Demand he accept the letters and issue an Executive Order to halt all roundups (contracts be damned).


  4. Yes, We have jammed the lines today !!!!I asked when i finally got through. i have gotten through 10 times, please remain calm you will get through !!!!!!!202-456-1111 Lets keep making a big STINK today !!!!!!!


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