Tag: Bob Abbey

Department of Interior’s “Where Are They Now?”

SOURCE:  PPJ Gazette by Debbie Coffey Copyright 2013/ All Rights Reserved. ________________________________________________________________ “But two of the highest-ranking officials who were subjects of the investigations will apparently escape penalty. Both retired during the investigation, rendering them safe from any administrative punishment, and the Justice Department has declined to prosecute […]

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Head Fed of Wild Horse Harvesting Machine to Pull Plug

WASHINGTON, DC – Bureau of Land Management Director Robert Abbey announced today that he will retire from public service at the end of May to rejoin his family full-time in Mississippi. Appointed by President Obama in 2009, Director Abbey’s three-year tenure in leadership of the nation’s largest land management agency marks the culmination of a 34 year career of state and federal service.

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BLM Seeks Bids for New Type of Contracts to Remove Protected Wild Horses for Replacement with Private Cattle on Pubic Lands

As part of its responsibility to manage and protect wild horses and burros, the Bureau of Land Management, in collaboration with the USDA Forest Service (FS), is soliciting bids for several contracts that will help manage wild horses and burros located across the western United States. The contracts are for a new bait trapping method that is intended to relieve areas of excess wild horses and burros where helicopter drive trapping is not an effective method. The bids are the first of their kind, in that they involve six zones across the West, with a potential for multiple contractors simultaneously bait trapping animals over an extended period of time.

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BLM Allegedly Approves $300,000 for Wild Horse & Burro Projects

(Unedited) ~As part of the Bureau of Land Management’s ongoing effort to engage volunteers in the stewardship of U.S. public lands, BLM Director Bob Abbey announced today that he has approved nearly $300,000 in the current fiscal year for 12 projects aimed at improving Western rangeland conditions where wild horses and burros roam. The on-the-ground work will also support the BLM’s forthcoming strategy to put its national Wild Horse and Burro Program on a sustainable path, as called for by the Government Accountability Office and members of Congress.

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Salazar, Obama’s BLM Stick It to the Wild Horses, Burros and the American Public

While trusting Americans calmly slept all snug in their beds dreaming of freedom, blue skies, green grass and the thundering of distance hooves the grotesquely distorted and immoral monster, known as the Department of the Interior (DoI), was plotting on collusive and divisive ways to kill off the national icon of American freedom and independence, the wild horses and burros of the western United States.

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BLM Boss Bob Abbey Plays Congress

Bob Abbey, the Director of the BLM, claims his primary job is promoting the wild horse and burro program and securing funds for the program. But do his omissions and deceptions of the program deserve the Americans’ tax dollars? The wild horse and burro program was to protect our wild horses and burros on the range as our symbols of freedom. It was not to tear them away from their lands, families, bands and to commit them as prisoners to flat, barren corrals.

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Obama’s Wild Horse and Burro Gangsta Dance

Pull up a bucket, light a smoke and groove with the dancen stylings of da Prez, his right hand man DoI Secretary Kenny Salazar and big, bad Bobby A, Director of the cattle rustlen, oil guzzling, wild horse wranglen BLM. Light your doobies and take a long drag as these three dance, shuck and jive with elation over pulling the wool over the public’s eyes and steal 10s of millions of dollars to kill, capture and hold as prisoners 10s of thousands of native wild horses, illegally, while the music plays and the world looks the other way.

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