The Force of the Horse

Videos: The Beauty of the Equine Spirit

A collection of Equine related videos

“‘Feel Good Sunday’ is a much needed commodity, this week.  We have been flanked by stupidity, egos and senselessness so it’s time to recharge our batteries as it is a busy week ahead of us.

These videos were forwarded by a good friend and we hope that you enjoy them as much as we did/do.

Hope you are well, my friends, and keep the faith.” ~ R.T.

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7 replies »

  1. i cannot think of a better way to wake up in the morning , then this !!!!! To see the Beauties we all Love and respect , having a little fun for a change !!! Thank You RT !!!!!!! !!!!


  2. I wish everyone would see this & kno the love horses bring to our hearts..minds..& souls! It is is is is a bond.
    Why would anybody want to harm them…it is beyond my comprehension. I love horses!!! To hell with all that wants to take away their freedom & slaughter them. Its not right..its not fair..its not just..its not American!


    • What an awesome genuine Passion you have for our Mustangs and horses, Please use it to Contact your State Rep and urge him to Co sponsor the Safe Act All of us Must take this passion we have and make the Safe Act Happen !!!!!


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