Horse News

Mohave County Supervisors to discuss SHOOTING WILD BURROS on Jan. 19th at 9:30 am in KINGMAN, AZ



Black Mountain wild burros (photo: Marjorie Farabee)

by Marjorie Farabee, Dir. of Wild Burro Affairs, Wild Horse Freedom Federation

Shooting our wild burros is not an option!   (ACTION ALERT BELOW)

The threat:

“District 5 Sup. Steve Moss is asking staff to contact the Bureau of Land Management to reduce the burro population to 817. One option is to seek legislation to allow state agencies to issue hunting permits to bring the population under control.  Another option is to file a lawsuit against BLM.”

However, the fact is:

The Bullhead Parkway is in between the burros and the river, where the burros need to get water to survive.


Map showing that Bullhead Parkway is in between the burros and the river.…

“Three burros were killed Dec. 27 in two separate incidents on the Bullhead Parkway.  Both drivers were unhurt but their cars were heavily damaged.  Another burro had to be euthanized after it collided with a car in February 2015, also on the Parkway.  A herd of about nine burros have recently been seen on the Parkway grazing on the side of the road and in the center median.”

The title of the article below should read: Supervisors vex wild burros!…/article_2f6ceeb0-b9c4-11e5…

ACTION ALERT:  What you can do:

Let the Mohave County Supervisors know that the burros are important to preserve.  Call them and politely explain why the burros should be protected.  Provide solutions.  Explain why the burros are important to protect.  Let them know about alternatives such as overpasses and underpasses to get to the Colorado river.  While these provisions are being built, they can provide stock tanks to keep the burros from crossing.

Those of you who live close to Kingman should go to this meeting and speak up for our burros.  The few remaining wild burros need you NOW.  Meeting Tuesday morning (1/19/16) at 9:30 a.m.

From the Mohave County Supervisor’s Agenda:

“Those wishing to address the Board at the Call to the Public regarding matters not on the Board agenda must fill out and submit to the Clerk a Call to the Public – Request to Speak Form located in the back of the room prior to the meeting. Action taken as a result of public comments will be limited to responding to criticism, referral to staff, or placing a matter on a future Agenda. Comments are restricted to items not on the Regular Agenda with the exception of the Consent Agenda, and must relate to matters within the jurisdiction of the Board.”

700 West Beale Street
Kingman, AZ 86402-7000

Clerk of the Board Ginny Anderson
Telephone (928) 753-0731
FAX(928) 753-0732                                                                                                                                                                                                      TDD– (928) 753-0726

District 1 Gary Watson (928) 753-0722
District 2 Hildy Angius (928) 758-0713
District 3 Buster D. Johnson (928) 453-0724
District 4 Jean Bishop (928) 753-8618
District 5 Steven Moss (928) 758-0739
Kingman, Arizona 86402-7000
Website –


59 replies »

  1. I read the comments on this article – apparently, this area has bighorn sheep! Ah yes, a species that brings in hunters & money! It seems there are water catchments for the sheep – but the burros are unable to get to them – therefore they cross the road! Also, sounds like these burros reproduce like the wild horses (per the BLM) Doubling numbers ever 4 years?????? So do burros have litters, too? The number system is the same!


  2. Are these people crazy!! I just called the supervisors office and told them how irresponsible that this was. I said I was tired of people making decisions like this when this land and the Wild Horses and Burros belong to all of us. I probably offended them when I said if this is the best so!ution you can come up with I feel sorry for you. How incompetent!! This mentality of ownership of the land and the animals has got to stop!! We complained about rounding them up and sending them to slaughter. So now let’s just Kill them outright. Sick, sick, suck!!?


    • Thanks… Gail, please keep up the pressure on these bureaucratic infidels !! They suffer “DC” envy … taking it out on the natural wildlife and bowing down to the “Big Horn” sheep lobbyist who truth to be known has supplied them with fancy cars and gourmet dinners to sway their votes !! I know just how the lobbyists works … they are evil without a sole !!!! God, did not put these creature here on earth and especially in the American West if he had not meant them to be there !! … We must not destroy the American West as we have had done so in the late 1800’s !!
      Once it is gone … there is no turning back ! One day we will live in isolated “pods” … just like living on > Mars or the Moon !! …. concerned from > Germany


  3. This article hit very close to home; I have enjoyed the wild burros ever since I chose to call this area “home.” In order to help prevent unnecessary hardship to these beautiful animals, lowering the speed limit to 40 mph would be a reasonable start. Currently, the existing speed limit is 55 mph (which translates to 60-65 mph) and the parkway is poorly lit for most of its length. Perhaps, the city could also consider better lighting…?! It appears that common sense is not so common.

    Liked by 1 person



  5. This should not even be an option, find a way to let the burros get water, build something going over the Parkway please do not destroy these majestic animals, they need to servive as do the wild horses, please give consideration to this issue. Thank you


  6. Please don’t just kill off our wild burros! We can do this a different way! In other countries they have built overpasses with vegetation to envoys their wildlife to cross over , instead of crossed through the rads and highways! We, as Americans have done this for wildlife to cross through and under the oil pipe lines in Alaska!


  7. Please save the Wild Horses and Burros! Do a petition at and include the horse and burro rescues such as Front Range, Wild Burro Preservation, Habitat for Horses etc.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Why can’t you find a solution to work together to save the burros. It’s wrong to kill cause of pride and greed. It’s wrong to cut off there water supply cause of anger, greed, pride. You have to know it’s wrong. Let go save them. Find a solution. Killing innocent animals for your pride and anger is wrong. Find a solution.
    It’s wrong to kill…

    Liked by 1 person

  9. 11th Hour for Arizona’s Wild Burros
    OpEd by Marjorie Farabee ~Director of Wild Burro Affairs at Wild Horse Freedom Federation
    May 1, 2015

    The burros have never had it easy with our government agencies. The fox is guarding the hen house when it comes to protections for this nation’s icons of our pioneering past. They are symbols of our culture and living natural icons of our pioneering history. Yet, our own governmental agency which is tasked with protecting our wild burros and horses, because of this important connection to our past, is cavalierly managing them to extinction without remorse.

    The Black Mountain HMA is presently 1.1 million acres, but if developers of wind, gas, and agriculture have their way this HMA will soon be reduced and all the wildlife living on it will suffer. In the BLM count of 2013 the burro population came to just over 700 animals, yet they would have us believe that the population has grown to a whopping 1600-1800 burros in one short year and a half. This means even the jacks are having twins and they are all immortal.

    Recently, Simone Netherlands, representing Respect4Horses (R4H), and myself, representing Wild Horse Freedom Federation (WHFF), joined up to attend both scoping meetings being held by the BLM in Kingman and Bullhead City, AZ. The BLM’s presentation of damage caused by wild burros was lacking in scientific data or actual observation from reputable studies. They simply showed a photo zeroed in on a small area that would have some plants which were grazed or damaged. This was their “proof” that wild burros were damaging the desert. When the HMA was set up in 1974 there were over 2000 burros living easily on this land. Now, the number allowed has been reduced to a mere 478 burros for this vast HMA. Meanwhile cattle are grazed with well over 5000 acknowledged as grazing on the land. At the scoping meetings held by the BLM at both Bullhead City and Kingman the public was told the entire HMA was degraded by burros. Of course, no cattle were mentioned as being detrimental. In fact, I had to pry an acknowledgement that cattle were even present on the HMA out of the BLM representative. Roger Oyler then answered questions I had about the mapping. He confirmed that the ruling in WY concerning wild horses on checkerboard land gave them the right to remove the checker boarded areas from the Black Mountain HMA. He further explained the yellow area west of Kingman, called Golden Valley, will also be taken from the HMA. Neither he nor Chad Benson would give us the targeted number of burros in their sites for removal from the Black Mountain HMA.

    At these meetings the public was not allowed to ask questions in an open forum. We were asked to walk up to individual representatives of the BLM and ask our questions privately thus denying the attending public access to the concerns raised by the question, or the answers provided. The public would have been saddened to learn that the BLM is planning to not only reduce the number of wild burros by an unspecified amount, they are planning to reduce the size of the HMA as well.

    Another issue brought up was the burros crossing 95 in Bullhead City. The area where they are crossing is still legally a part of the Black Mountain HA and provides direct access to the Colorado River which is an important water source for the burros and all other wildlife in the area. (That 10-mile strip is STILL legally designated (by 1971 Congress) for wild horses and burro. It is still HA (Herd Area) land. “Wild horses and burros are supposed to be treated as “components of the public lands”. 16 U.S.C. § 1333(a) The law is clear that “wild free-roaming horses and burros shall be protected from capture, branding, harassment, or death” and entitled to roam free on public lands where they were living at the time the Act was passed in 1971. 16 U.S.C. § 1331 These legally protected areas are known as “herd areas,” and are defined as “the geographic area identified as having been used by a herd as its habitat in 1971.” 43 C.F.R. § 4700.0-5(d).” – Animal Law Coalition (available online) Rather than provide passage over or under the HWY they have decided to zero out the burros in the area. These provisions could have been made when the roadways were under construction. Now, resulting collisions with burros are providing an excuse for their removal from the area. Moreover, “There is no authority for BLM’s “herd management areas” under WFRHBA. The BLM has authorized itself to divide herd areas into “herd management areas“, something not authorized by WFRHBA. 43 CFR 4710.3-1. In this way, with no statutory authority at all, BLM has limited wild horses and burros’ access to thousands of acres that were historically their herd areas. This is done without thought about the horses’ seasonal migration patterns or available resources. The BLM then removes wild horses and burros from the artificially created “herd management areas” on the basis there is insufficient forage, water or habitat! BLM also targets them for removal if they cross the artificial boundaries into their original herd areas.” Animal Law Coalition (available online)

    As we delve deeper into the reasons for the inflated new burro numbers and safety accusations toward the burros we are finding reports about wind development with several projects in the works and others moving through the approval process. Other contributors are proposed agricultural development which along with wind development will further deplete already depleted water resources. It is important to note, that the Black Mountain HMA boasts the largest population of bighorn sheep in the nation. In fact, it is well documented that the hunting clubs have long wanted burros removed from habitat where bighorn sheep reside, citing resource conflicts as their reason for wanting them removed.

    As we traveled hundreds of miles through the Black Mountain HMA exploring, what we saw was a beautiful desert full of life and forage. Burros were scarce, but friends in the area will continue to dig into the fitness of the range for me while WHFF continues its investigation into the real reason large sections of the HMA are about to be stripped away from these mountain canaries. What a lovely song I heard as I stayed during the night listening to the burros call each other through the mountains.

    Each voice was different and ethereal as the sound echoed through the mountain. It was magical. It saddens me to know that their song may soon be quiet and never heard again if special interests get their way. My history and culture are worth fighting for, and these burros deserve to be considered as a part of these lands now and forever more. They earned it.

    Thank you for helping the burros stay free!


    • Louie, the WY Checkerboard ruling is being appealed, and the judge in that ruling relied on a complete misconstruction of the 1981 case law on which her ruling relied. The 1981 MSLF v. Andrus ruling was never about removing wild horses from PUBLIC lands at all, and did not rule contrary to existing laws, so it won’t stand under appeal if there is any honesty left in our legal system. It is a weak footing on which to claim a “right” to remove wild burros from public land elsewhere. If done, this will surely be appealed as illegal as well.

      “He confirmed that the ruling in WY concerning wild horses on checkerboard land gave them the right to remove the checker boarded areas from the Black Mountain HMA.”


  10. I think this explains it all:

    «Moss added […] The burros have an impact on native wildlife such as bighorn sheep, quail and mule deer by eating vegetation as well as damaging the desert habitat.»

    Yet, nobody seems to be concerend about accidents caused by deer crosing the road. In fact, the problem is that the parkway was incorrectly designed from the beginning. If wildlife crossing was a safety concern, why didn’t they build an underpass to begin with? The more I read, the more I think there are way too many folks out there with a sick desire for shooting up everything that moves… perhaps they should be getting a PS4 to shoot stuff up… or check with an endocrinologist for hormonal dysfunction.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Why don’t they fix under hiway access. Burros are smart enough to find them. To offer hunting them is like offering hunting and killing your favorite dog.. I don’t know who is thinking up this crap, but they need to do a better job of it. I am a rancher in Oklahoma and I still think this attitude stinks.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I have posted many articles other countries have used, to reflective paint – to over and under animal crossings – to flashing signs—they simply don’t want to solve the problem in any other way than shooting these animals.


  13. Mojave County/Hunting & Fishing

    Most people are aware of the huge economical impact that recreational boating has in Mohave County, but did you ever wonder just how much of an impact that hunting and fishing has on the local economy?

    According to a study done by Arizona State University under Dr. Jonathan Silberman, Phd., the impacts are tremendous. Hunting and fishing are a very important source of revenue to many businesses in the Mohave Region
    The study showed that trip expenditures just for fishing trips for one year in Mohave County were $74,516,507.

    BIG GAME HUNTING opportunities for sportsmen in the county include desert bighorn sheep, javelina, turkeys, elk, and mule deer.

    Mohave County is also home to the largest lknown herd of DESERT BIGHORN SHEEP
    in Arizona, which is found in the Black Mountains located along the western boundary of the county.


    • Louie, your comments make me wonder if Bighorn Sheep had to cross the highway to access water, would they also subjected to the barbaric “solution” proposed here? In a country where it is not uncommon for any unwanted animal to be trapped and released elsewhere (even including mice!) how can such a proposal even be considered a legitimate “management” option? One hopes as water dries up in AZ, people don’t also cross the highway looking for water.

      Liked by 1 person

      • IcySpots, it is apparent that some folks just see Public Lands and Wildlife as a capital venture:
        Having been in on the discussion (with other WH&B people) at local BLM meetings, this is what I have heard.
        ” the thing that would help endear Wild Horse & Burro advocates to members of this committee would be to bring money to the table”.


      • Louie, we already are, around $80 million annually from taxpayers as I recall, just for the BLM management program, not USFS or additional DOI expenses related to wild horse management. What are we getting for our dollars? Do BLM employee salaries not also provide income “on the table” for many? Blind spots everywhere.


      • IcySpots, you are EXACTLY right. That point is brought up, but usually dismissed during the course of the meeting, as the discussion usually leads to the “what to do about all of the WH&B” and “how much the WH&B program costs the taxpayers”. I urge everyone to join in on the BLM RAC meetings and Experimental Stewardship meetings. It is an educational experience


      • And exactly what they want? A compensation for letting the horses and burros stay in their legally designated habitats? Looks like blackmail to me (although paying compensation in exchange of stopping the roundups would be better than BLM’s current wild horse stockpiling program).


  14. So I got to talk with someone by the name of Nancy McLain who is the Administrative Assistant to Steve Moss. She assured me that there’s no plan to have the burros hunted. She emailed a transcript of what Moss wrote to someone — I forgot who:

    “No one truly wants to hunt Burros, including the board of supervisors. And even if we did, neither the local nor stare government currently appear to have the power to issue permits.

    What we want is BLM to come up with a solution, regardless of what it might be. We are hoping that the “shock” value of the agenda item will motivate the BLM to direct the funding required towards adoption, sterilization, removal and relocation, fencing, etc. programs. To date, they’ve only engaged in token efforts. This has resulted in the herd growing past sustainable levels. It is hurting the habitat and endangering both the public and indigenous species.

    If something is not done, someone will be killed. If something is not done, the native populations of big horn sheep, mule deer, songbirds and quail will be further reduced.

    BLM has installed fencing in LHC and we’re hoping they’ll do the same in BHC and the adjacent river area. But even if they do that, it will solve only the risks to the human population. It will not solve the problem associated with Burros driving out the native species from the habitat. The only way to prevent that is to get the local Burro population back to around a sustainable 800, not the 1800 or so that currently exist locally.

    We have the largest Burro herd in the USA. There is plenty of BLM land they can relocate the Burros to. I hope the BLM does that, or anything else, to get the local numbers under control as the current population is out of whack from what the habitat can support and is threatening public safety as the numbers are forcing the Burros to expand their range into BHC and occupied subdivisions.

    The only issue I would take exception to in your email is the comment that Burros are meant to be here. They are not. They are a fairly recent import. And like introducing new species into most environments, they have no natural predators to keep the herd down (not even wolves can effectively hunt burros). Too many Burros are upsetting the ecological balance. We and the habitat can handle 800 or so. We and the habitat cannot handle thousands (as the herd size will double every 4 years).

    Anyway I thank you for your comments (you wouldn’t believe how few actually email their elected officials, it is nice to get input). If I could ask you, would you please contact BLM and ask them to take steps to manage the local Burro population without the need for hunting? If they don’t act, people (and Burros) will die as we have several Burro deaths along the Parkway in the last week and have had multiple accidents.”


  15. Here are some things that I take issue with in Steve Moss’s email:

    “What we want is BLM to come up with a solution, regardless of what it might be.”
    “We the People” have the say (or at least supposed to) when it comes to the management of our public lands, wild horses, burros, and other forms of wildlife. If these so-called “solutions” are not in line with our principles, they shouldn’t be implemented.

    “We are hoping that the “shock” value of the agenda item will motivate the BLM to direct the funding required towards adoption, sterilization, removal and relocation, fencing, etc. programs.”
    The public is flat-out against the permanent sterilization of our wild horses and burros. Some of us might give consideration to PZP birth control as it’s reversible, but GonaCon is not something to be utilized unless we want to witness their extinction. Also, by the National Academy of Sciences own admission, removals may increase population growth.

    “If something is not done, someone will be killed.”
    Well then, enforce the law. Get people to stop texting on their damn smartphones while they’re driving. Plus, take preventative measures. Install animal crossings with flashing lights.

    “If something is not done, the native populations of big horn sheep, mule deer, songbirds and quail will be further reduced.”
    Is there any proof that wild burros are endangering the well-being of other wildlife? Yes? No?

    “The only way to prevent that is to get the local Burro population back to around a sustainable 800, not the 1800 or so that currently exist locally.”
    I read that there were over 2,000 burros in the area around the time the Wild Free-Roaming Wild Horses and Burros Act of 1971 was passed (if this is incorrect, please correct me and add sources to your comment). If that’s so, how come they can only support 800 burros now?

    “The only issue I would take exception to in your email is the comment that Burros are meant to be here. They are not.”
    That’s for the American public to decide Steve, not the government. With all due respect, it’s your job to cast aside your personal agenda and serve us.

    “And like introducing new species into most environments, they have no natural predators to keep the herd down (not even wolves can effectively hunt burros).”
    Does anyone know if mountain lions prey of burros? We know they do on horses. And it doesn’t make much sense to bring wolves to the table as there is no record of wolf predation on wild horses and burros in the US (again, please correct me if I’m wrong).

    Anyone else have anything to say in response to his claims?


    • Starry,

      Some good responses. I would add that the question if burros “belonging” was decided in 1971 is not on the table at all. Also that if people don’t want to die on the highway, they need to quit driving, which is the riskiest behavior any of us engage in just about any time. If all the burros were removed, people would still die on the highways from other wildlife (as you noted) or from sheer stupidity (as you also noted). Blaming burros for human behavior is beyond reasonable.

      Other solutions could and should be explored, since the burros are not seeking to kill drivers but merely to access water, surely there are safe ways to provide that, or access to the river. It’s interesting to think the burros don’t want to kill people for the inconvenience their overpopulation causes burros, but the reverse is certainly true.

      Reinstating predators like Mountain Lions would be a benefit as well. We pay our government to kill off predators to protect livestock, so the populations of wildlife no longer preyed on by them is also a result of human manipulation, not natural selection. Burros are indeed natural prey of Mtn. Lions but I wonder how many they actually kill. Mules and burros are both used to protect other livestock herds from predators.

      Some good Mtn. Lion info here:


  16. “Wanton Waste” laws may be applicable here.

    Wanton waste means, “to intentionally waste something negligently or inappropriately.” This term is used in relation to hunting. Most states have laws to the effect that a person may not wantonly waste or destroy a usable part of a protected wild animal unless authorized. No person shall waste a wild bird or wild animal that has been wounded or killed while hunting. Any act that results in wanton or needless waste of the animal or otherwise intentionally allows it or an edible portion thereof to be wantonly or needlessly wasted or fails to dispose it in a reasonable and sanitary manner amounts to an offense that is punishable.

    The following are examples of Federal and State (Maine) Statute on Wanton Waste:

    50 CFR 20.25 Wanton waste of migratory game birds.

    No person shall kill or cripple any migratory game bird pursuant to this part without making a reasonable effort to retrieve the bird, and retain it in his actual custody, at the place where taken or between that place and either (a) his automobile or principal means of land transportation; or (b) his personal abode or temporary or transient place of lodging; or (c) a migratory bird preservation facility; or (d) a post office; or (e) a common carrier facility.

    According to 12 M.R.S. § 11224, a person may not waste a wild bird or wild animal that has been wounded or killed by that person while hunting. For purposes of this section, “waste” means to intentionally leave a wounded or killed animal in the field or forest without making a reasonable effort to retrieve and render it for consumption or use. A person who violates this section commits a Class E crime.

    Also of interest, the AZ Game & Fish bulletins which list many different species under “living with wildlife” publications. Perhaps they should add one for burros.


  17. Burros Inadvertently Save Life Of Hiker Lost In Death Valley National Park
    By NPT Staff on May 14th, 2015

    This past Tuesday, around 10 a.m., the man was found roughly five miles from his vehicle and to the east of the dune complex.
    “The man reportedly set out alone for a day hike on the morning of Tuesday, May 5th, and became disoriented. Unable to find his way back to his vehicle, he followed a group of burros to a watering hole where he subsisted until rescue arrived,” the district ranger reported.


  18. Wild burros are a part of out WESTERN Heritage.
    There are alternatives to killing them.
    Please don’t.
    Burros are loving and intelligent.
    They deserve our respect and protection.
    Thank you.


  19. Click to access bighorn.pdf

    «One of the most persistent concerns in the management of the Pryor Mountain wild horse population is whether or not the horses compete with native bighorn sheep for available forage or available space. Two studies have been conducted that have shown no obvious, convincing competition between the two species. A study of diets and habitat-use of both species revealed substantial diet overlap only during some seasons, but there was considerable spatial and habitat separations between horses and bighorns during all seasons (Kissell et al. 1996).»

    So much for Moss saying wild equines “impact” bighorn.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Daniel, I have wondered if wild burros alert sheep to the presence of hunters, which might explain their animosity. Donkeys and mules are widely used as guardian animals in domestic herds for their vigilance and responses to threats.


      • Frankly I have no idea but the study mentions they tend to avoid each other… so perhaps they just just want to remove the burros thinking that there will be more forage available for bighorn and mule deer and their numbers will grow, or it is just another episode of the wild horse hater “they are pests” mentality.


  20. The area of land that is Bullhead City was a part of the original HA. A whole three mile wide section running down the bank of the river was carved away. It is glutenous inconsideration for the natural world that city planners would not include wildlife in their infrastructure planning. The land, that was once set aside for the principal use by our wild horses and burros, means the burros needs should have been included in all city planning. The knowledge that they were building where protected wild burros live should have made the burro’s access to water an imperative.

    Groups like the Sierra Club are primarily hunting clubs. This means their “conservation” is conservation to protect game, not wildlife. For years the Sierra Club has disseminated false information about burros that other “conservation” groups have adopted. The management of wildlife to conserve game species is not balanced. This type of management is not concerned with the symbiotic relationships between species and their environment. They just want a bigger rack.’In the end, these ecosystems will collapse. This is already happening, yet they blame the burros.

    There are wise voices that are practicing Holistic Range Management on their ranches with remarkable results. My friend Christopher Gill manages his 32,000 acre ranch holistically. He shares a property line with Diablo Wildlife Management area where they manage primarily for bighorn deer. Aerial views comparing both properties tell the whole story of the value of animal diversity in restoring damaged lands. The Diablo WMA is desertified and in poor condition while on Christopher’s land the grasses have returned and the soils retain water and team with the microbes of life. His property is alive and teaming with wildlife He allows nature to take its course and has added burros, llama’s and cattle to mimic the indigenous species that were here. He does not kill predators, and he times the grazing of his cattle leases. He uses them to mimic the movement of buffalo across the prairies, and it works. This article is well written and shows a better way.

    Liked by 1 person

    Jun 25 2015

    Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) sent a letter to U.S. Department of Interior Director Sally Jewell this week urging the agency to address problems with managing the exploding burro herd population in Mohave County, which are damaging lands from over-grazing, harming other wildlife, and causing numerous car accidents in the area
    “The Interior Department’s mismanagement of the [Black Mountain Burro Herd Management Plan] has resulted in significant unintended consequences for Mohave County,” writes Senator McCain. “For example, burros have devastated the areas’ natural resources by over-grazing the land, which has subsequently harmed native wildlife like quail, rabbits, and doves. Furthermore, burros have migrated into residential neighborhoods in search of food, posing a significant public safety hazard to the community. In just over two years’ time, the burros have been responsible for 24 car accidents in Bullhead City, Arizona… I strongly believe that any update to the Black Mountain HMA must address public safety and natural resources concerns.”


    • Outstanding…. what a brilliant bunch of geniuses you guys have in DC. Burros now also kill doves and rabbits… guess they are also responsible for inflation and war in Syria.


  22. Oak Flat: The Latest Land Grab From Native Americans
    By Dave Johnson

    Another example of this happened in last year’s National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015. On page 1,103 of the 1,648-page bill is a provision giving more than 2400 acres of land in Arizona’s Tonto National Forest to Resolution Copper, which is part of London-based Rio Tinto and Melbourn-based BHP Billiton, giant mining companies. This was done by Arizona Republican
    Senators JOHN McCAIN and
    JEFF FLAKE and
    Rep. PAUL GOSAR.


  23. Well the people in Michigan are getting tainted water to save money. Perhaps here we can show some humanity for even nonhumans and if you are goung to block their way to the water, try an alternate route for them, or PROVIDE WATER ON THE OTHER SIDE. Good grief, this might even result in a few jobs for humans, and then EVERYONE WILL FEEL BETTER. Pretty sure the burros will. Maybe you can get a car insurance company to sponsor it. Wouldn’t that be fun?


  24. for every permit given to hunters to kill these animals give the same permits to others protect these animals, or let the Mohave supervisors, men and women who are making theses decisions go out and kill and brag on how many they killed, you people get paid big money to sit in an office to these decisions, you get off your butts and KILL the animals, blood on you hands


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